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New Pictures!!
Feb 2, 2010 by sylonbroadsides

Hey guys, I found some soap shoes pictures and thought I'd make a thread for them since no moderators are uploading photos anymore. Check 'em!



Feb 8, 2010sylonbroadsides

I think both photographs have cleans lol

Feb 8, 2010Brad

That's rad. I take it it's you in the pics?

Feb 8, 2010sylonbroadsides

lol nah I haven't soaped in about two months

Feb 9, 2010Brad

You should start soaping again then lol. Whos in the pic then?

Feb 9, 2010sylonbroadsides

lmao I know, it's just that I wanna soap with my friends. It's a shame none of them really soap anymore though.

I have no clue, I searched "Soap Shoes" on photobucket and found it haha

Feb 9, 2010Brad

lol, cool. I should start taking some pics, once i start getting good though. lol.

Feb 17, 2010sylonbroadsides

Here's a picture of me soaping in school:


I was just checking to see if it was grindable, and my friend took a pic without me knowing.

Feb 17, 2010Brad

That's one empty looking school. Lol, but it's cool anyways, I really need to get some pics taken.

Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

it's a bad place, no one would want to go there.

Fun fact for you, I'm grinding outside the girls locker room ;)

Feb 22, 2010Timuukun

I have one online...I'll get to uploading a few more.


This is also a school grind--right outside my school's lunchroom. My lit teacher chewed me out when this hit Facebook, though.
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