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To All Size 9s- You Lucky Bastards! (Broadsides!)
Apr 25, 2006 by Surfaced

Yes, that Steve Deel sure does have A LOT of brand new Soap shoes. Mostly in size 9. Here is his list:

Broadside Green
Dash White
Dash Blue
Turntable Grey/Black
Praba Grey
Praba Black/White
Praba Gry/Yellow
Flow Black/Cream

For those of you who are too lazy, the Broadside is the only released Soap shoe with a full sole-grindplate. The dash is very rare too, and the White looks sick! Take a look at all of the shoes in the "Shoes" section.

Email him here: stevedeel@sbcglobal.net

Hurry while these bitches last! GO GO GO!

Apr 25, 2006Surfaced

Note: The Grey/Black Turntables are no longer available. :)

Apr 25, 2006Wesker

Lucky size 9ers :(

Apr 25, 2006James

Surfaced, did you buy the turntables?
And how much are the Broadsides?

Apr 25, 2006Surfaced

Yes I bought them. I have no clue how much the Broadsides are.

Apr 25, 2006Wesker

Which of those shoes are in 11? :3

Apr 25, 2006Surfaced

None of those are. This list is entirely for size 9. He might have more size 9s that I didn't ask about (these were the models I asked him if he had). He has a pair of Blue Scabs in 12, and he has Ordnances in 10s and 11s.

Apr 27, 2006Surfaced

Did anyone get the White Dashes? If not, those are next for me.

Apr 27, 2006mrman

surfaced: for someone who emailed me as much as you did.. I'm surprised I didn't hear from you on Weds.

Apr 27, 2006Primal

Nice work. I'll stick with my Scab Greys, though. I'll switch to something more complex once I've learned on them and splash out on some nicer ones. I'm looking at a nice pair of Boltar Rusts...

Apr 27, 2006Surfaced

Mrman: Yeah, sorry about that. Today I'm going to try to pay you. We'll see how it works out.

May 12, 2006mgm

Around how much are the white dashes?

May 12, 2006Surfaced

I think the Dashes are $32.50. Thats why my Turntables were, and a couple of others. I think they are all that price except for the Broadside, which he doesn't have anymore.

May 21, 2006Mart

Woah, I'm onto this

May 21, 2006AnthoFlex

kinda late dude...

May 21, 2006Surfaced

Well as far as I know... these are all prototypes. At least the Turntables and Broadsides were. So yeah, take those off the list.

May 21, 2006Mart

Do you think all the shoes would have gone by now? How did you find out that this guy had all these shoes?

May 21, 2006Surfaced

Well even now , he's listing Ordnances on eBay. But a while ago he listed some Turntables in size 4. This made me wonder if he had anything else. So I emailed him, and he came back to me with this list. He most likely has more than this. Also, he has grind plates.

May 21, 2006Surfaced

Most people didn't seem very enthused by this list though. Maybe he still has some of these shoes. He told me that he only had one of each.

May 21, 2006onthegrindduude

IM SIZE9!!!!!! cool does that mean i can get broadsides??

May 21, 2006James

They where already sold,sorry.

May 21, 2006James

And Surfaced...Im not sure if the Brodsides where protos.

May 21, 2006Surfaced

Since all prototypes from Soap come in 9s, and the Turntables I got with your Broadsides came in a different color scheme than what was available, and on the tongues of these shoes it says "not for retail purpose", I'm guessing they are protos.

May 22, 2006Mart

No, the prototype Broadsides were the Sylons with the sole plate. The shoes this guy is selling are more likely to be ex-demo models that stores held for promotion; prototype models wouldn't have 'not for retail purpose' on them when they're simply test products

May 22, 2006Mart

What's this guy's eBay ID, anyway?

May 22, 2006Surfaced

Thanks for setting us straight, Mart.

His EBay ID is Go2Crew. I think.

May 22, 2006Mart

Ahh, I think I've had stuff off him before. I dropped him an e-mail last night but he hasn't got back to me, I may hassle him on eBay if needs be

May 22, 2006Surfaced

What shoes are you interested in, Mart?

May 23, 2006Mart

The Flows for sure, maybe one of the pairs of Prabas too. And if he has the Grey/Yellow/Black Septums I think I'd drop my entire bank account on him to get them

May 23, 2006Surfaced

If hes got the White Dashes, I'll be all over those... otherwise I think I'll go with the Maroon Praba.
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