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The Daily Grind
Feb 26, 2010 by Timuukun Hey guys... You know, with all the serious problems lately (HSL's corporate idiocy, Derek's lack of maintenance, spambots, the piteous state of the Soap community, etc...), I think it would be cool to have a thread where we can unwind and just keep a running post of our latest grinding exploits from day to day. Whaddya think? I'll start it off: Today I Soaped up a picnic table bench at my ice rink, and finally got a little tweak on a royale for the first time! I also tried a backside and nearly sprained my ankle... :3 Replies
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Feb 26, 2010Timuukun
Feb 26, 2010Andrew
Feb 26, 2010Brad
Feb 26, 2010Timuukun
One from a couple of weeks ago that was cool: after exams were over, I rearranged tables in the school's library and Soaped through the stacks. Someone even got a video...I've gotta find out if he still has it.
Feb 26, 2010Brad
Feb 27, 2010Timuukun
Today, I did a wooden bench covered in snow. Slid about three feet in slush after coming off the grind--gonna have to go clean my Expresses now.
Mar 1, 2010rhinoskater30
Haven't soaped in a while either.
Soaping was so awesome when it was around, I was only like 9 or 10. I got some Expresses around 3 years ago but even then I didn't soap much.
If Soap Shoes started up again and it was legit (commercials, an actual COMMUNITY)...it would be so awesome.
When is HSL gonna die anyways?
Mar 1, 2010sylonbroadsides
We actually do have a new community now rhino, there's a bunch of new people. Only problem is that HSL pretty much has no grind shoes available, not even the heelyls.
Mar 1, 2010Brad
Mar 1, 2010Brad
Mar 3, 2010Revengasaur
Mar 4, 2010Brad
Mar 4, 2010Brad
Mar 4, 2010Revengasaur
Mar 5, 2010Brad
Mar 5, 2010Wesker
Mar 5, 2010Brad
Mar 6, 2010Revengasaur
Anyway, Jumped over a trashcan and slid an unpainted/unwaxed curb just walking down the street today. Felt like a badass.
Mar 6, 2010Brad
And that's rad, I wish I could jump that high o-o
Mar 9, 2010Brad
Mar 9, 2010Brad
Mar 10, 2010Tedd
Mar 10, 2010Tedd
Mar 10, 2010Brad
Mar 10, 2010Brad
Mar 10, 2010Brad
Mar 10, 2010Revengasaur
Oh yeah, snowed here today, so I was soaping on a big sheet of ice in my driveway. Intense cess slides. Need footage of that...
Mar 10, 2010Brad
And I wish I was getting snow here, it's just been rain, rain, rain.
Mar 11, 2010Tedd
Well, the notice has been sent out and I'm prolly gonna end up buying them all shoes. They're gonna get me most of the cash, but I'll be down like 100 dollars or so I'm sure. Man.. Shoes for 16 people? Damn. Haha. Shipping is gonna be a pain.
Anyway.. I told everyone to bring video cameras and stuff so I'm thinking like maybe 2-4 different camera angles. It's short notice so we won't have so many people, but hopefully next weekend we will.
Mar 11, 2010Brad
Other than that, I can't wait for some fresh material. It's hard to say this, but oNe and tWo are starting to get old.
Mar 12, 2010Brad
Mar 17, 2010Tedd
Oh, and last Friday was a washout. There was a school musical that most of my friends were either in or went to go watch. So we had 5 people or so there and with no footage.
Fortunately, we have the 26th planned. I made sure to give them heads up this time, and nature time to evaporate the flood that happened to fill the entire playground. 3" deep water is probably not good to go SOAPing in. Anyway, that's pretty much everything.
Mar 18, 2010Wesker
Mar 26, 2010Tedd
So there's two planned meeting times. First is noon, so anyone who has to leave later at night or whatever can go and SOAP with us. Then there's one at 4:30 where those who aren't morning type people can meet up later and then SOAP. It should work out, assuming it doesn't rain. Since the park is no longer flooded, everything is now accessible and grindable. I just ope people can bring cameras and such. If it doesn't rain and everyone who has SOAPs brings their shoes, there will be a lot of fun. And pain. But mostly fun.
Mar 26, 2010Brad
All my friends know my soaps as "Brads sweet grind shoes."
Mar 26, 2010Brad
Mar 26, 2010Kooksoaper13
Mar 27, 2010Brad
Mar 28, 2010Brad
I was just walking home from a coffee shop (Tim Hortons, idk if you guys got in in the states :S)with my bro and his gf and saw a nice looking ledge. I was wearing my soaps (duh) and his gf had never seen me soap before. So I thought hey, I'll bust out a badass grind out of no where to show her whats up. I ran up, jumped, noticed it was plastic and on top of that it was all waxed up. My front foot hit the ledge, it slid backwards and I landed flat on my face. My nose bled the entire way home.
Mar 28, 2010sam
Also, its great to see people still interested in soap.
Mar 29, 2010Kooksoaper13
Mar 29, 2010Brad
Mar 29, 2010blakeashake
Mar 29, 2010Brad
Mar 30, 2010blakeashake
Mar 30, 2010Tedd
On the bright side, I'm getting more used to my Broads now. I can grind a slide at the park that goes at a 45 degree angle then into a horizontal line. Yet, I can't grind a bench. Bah, probably needs waxing. Incidentally, this slide was my first ever attempt at a grind long ago and my first near injury then too.
Speaking of injuries, I managed to get a decently good one. I got road rash on my left knee and palm. Though the palm injury looks small, it goes deep. I'd upload them, but I don't know how that would bode for you guys.
In the meantime, I'm not getting much SOAPing in due to lack of my job making me work at nights and sleep days, and transportation. It takes 30 minutes to walk to the park and I'd have to get like 7 hours of sleep if I want to go SOAPing, play some Fallout 3, and get all my stuff ready for work. Bah, real life sucks.
Mar 30, 2010Tedd
......... If it leaves a scar in that shape, I won't know whether to cry or laugh.
Mar 30, 2010Brad
And too bad about the whole people not showing up thing, I was looking forward to that footage.
Apr 2, 2010Tedd
Apr 2, 2010Brad
Apr 4, 2010Tedd
Apr 5, 2010Brad
Apr 6, 2010Tedd
Apr 6, 2010Brad
Apr 7, 2010Kooksoaper13
Apr 7, 2010Brad
Apr 9, 2010Tedd
Also, don't play football in SOAPs. NO TRACTION. I was all over the grass just trying not to slip. Haha.
Apr 9, 2010Tedd
Apr 9, 2010Brad
May 1, 2010Tedd
On a different note: I had walked away from the trip with a bow staff. When I set it on the ground and stepped on it, my plates locked onto it and I realized that this doubles as my grinding rail. So now I have a weapon and a portable grinding rail. It's different grinding this compared to the stuff at the park, but it helps to have something on the ground if I mess up and fall.
Speaking of the park, I never got to get footage of it because of the lack of SOAPing mentioned above. However, I'll be doing a little filming of myself at the very least, since I own everything needed. I'll put that up on Youtube as well when the time comes and update you all on this thread. (Which I have bookmarked, and you all should too.)
May 14, 2010Revengasaur
Did a backside on my porch the other day, and the realized i should take it to a ledge i know of... It's pretty sketchy though, right in the middle of town right outside the front door of a business.
May 14, 2010Brad
May 16, 2010Tedd
Oh by the way.. The Broads I bought off Antho are falling apart now. Know of any good "local" stores where they sell shoe glue or something? The shoe is separating from the horizontal plate (going width-wise) on the right side. Gotta fix that before I even wear it again.
May 16, 2010Brad
Then again there's always good 'ol eBay.
May 16, 2010SpiderSoaper
May 16, 2010Brad
May 19, 2010Revengasaur
May 19, 2010Brad
May 20, 2010Tedd
May 20, 2010Tedd
May 20, 2010Tedd