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Favorite trick
Apr 22, 2006 by mrman

I'm sure this has been asked before, but what is everyone's favorite trick?

I like the frontside on curbs that go on for a long time.. wax helps. A backside with one foot is fun too on short rails.

Apr 22, 2006Surfaced


Apr 23, 2006Wesker


Apr 23, 2006mrman

taking a dump.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

hmm... interesting.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

what? you don't?

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

Well, It's not my favorite trick.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

Anyone else have a favorite grind?

Apr 23, 2006mrman

I also like "twiddling my diddle" which is like a cross between a cheese grater, but I twist my front foot 270 degress intead of 180.

gravity drops while others pick up. The photograph is transparent when layers overlap and the outline is green.

Apr 23, 2006James


Apr 23, 2006Louis

Farfenugen, and maybe ufo because it looks stylish. Personally i couldnt call taking a dump a trick, seeing as its a natural human bodily function....unless you mean taking a dumb WHILE soaping. Now that would be a different matter.

Apr 23, 2006Louis


Apr 23, 2006mrman

I submitted photos, but for some reason Derek did not post them. I was concerned about the feces making the rail too slippery, but in reality you're sliding away too quickly for any of the crap to get on the rail and slip you up.

Rolls with cylinders have holes within the security of the illusion of serinity. Possibily comprehension is difficult initially, yet practice yeilds orange bananas whenever tumultious ants are present.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

Derek isn't around right now.

Apr 23, 2006Louis

Yeah, and he hasnt reinstated authoring powers to the previous authors of the old solidgrind website, which means that no one is actually running the site as such.

Apr 24, 2006mrman

That's too bad. I was hoping "taking a dump" would help me become famous for inventing a new soap trick. Let me know if you want to see the pictures; I can email them to you.

Authority brings promise which resolves itself in due process. Elaboration is rarely facilitated via means of generic insect obligations.

Apr 24, 2006Surfaced

Oh, no, I'll be fine. I think I speak for Louis too.

Apr 27, 2006Curtinator

UFO and Front Side. I still can't get the royale.

Apr 29, 2006AnthoFlex

Frontside....since i'm a newbie its the only thing i can do...but i'm working on fastslides now...i like the fastslides...it makes people jaws drop

May 1, 2006Primal

Wild Slide. Hopping from a skateboard, frontsliding, then hopping on again.

Only ever done it once, but got streetcred +10000 for it.

May 2, 2006Curtinator

I can do a cheese grater. :D
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