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Who Wants Asides?
Feb 8, 2010 by sylonbroadsides

Hey guys,

How many of your friends would want a pair of Asides or AT LEAST BROADSIDES?

Try to make a list here of people that are interested, and have them sign the soap petition as well.

We need to keep moving guys, otherwise this is going to die out.

Feb 9, 2010Brad

Including me, I know like 4 or 5 people to would want em. Hell, any kind of soap shoe would satisfy them.

Feb 17, 2010sylonbroadsides

We're going to need a little more than that.

Feb 17, 2010Brad

Haha, that's true

Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

wow, no one wants asides

Feb 21, 2010Brad

Those hooligans.

Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

No one reads my threads!!!!!!

Feb 21, 2010Kooksoaper13

what do we want... A-SIDES, and when do we want them?... NOW

Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

Yes, now lets go to HSL headquarters haha

Feb 21, 2010Brad

Now we're talking.

Feb 21, 2010Brad

Btw, on the facebook soap page I linked this site, the soap petition and the "contact us" heelys page. Just for shits and giggles ;)

Feb 21, 2010Timuukun

I need to "become a fan" of that facebook page pronto.

BTW, anything going on with our master plan to appeal HSL? Renny basically told me not to, but I still want to make that phone call!

Double BTW: I totally forgot in the heat of the Broadside auction, but I talked with a financial advisor who's a friend of the family recently, about what might be an effective strategy for negotiations. He gave me a lot of suggestions about info we would want to dig up before we entered into serious talks, but it's a lot of info, so I don't know whether I should post all of it. Anyone up for a long paragraph of technical stuff?

Feb 21, 2010Brad

If you feel like posting it.

Feb 21, 2010Timuukun

Sure, I don't mind. Keep in mind, it's probably not possible to find out most of this stuff, but here's what he told me would give us a good handle on understanding HSL's corporate situation (which would give us a real leg-up in negotiations):

1) It's absolutely essential that we know the fate of the original moulds and production equipment. It's probably safe to assume that HSL still has the moulds for Expresses, Chaos/Nitro, Scam, and T-Bone (since they were the ones who designed and produced those shoes), but the fate of the Broadside/A-Side moulds and equipment is less clear. IF HSL still had the moulds and owned all the machinery necessary to produce Broadsides/A-Sides, it wouldn't be prohibitively expensive to dust off the old moulds and start a new run. However, as often happens with mergers and acquisitions, it's possible that HSL only bought the SOAP name and patents, and the moulds/equip is now lost to the blue mists of time. If THAT's the case, then it's a whole different ballgame.

2) (This involves some economic theory) If I accurately remember what I was told, any economic venture (such as a new run of SOAPs, for instance) has a high initial cost, which must be amortized before the venture can turn a profit. In the case of production and assembly lines, there is a "magic number" of shoes that would have to be produced and sold before the costs are amortized. However, every shoe sold after the "magic number" has been reached is highly profitable. So, it would give us a real advantage in negotiations if we could find out what the "magic number" would be in the case of a new production run--that would give us a sense of how many shoes they would need to sell, and how close we come, as a community, to meeting that number.

3) It is also equally important to know what HSL's liability situation is. First, we'd need to find out just what type of corporation HSL is; the situation changes depending on whether it's a joint-stock corporation or a limited liability corporation (LLC) or whatever. Even though HSL produces a much-derided product that injures hundreds of kids each year, let's be realistic: SOAPs are MUCH more dangerous, and my advisor friend thinks that they might be hesitant because their asses aren't covered in case of a huge lawsuit. So it'd be good to know exactly how liable they are, to what extent is the individual liable, and also if they can get any insurance against such lawsuits. The economy has changed radically since 2003, and it's quite possible that liability insurance has become prohibitively expensive in the 7 years that have elapsed, and no corporation with a brain is going to produce a dangerous item without some sort of liability coverage.

That's what I remember of our conversation. Sorry if it's too dense. But if anyone knows anything about the moulds, the economics, or the current legal situation with HSL, tell me. If we could have answers to all those questions, we'd be in a very strong position.

Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

Renny and I have proof that HSL does have all the original molds dyes, and EVERYTHING.

Especially the broadside molds. The reason why Asides are not possible is because only size 9 asides exist, so there are only size 9 molds for the Asides.

Also, people were well aware of the risks of soap shoes. if you check the sssoapshop website, there are interviews with shops that sell soap shoes mentioning how well soap has mentioned that it is dangerous. People still wanted to soap, however

HSL does allow the public to buy stocks, click on investor relations on their website and you can check out their stocks.

Furthermore, HSL has not had very good stock relations since the summer of 2006. That was the height of heelys popularity, and was worth 40 dollars per stock. Today, heelys is worth less than 2 dollars per stock.

Naturally, the company MUST do something different or they will no longer be around.

Feb 21, 2010Timuukun

Ok, that's great. The moulds exist, that much is a great plus. I looked up their stock and financial statements, but-not gonna lie-it confuses me, so I'll see if my financial advisor friend can interpret anything based on it. It looks like they're a simple publicly traded company with a ~$2 stock on the NASDAQ, which I'm inclined to think is worse for our position, because even despite the low price, it implies a higher degree of accountability to the investor (always a hiccough when trying to push a new product).

I understand that *people* are aware of the risks of soaping, but, stepping into HSL's liability mentality, I'd still see a high danger of legal action. Despite all the disclaimers, it's still far to easy to make the case that the company had a duty, that duty was breached, and a harm resulted (not saying any of US would ever think of a soaping accident as anything other than our own darn fault, just trying to think like a corporate suit). But...I mean, worst case scenario: someone manages to pull a class action suit for, like, a rash of deaths or paralyses (unfortunately, not an entirely impossible situation, given who HSL markets to primarily), and win a huge settlement. HSL is screwed if that happens--not to the same extent as if it was a private corporation and each member was jointly and severally liable, but still, it would likely drive them into bankruptcy, if not out of business altogether. Just saying, there's that to consider when thinking our strategy through.

What we still need, though, is a profitability model of some kind. Anyone know anything about the initial cost of starting a production run of this kind, or where information of that type might be found? I think the profitability argument would be our strongest one, IF, and ONLY IF we could make it work--guaranteeing anyone a profit is a staunch motivator, and we would provide the advertising.

Feb 21, 2010Brad

Lol, wall of text makes my head spin. I understand it though. But for the whole injury coverage thing, isn't that why those warning stickers put on the plates? Or am I missing something.

Feb 21, 2010Brad

Lol, wall of text makes my head spin. I understand it though. But for the whole injury coverage thing, isn't that why those warning stickers put on the plates? Or am I missing something.

Feb 21, 2010Timuukun

Well, in theory, that's what the stickers and disclaimers are all for. The company wants to draw as bright a line as possible between YOUR actions and THEIR responsibility--hence the "Serious injury or death may result!" stickers.

The problem is, the courts have not always upheld those disclaimers in the case of a large class action lawsuit (that is, a lawsuit filed by one lawyer on behalf of everyone affected by a problem, which anyone with a legit claim can take a piece of, if it's resolved in the plaintiff's favor. Think about all those asbestos lawsuits a few years back--same idea). It's just too easy to make the claim that the company had a duty to protect the safety of its customers, that duty was breached, and a serious harm resulted; and if I was a lawyer representing HSL or a member of the board of directors, I wouldn't feel comfortable making a product known to be more dangerous even than the infamous Heelys without some SERIOUS indemnification (costs $$$, bad for us). It all boils down to this: we need to make HSL think that they're getting a sure-fire profit with low risk and costs.

Is that a little clearer?

Feb 21, 2010Brad

You bet.

Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

I still say we should make a list of people who'd want asides...

Where the hell did everyone go? Everyone is gone.

Feb 22, 2010Timuukun

Brad and I are still here, I think. I know I can't leave this site alone for more than a day at a time without feeling withdrawal symptoms.

But let's not let this die out, folks. Keep up the interest in A-Sides, and let's keep trying to dig up some of this info! We have a chance to win this, but it has to be done soon and we have to have a strong case.

Feb 22, 2010Kooksoaper13

I wouldnt mind any soap shoes as a matter of fact

Feb 22, 2010Brad

What Kook said.

Feb 24, 2010sylonbroadsides

I think I'm going to give a call to HSL today. This is seriously a waste, there's so many people who wants soap shoes.

Feb 24, 2010Brad

Do it up.

Feb 24, 2010Revengasaur

Hey, still here dudes. I gotta say, I respect the shit out of you guys... you've got it together. My living situation is a little bit hectic at the moment, but just remember I'm still around. Count me in your ranks.

Feb 24, 2010Timuukun

@Revengasaur: Thanks, dude! Means a lot to me, at least. Just remember, you rock too and I sure hear you about life being hectic.

@Travis: Any luck with that HSL call? Keep us posted!

Feb 24, 2010Brad

I can't stop thinking about what their response is going to be. If you can Travis, put it on speakerphone or something and try to record it.

Feb 25, 2010blakeashake

I would love soap shoes just as much as all of you would. But I remember the last time this same exact thing happened. We have already tried once to get them in production again, and after everyone who wanted them got the shoes it all just kind of died. We got them to start remaking the Expresses, but that was with way more people than what we have now. I don't think we have a shot unless someone here has a lot of money to put into this. And HSL is a corporation they wont listen to just us, we need businesses willing to put soaps in their stores as well as people we know who want them. We need commercials on major television networks and billboards in a bunch of cities. We need to centralize the demand to a different location than just this forum, possibly a new website focused only on the rebirth of Soap Shoes. If we could get Advertisements and lead them all back to one place like a website, we would then have the numbers to tell us and HSL if Soaps would make it again. But we wont be able to do anything without money or somebody who has money to invest with.

Feb 25, 2010blakeashake

Organization is the key to this all! We can't act until we have done all of our homework and research. We can't treat this as a bunch of teenagers/young adults trying to get some shoes put back on the market. We need to treat this as kind of a business strategy or we need to find people who will treat it this way, because that is the only way HSL could possibly listen to us.

Feb 25, 2010blakeashake

A corporation cares only about revenue. They pretend to care for the consumers to only save their own asses. If this is going to happen we all need to work together as a team, but i honestly do not believe this will happen without the money to put into it.

Feb 25, 2010blakeashake

This is the only practical way to do this with HSL's current financial situation.

Feb 25, 2010Brad

That's sorta the purpose of this thread, to try and got more people into soaping. I agree with you though. It's gonna be though. I'm just really curious as to what they said to Travis.

Feb 26, 2010Timuukun

What he said.

And that's exactly why I posted those paragraphs of exposition--if we know those three things, we're a LOT closer to having a business strategy.

I'm still working on figuring out the capital involved with starting a production run...I'm sure the info must be out there, but I'm having a hard time finding it (or interpreting it, rather. I may have found it and not know what it is).

Feb 26, 2010blakeashake

We we cant act off of what has already been found. We have to start fresh and do it all our selves ya know what I'm saying? we just need people who are down to do what ever is necessary but none of this will be done with out spending some money.

Feb 27, 2010sylonbroadsides

Blake, we can't argue about how we're going to approach HSL. We're losing potential, and a lot of members have just ran out of this site it seems. Most likely because all they wanted was a kool pair of shoes, not a war.

I think we just need to do it, it seems that HSL is closed today so I won't be able to contact them until next week.

Feb 27, 2010Brad

That's too bad. I'm just happy someones calling them.

Mar 1, 2010Timuukun

I'm gonna call too, if it's alright with you, Travis. It'll be after I return to the US, but maybe 2 calls will be better than one. I've got a couple of not-publicly-listed phone #'s that I found from their quarterly statements, so I'm gonna try those rather than the normal "contact us" phone tree.

Mar 2, 2010blakeashake

Well do what you guys wanna do to get it started, Just let me know what needs to be done. I cant help start this by calling and talking to the people without anything to back up what we want.

Mar 4, 2010Brad


Mar 4, 2010Brad


Jul 16, 2010mafianinjabeast

Hey, I would totally buy ANY pair of new soaps. Especially if they wen't back to classic designs!

Jul 16, 2010mafianinjabeast

Hey, I would totally buy ANY pair of new soaps. Especially if they wen't back to classic designs!

Jul 16, 2010mafianinjabeast

Whoa, those last comments were like a double feature..... Yikes!

Jul 16, 2010mafianinjabeast

And all you need to do to save Soaps is start an e-mail forward with cool soaping videos, and provide a link to the soap petition...... Imagine how many people we could access if everybody with an account on this site began one of those forwards!

Jul 16, 2010Sheepsama

To be honest no one really looks at their e-mail anymore except businesses... Be better to do it on facebook or twitter or myspace. :p I'll start that. :p

Jul 17, 2010Tedd

I'm here occasionally. Work makes it hard to have free time. Any of it is used with my girlfriend because I can't see her often. However, I'm moving soon as some of you know so I'll have more free time soon.

I'll call them as well, but I think we need a larger number of callers. I think we should hold off until we get a decent number of people to help call.

Jul 17, 2010sylonbroadsides

I support Tedd calling them.

Jul 17, 2010Brad

Did you ever get around to doing it however many months ago?

Jul 20, 2010Tedd

If you're talking to me, I have not. I don't have any phone numbers I can call besides the ones posted on their site, and they'll just "patch me through" to someone who "cares". Just like good ol' Nintendo did. Anywho.

I can arrange for my friends to call them. not on the same day of course, or else it would be a little suspect. I think if we call them once a day with different numbers, then we could make it more effective. Just going all out on one day may have them think that we're just one circle of friends who want them. Of course, that may not happen as well, but one thing is for sure: We need to carefully plan out or strategy.

Honestly, unless we have like a decent number of people (I'm thinking at least 200-500k people, maybe more since it's an online petition), we would need a better approach. Seriously, I could make an online petition right now an in an hour I'd have like 500 "people", all of whom are me, sign it. The site won't release sensitive information such as the IP addresses of who signed it, if they even keep the records at all. This would then make the petition a lot less effective. We need a method that can make a bigger impact.

I don't know about you guys, but I'm willing to do this: We at Solid Grind all have a shared Youtube account. Then, we upload videos of us SOAPing the streets and stuff, no matter how noobish and try to get attention this way. When and if we have a high view rate, then we can forward our YT account to HSL and show how many views we have plus multiple SOAPers there are trying to get SOAP shoes back. Also, keep the favorite-ing of videos to a minimum. Just my thoughts.

Jul 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

It's going to have to be some sick footage though, I hope everyone is up to the challenge.

Jul 21, 2010Tedd

I guess that leaves me out of the footage. xD I haven't had time to practice much due to my packing up for my move to CA.

I was thinking of having a sick intro clip for use when you're gonna post a video. Basically it would show one person about to do a grind, pause and turn black and white then their name or username quickly pans left from offscreen and quickly slows down to a crawl for a couple of seconds and then zooms offsceen to the left and the clip continues back in color until they finish the grind. Rinse and repeat for the while team, mixing up where the name pans from, the color, and where it exits. SFX are optional. It looks cool in my head, but we'd need someone who could do such a thing and the list of everyone on the team as well as footage. I dunno, I thought it would be cool.

I've set up the TY account if anyone is interested. It's brand new with nothing on it, and no details added in yet. If we don't plan on doing this, then I'll just toss it aside or something and forget about it.

Jul 22, 2010Sheepsama

i'm good at editing videos o.o I actually have software for it on my computer o.o

Jul 22, 2010Brad

Someone should ask Renny if he wants in on this. He has an intro to a "possible soap movie" on his website. I wonder if he'd still be interested in making one.

Jul 22, 2010Sheepsama

well i'm always here. :P
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