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More soap movies?
Apr 22, 2006 by mrman

What are some other websites to get soap movies from? Is DEOS, UKFSW, or any of the others planning a comeback return?

See that this is an excellent declaration. Eventually one makes foam from the difficult process. One must be careful of its toxicity in case Person asks your cousin what to do.

Apr 23, 2006Louis

Hey, i cant really tell you anything about the status of DEOS, but we did attempt to organise a UKFSW meetup a couple of weeks ago, which completely failed, but there is still a slight will lingering about. To be completely honest, i have soaped maybe once or twice since our last video session 2 years ago. Its really hard for us to organise meetups, because we all live in different parts of the UK, some have jobs and education commitments.
We have accumulated like a zillion hours of footage though, so there is still hope...

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

We don't know about UKFSW... they haven't done anything for over a year. DEOS videos... I don't know where to find those.

But why are you putting all of that wierd stuff at the bottom of your posts?

Apr 23, 2006Louis

I just gave the latest about us at UKFSW......... only me, mart and dunk were originally able to meetup, but then we all ended up with other commitments....so maybe this summer if we can find a suitable day....possibly. Still, i hope dunk will at some point edit our footage into a video, maybe even a short teaser

i too was wondering, what the hell was that crap at the bottom of your post?

Apr 23, 2006mrman

It's not crap. If you have reading comprehension troubles that is not my problem. Blame the UK school system.

Hopefully Dunk edits the video footage; I would like to see more of UKFSW.

Belting is a form of singing but the true opera warblers like to smell scope mouthwash with ten toes. The broken fifth of vodka wished consciences were more readily availabe.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

By the way, I'm contributing to the forum with valid soap topics. Shouldn't that be good enough?

Medicore times call upon maladjusted people with inpunity. Greek gods ate honey while nut sandwhiches were tamed into being mute.

Apr 23, 2006Wesker

NYCS will be attempting a comeback video. Like everyone else from the scene we too are old and have jobs.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

A comeback video sounds like fun. Any other people you would like to see a comeback from?

Jumbalia is a Canjun dish but orange monkeys absorb heavy metals from group IV. Provided nouns reject tangible forthnights reason to reason is debatable.

Apr 23, 2006Louis

This has nothing to do with comprehension, this is about the complete weirdness and seeming irrelevance of the stuff at the end of your posts, which on first sight appear to be profound sayings, bu then turn out to be random garbage. Still, some of its pretty funny, just nothing to do with the topic or soapshoes.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

exactly. I was reading a couple of those parapraphs and then I noticed that the topic changes about 2 or 3 times throughout it.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

Are you being serious? It is not my fault you guys cannot read well and have difficulty comprehending simple english. Maybe you fell one too many times on your head while soaping? Do not make excuses to me for your shortcomings.

Pages were serfs without sliding through anabolic dehydration. Serine cannot playoff until ducks tunnel withough proper acrylics. Turbans rip five times mean suggested torque with gigahertz of bacon.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

MrMan... anyone would say that is NOT simple English. They look like horribly-translated Chinese Proverbs.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

Apologize now. I'm part-Chinese from my mother's side. That was an incredibly racist comment, and I'm deeply offended.

Like I said, don't blame me if you cannot understand basic english. I am seriously starting to think you fell on your head a few times while soaping. Have you had a history of concussions?

Lifting straps excite only the smallest monkey and richest uncle. If one can yodel for miles which lie flattens armies? Watches will type self serving dicoveries applied topically with an injection.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

Dude, I am in no way a racist. I experience the dumbest racism everyday at my school because I am of mixed race also.

What I am saying is that your paragraphs look like Chinese Proverbs, except someone screwed up while translating them to english. I am in no way offending or trying to offend people of China, or people of Chinese descent.

The words in those parapraphs are perhaps a little bit above simple English. Some of them I don't know the definition of. But when they are used together, they make no sense.

Apr 23, 2006Louis

Actually, what he said was in no way racist. Being a racist is believing that one or more races are superior/inferior to others...from what i can see he didn't incinuate that at all.
Maybe you should appologise for firstly telling people they have problems in the head, secondly that they cant understand english, and thirdly for calling surfaced a racist.
and also, could you explain two simple things.
One; Why on earth are you even adding these strange comments to your posts on a soapshoe forum?
Two; How can "If one can yodel for miles which lie flattens armies?" possibly make sense, or be considered grammatically correct english?

Apr 23, 2006Louis

Surely that should be "If one can yodel for miles, which lie flattens armies?"...notice the comma. Even with this correction I still don't get it, but do please explain. I would like to have the same level of enlightenment as you appear to have.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

You are all racist. Racist and illiterate.

Drop out is fine, without the oil right in front of the fantastic panda bear. The red sun will rise until Chinese stop and end to forevermore. Sentenced quentin will draw ire of mango wraps on Tuesdays with graduate regard for zeebra's seventh feeling.

Apr 23, 2006Louis

You are beyond strange.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

Quite so.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

Better to be perceived strange than to be confirmed racist.

Like I said, it's not my fault if you have basic reading comprehension troubles.

Online transmissions regulate majestice twelth wishful thinking when red men like to sumersault in pairs.

Apr 23, 2006Surfaced

Okay Man,

We think your "proverbs" are complete bullshit, and otherwise we simply can't understand. Because of this, I suppose we can lay that matter to rest.

However, there are only six or seven racists on this website, and they haven't been here in years. If you are going to be a nuisance and call us racists and illeterates, we can have you removed from this webpage, because it is false, disruptive, and out of all, most purely, annoying.

I am unhappy to say this, but your presence for these past few days has been somewhat useless, because we can check eBay for ourselves. You can not destinguish a pair of Daggits from Boltars, despite their dramatic differences. We still need as much promotional work as possible, so at least I will encourage your continued availibility, but not under these circumstances.

Apr 23, 2006Louis

confirmed racist? I thought i explained that you're allegation was completely unfounded. As i said, being racist is suggesting that race is a reason for differences between humans, and that a race can be superior or inferior to others. Did surfaced, or anyone else for that matter, suggest this was the case? He said "Chinese proverbs". accusing him of being racist for saying that, is like me accusing you of being racist for saying he cant understand "Basic English"...It's just not racist! Just because the sentence contains the name of a country, it doesnt make it racist.

Apr 23, 2006mrman

Surfaced: It's spelled "illiterates" NOT

That typically is a word you do not want to spell incorrectly.

I'm happy to promote Soap, but you still need to apologize. If I am annoying, well, you get annoyed too easily.

do not assume anything, as often it is your asumptions that are incorrect.

May 1, 2006Sugarfree

Everybody needs to chill out, lol

May 1, 2006AnthoFlex

I would honestly like to make another Soap video...the only problem is that i'm like the only Soaper in queens, except for Dario....so i was thinking this....Since i already know Dario (wesker) and Surfaced..(Dave i believe, correct me if i'm wrong)...we should all do a video...Dario would be easy to make a vid with cause he dun live too far from me...as for surfaced...he can send me his clips via AIM...and if anyone else wanna get in on this...letme get to know you, i'm always looking to make new friends...if u wanna get in on the VID...hit me on AIM at AnthoFlex ok?

May 1, 2006AnthoFlex

i know that sounds kinda korny but thats the only way to say it

May 1, 2006Surfaced

I've got some homies here... we can film together... but it's not gonna be on some Sony VX2000.

May 1, 2006AnthoFlex

So, its fine....we dun need the best camera...mine is not the best but its sure as hell good enough...really, actually :)

May 1, 2006AnthoFlex


May 1, 2006Wesker

But I have a Panasonic AG-DVX 100b :0

May 1, 2006AnthoFlex

Is that a good thing....i dunno too much about cameras

May 2, 2006Curtinator

We all should make are own soap videos and post it on a site. And post link here.

May 2, 2006Wesker

It is a good thing Antho, a very very good thing.
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