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Let's Bring Soap Shoes Back!
Apr 30, 2006 by SapAuthor

Hey all. I'm tired of having to scrounge around for a pair of soaps. Let's revive the beast! I sent the following letter to Soap Shoes:
My name is Trevor. I wanted to email you to tell you that Soaps aren't dead, but it's become extremely difficult to obtain them, many people are striving to find larger pairs of these shoes but to no success. I run a famous web comic strip, sonicandpals.com. Nearly all my fans are Sonic the Hedgehog fans, and being such, most have played the games (especially Sonic Adventure 2). In this game, as you may have known, Sonic uses Soap like shoes to grind on rails. I noted that I was getting interested in Soap shoes on my web site, and I got a bunch of emails of others saying they want in. So here's the thing, we need soap shoes again! Heelys, well they are all right, but we don't want the wheel, and because of the wheel they make the soul of the shoe hard as a rock (for balance) and make them extremely uncomfortable on the heal (my feet are often bruised from just normal living). So, you have a target market, I would be more than happy to advertise for your shoes on my page which gets around 700 hits a day (and rising), and maybe work out some sort of contract with getting your shoes going again. I don't want anything really for me, maybe at most a discount on a pair so I can get them, but I want people to get more active and enjoy just getting out, and I want soap shoes to come back. You don't know how hard it is to find soap shoes size 11+, I'm a size 12 and it's darn near impossible (although I think I may have found 1...) Take a look at http://www.solidgrind.com/, It's a site devoted to soaping, see all the people who are looking for them, excited about them, and loving them!
What I propose is this, if you are still under the authority of Heely, tell them that the market wants the original soap shoes back, no wheels. Maybe have them take a look at remanufacturing the shoes, and some new ones. Give me some banners and info and I'll be more than happy to put it up on a section of my web site http://www.sonicandpals.com/, as well as put you up on one of the 10 slots on my add bar for free. It's a win win situation, you bring back soaps, we get people to buy them and use them. I don't need any cut in the deal, I just want to be able to go out and get a pair and enjoy living life a bit on the edge of a rail.
Please response to this email when you have read it over. I'll get back to you as soon as possible. At the moment I am out of my home state attending the International Career Development Conference (ICDC) for DECA, I compete in E-Commerce, placed 7th in the nation last year. I have experience in selling, E-Commerce, web site management, and have a ton of loyal fans who want the same thing that I do. Even talking about it at school has gotten some people interested, just wait till they see me in action!

Trevor Fayas of Sonicandpals.com - The Comic!

I'm standing by my words. Show your support and email Soap Shoes at info@soapshoes.net and tell them that you support the revival of soap shoes. I'll get my fans to do the same as soon as I get some time to get the word out and get people rallying for this. Let's do this, get pumped about it, and support the shoes!!!

Apr 30, 2006Surfaced

Yup. Good efforts, SapAuthor. I sent my feedback email to Soap a couple of months ago... but if you can get Soap to allow you to use their logos, you'll be one lucky guy. Some time ago, Soap told all related sites that weren't direct retailers to remove the Soap logo. It's their property, and they can do as they'd like with them. Ofcourse, you could always link to a Soap retailer WITHOUT the logos, but that may seem less attention-attracting.

Regardless, this is an excellent idea. Let's see what HSL says in response.

Apr 30, 2006dunk

Whichever paper pusher it is at Heeling Sports LTD that reads this email will have great pleasure in trashing it quicker than you can say Heelys Suck!

This is a simple case of supply and demand; shops don't stock 'em because people don't want 'em and it's going to take a lot more than you or your 700-visitors-a-day to convince HSL to remedy the problem.
We're talking about MILLIONS of dollars of investment required to set up shoe production (research and development, raw materials and manufacturing, advertising and promotion, warehousing and distribution... the list goes on), and to justify investing millions of dollars HSL and it's investors need to be guaranteed a decent return in sales, ie., the business must be commercially viable. A few people searching for a place to buy Soap shoes online ain't gonna convince them in the slightest and neither will a few emails from loyal Soap shoe fans. Just remember that HSL already own a much more popular competing brand (Heelys), so why the fuck should they invest in a badly performing, loss-making brand rather than plough more money into a popular and profitable brand? It just isn't a priority.

If you want HSL to do something about the problem you're going to have to do the work yourself;
Get some video footage, take some pictures, make a website and put everything online so people can see what Soap shoes are and how ridiculously fun they can be.
Quit bugging HSL and start bugging your local store owner as it's they who will place orders with HSL for Soap shoes and their communication with HSL will be taken a lot more seriously (since HSL use retailers to gauge public demand) than some kid off the street, even if you do own a 700-visitor-a-day website.

And even then, there's no guarantee anything will work, you're running against a tide of disinterest right now. In the last ...8 (!!) years I've seen the brand reincarnated too many times, and each time with little success, although HSL have given it an admirable stab.
Bar a miracle or Soap shoes appearing on a nationwide TV feature it's going to be hard work regaining popularity (hard work that HSL don't see the commericial viability in doing).

Sorry for being blunt, but this is the absolute bare bones of the situation.

I'm hoping to publish some of UKFSW's video footage online soon, need to speak with the others first, but hopefully this will help revive the community, but it's a drop in the ocean.

Apr 30, 2006Surfaced

Dunk... thinking big. That's something we should look to do. We are limiting (or perhaps, we simply are limited) to these small ways of promotion, which may look considerable in our eyes, but we are missing the corporate perspective.

Dunk's post reminded me about how expensive the entire process is. Besides, Soap is stuck in a ditch. The reason Soap rapidly shot off and gained huge popularity was because of Sonic Adventure 2, and it's update, Battle. More than half of us who are here now discovered Soap because of that game, and the contract for that partnership has been inactive for a while. This means that the number of people who are discovering Soap is about 1000 times smaller. In addition, HSL doesn't want to put anymore money towads Soap. Even if HSL finally wanted to re-activate that contract, the next Sonic game is supposed to be a revamp of the original Sonic for the Sega Genesis. Giving Sonic some Soap shoes or slapping some ads here and there in that game wouldn't fit at all. Coming back to the issue where HSL doesn't want to put any money towards Soap: even if the partership continued, this fact still exists. Those kids who notice the Soap ads ingame- where would they buy Soaps? It is a never ending cycle of bullshit, and for one simple reason that every company, including HSL knows:

You have to give to get.

HSL doesn't want to give up any money, so they aren't gonna get any money. This shit hasn't changed for quite some time, and as long as HSL think what they think, as long as we don't collectively start huge things, it will remain this way. And one last time, according to Dunk, we still don't have a guarantee for our efforts.

It's a choice. Given the factors, we can choose not to do anything. We can move on, we can do well in school, and up our chances of success in our lives, because one less thing would be taking our time.

On the other hand, we, or some of us, can attempt to bring Soap back into power, despite the odds which have a seemingly unforgettable grudge on us. Still, we aren't assured what we do will be worth while.

PS: Sorry if everything above seems really crackpot; I was listening to the overture of the Kingdom Hearts games so I felt really empowered and courageous lol I usually don't say stuff like that...

Apr 30, 2006SapAuthor

I don't know about all you guys, but I'm an adult now, and it's time to start thinking big. I'm not talking just getting my fans to do this, i mean creating a business plan, presentations, informational charts, and the works. We have to PROVE that Soap shoes can come back if HSL started to create it and put some smart advertising to this. We need to get a group of people together to build this. I got a lot of experience in this all since i'm a competitor in DECA, a business club, and international competitor. I've made some impressive sales pitches iwth only 30 min to prepare. This is going to take some time, i mean vids, somehow getting into contact with some major skating figures to try the shoes, and get their reviews, vids of them skateboarding and using the shoes with them. It's not going to be easy either, this could be a long battle, but we can't let these things die! I just discovered them, and look how much of an uproar we got! We got to show them we are not just a bunch of skater high-school drop outs, we are the customer, we are the economy, and we are here to say let's bring Soaps Back! If your interested, contact me at trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com, i know there's been some stuff going on or thoughts of this, let's organize and stick it to the man! I've already got some ideas, like seeing how many people would buy the shoes after seeing vids and trying htem out. If we find a target market, and get a high enough percentage of purchasing, they will HAVE to look at it. This is an investiment, not a cost.

Apr 30, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude, i agree....i'm always giving Soap the heads up on when i'm getting better...i try to make them feel better by saying that Soap is not dead...so dude, u and i, we're kicking ass....lmao and besides...when i get good enough...even if i'm not on the Soap team, imma go on Demos and show people wtf SOap is all about....LETS NOT LET SOAP DIE! CHARGE!! LMAO

Apr 30, 2006Surfaced

When I get to Connecticut... you, Dario, and I- we are gonna do some serious shit in NY. And if Dario is at work, you and me.

May 1, 2006dunk

>>The reason Soap rapidly shot off and gained huge popularity was because of Sonic Adventure 2

As I recall, the Sonic Adventure deal came about at a time when Soap shoes were really struggling under Artemis Innovations ownership, the deal deffinitely helped bring things back to the boil for a while.

SapAuthor... assuming you have the right connections in the industry and enough time then go for it. Personally, I think Soap shoes have always been a bit of backyard fun which is why I think underground promotion via the internet would be the best way to build up a new following. Soap shoes have been forced on the skating crowd ever since their conception and most people these days see them as a running joke.

I hear what you're saying. But just be content with what you have and don't worry about trying to control the powers that be.

The irony is, here in the UK pretty much every size and style of Soap shoe is widely available (from the 1997 Scabs right through to the latest HSL design Soap shoes), the complete opposite of 5 or 6 years ago when the US had everything and we had nothing. Retailers over here have been buying up the shoes and have now found themselves stuck with the things since there's no demand anymore.

May 1, 2006SapAuthor

I don't want to control it, i just want to make them available. I don't want to get tot he point where i love em, been doing it for a while, and al of a sudden there's no more to find. Or so rare I can't. Plus, america's getitng so fat, i think if parents let their kids onto something like this, walking won't be so much a chore, they would love to get out and bust some grinds nad work up a sweat, and you don't really need to resrve time or anything like that. Okay, so let's get a count. I'm in this for the long haul, who here is willing to devote time and a ton of effort to get this thing going, at least make a statement about it.

May 1, 2006Surfaced

Yeah. And then in 2002, Sonic Adventure 2: Battle came out for the Gamecube. That was another revival...

Dunk, can I have your email address? I'd like to ask you some questions.

May 1, 2006Wesker

I have been in this for the long haul ever since I first laced up my Sylons.

My contact in Soap shoes has recently left the company for a better job, so I am awaiting their replacement to see what I can do to further help Soap shoes.

May 1, 2006Sugarfree

So the company actually still exists to this day?

May 1, 2006Wesker

Yes. The company isn't dead, they just don't support the product as good as they should.

May 1, 2006AnthoFlex

i agree....but y not...its a good product..Yo Dario, when i get better can u do me a favor and film me? i wanna see if Soap accepts me.

May 2, 2006Curtinator

Woah to much to read but ive read some and about the sonic game I thought people would be interested in soaps. I thought those ads in the game would do good. But yeah People need to spread the word I am doing that. Heck I am offering my own soap shoes to people.

May 3, 2006dunk

Surfaced, email address is grind [at] soapshoes.info

May 6, 2006mrman

better people have tried bigger and failed. you all are wasting your time, and your youth.

Manic dreams excite only the foolish. Sometimes the writing is on the wall, invisible to some, but painfully obvious to all.

May 6, 2006AnthoFlex

but....wait...wtf?....is that a poem or something... i think i get it

May 6, 2006mrman

It is a warning, that you should heed.

Better, smarter, more dedicated people have tried and failed when times were better in the context of Soap's success.

Try as you like, but your efforts will go in vain.

When you're monkeys in a dangerous time bruce cannot save the past from disolving into untold symphonic backlashes.

May 6, 2006SapAuthor

very zen, but lesser people have also done more. When hope is lost, that is when something truly dies. I'm not letting soaps die. And its not all just manic dreams, a lot of what we are planning is doable and we are making our attempts. The probably isn't zero that this thing succeeds, i say let's go for that percent. If you don't think we can do it, than just kindly get out of our way so we can give it a shot. Brainstorming is the first part of a successful plan, we are just brainstorming our options. Besides, it'show things get started, people stake it all on a small chance of success.

May 7, 2006mrman

they're called "long shots" for a reason.

personally, I know where my money will be placed if asked what the outcome will be.

listen to dunk. he knows it's hopeless.

May 7, 2006SapAuthor

meh, i've overcome greater odds.

May 11, 2006SapAuthor

okay, GOt some ideas brewing, and as soon as i get some shoes I will be able to start getyting hte hype up, as well as sending some vids of me soaping to my fans, they should like that. Now we just need to somehow collect all this data to present to HSL, as well as maybe finding out the cost of manufactoring the 2 SOAP shoes they make in size 9-12, that way we can figure out a break even point of how many have to sell to make a profit and show them they can sell those plus more.

May 13, 2006SapAuthor

I got a reply from SOAP, here it is:

Hi Trevor,

We appreciate all of your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions. They have been forwarded to our CEO. We are definitely interested in the free advertising on your website. We are very familiar with Solid Grind, as it is run by our Soap Team Captain Derek Brooks. He is incredibly talented and has helped us in our marketing efforts up to this point, and has been with us since the acquisition back in September of 2003.

Soap Shoes are still here and with out wheels. The shoes with the wheels are the HEELYS. While the SOAPs may be in a shortage right now it is due to the retailers who do not want to order more. Please e-mail them and encourage them to order more from us. We would be more than happy to oblige. It is the retailers that worry that SOAP will not sell. Thank you again for your continued support and efforts. We are thrilled that we still have a solid Soap fan base. Please let us know your shipping address and we will send you some stickers and shirts to hand out and “spread the love” of SOAP. We wish you luck with all of your academic endeavors!


Okay, so here's the mission, those of you who have soaps, try to impress people so they want a pair, get their name and why they would like a apir, what size, and after getting say 10 or so, show a retailer. They should send in a shipment request.
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