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Nd Help Looking for Shoes
May 1, 2006 by schizotango

Hi can someone give me a quote on these few pairs... all in size6

Clean (Black)
Goas (Black/Grey)
Express (Blk/ Charcoal/gry)
Squeaky (Black)

also Im living in Singapore...so international shipping is required...


May 1, 2006schizotango

(damn no edit button)

I had a pair of light blue Clean but it went missing during a camp... and the one and only shop(I reckon it is) in the whole of S'pore does not carry Soaps anymore... so any help at all would be great... Thanks!

May 1, 2006Surfaced

Here you go:

Clean (Black) $68
Goas (Black/Grey) $84
Fader $99
*Express (Blk/Charcoal/Gry) $90
*Sqeaky Clean (Black) $80.50

*= Denotes a color scheme that may be difficult to find

May 1, 2006Surfaced

Here's Singapore Dollars:

Clean (Black) 107 SGD
Goas (Black/Grey) 132.50 SGD
Fader 156 SGD
*Express (Blk/Charcoal/Gry) 142 SGD
*Sqeaky Clean (Black) 127 SGD

*= Denotes a color scheme that may be difficult to find

I can't do shipping for you. Sorry. Most of this stuff will be coming from the UK. Other stuff from Australia.

May 1, 2006AnthoFlex

i have black/charcoal/gray expresses and they arent rare at all...

May 1, 2006Surfaced

When did you get those?

May 1, 2006Surfaced

Ah, Antho is correct, and quite precise. These are available, but in limited sizing.

Express (Blk/Charcoal/Gry) $69, 109 SGD

May 1, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude whats SGD? and before i take up anymore space...i bought them for $69.00, but i put them on rush delivery so i paid 85 total...get the expresses dude...they're nice

May 2, 2006schizotango

Nice... you did the convertion for me...
SGD=Singapore Dollars SG being short for Singapore ;)

Hmm... how about some suggestions? cause Ive only ever tried "clean" .

Whats the diff btw Clean and Squeaky?
What material is Fader made off? (cause it doesnt look like suede in the pics)
Clean and Goas...Which wld u pick?

Are there any more models which coem in black or mostly covered in black?

May 2, 2006mgm

If you looked at the pictures of clean and squeaky you can tell the difference. The squeakys are newer but cleans I think are more popular.

May 2, 2006schizotango

I was actually aiming at the feel and the grind...

May 2, 2006mgm

Being older the cleans probably don't have as good a feel as the squeakys. Squeakys have better control because of its better soul and grind plate.

May 2, 2006Surfaced

Okay pretty much every model made by HSL (comes with the Express plate) comes in black.

Cleans and Sqeakys are very different Shoes. Different uppers, lowers, and a different comfort factor. I'm leaning towards the Sqeakys. They come with an awesome BBK grind, and they are more stylish than Cleans. But if you want Black Sqeakys, I can't tell you where you might find those.

Faders... I don't know. The front looks like a very durable material. The back looks like some sort of fabric. All of the silver you see on that shoe is reflective piping, including the logos. Give these shoes some light, and they will shine.

Goas aren't much of a grinding shoe, and same goes for the Fader. Cleans will last a very long time, and it will really appear so in black. Goas will get dirty, and watch out for the heel. It may start to fall apart back there. Yes, Goas do come with the BBK grind plate, and Cleans come with the Original. The BBK is superior to most other rail plates; you get speed and a strict lock on. The Original provides strict lock on also, but with less speed. The sides of the BBK allow Tweakage, and with the Original tweaking may be a challenge.

I can't say much of anything else. I wish I knew more.

May 2, 2006schizotango

thanks mate tt was quick... hmmm... now i have my hearts set on a pair of black squeakys... buuuut you dont know where I can get them... hmmm... anyone knows where I can get a pair?

the plates arnt switchable right? I mean regular plates to BBK plates?

how long do you reckon them non-replacable plates can last anyways?

May 2, 2006Surfaced

All removeable plates are interchangeable. Mix and match as you wish. If you are only grinding rails, they will last a very long time. Throw in some curbs and some ledges to decrease life-span.

I can't tell you where Black Sqeakys are available. I don't know. They could be out there... somewhere.

May 2, 2006schizotango

Damn... Im stuck... what about them T-bones? are they durable?

May 2, 2006Surfaced

Some have a manufacturing defect. Those that do have a sole that will start to tear and fall apart. Those that don't will take much longer to do so, and they have some reflective lining too.

The arch part of the grindplate is a little slow, and there are plates with better lock-on, such as the BBK. The half-sole grind plate is faster, and more fun.

As a bonus (or maybe just part of manufacturing the shoe), a bit of plastic sticks out on the end of the half-sole plate, so if you angle your foot, you can slide around! Take that, Heelys!

And if you don't like that plastic you can easily wear it down to nothing.

Oh, and there is a possibility that you might sound like a horse while wearing T-Bones. The plate clicks against surfaces, or at least mine did.

May 2, 2006Primal


Take a look. Many shoes are there to be had there, young grind padawan.

And yes, plates click. Especially when running.

May 2, 2006schizotango

I wld nd international shipping...

May 3, 2006Primal

...I got no sense from that. Sorry, but you're going to have to quit the shorthand if you want to get me to understand.

If you're on about international shipping: I don't blame you for being uneasy about it, but I assure you that most of the companies are reputable and would most likely do all in their power to make sure you get the right shoes at the right price.

May 3, 2006schizotango

heh sorry about that mate... forgot that I'm not typing notes in class... ones sort of makes a habit out of it and wont stop even if its the holidays already...

Alright the shoes... I guess Im going to have to go grovel and beg my folks haha...

May 3, 2006schizotango

*one (really need an edit button)

May 6, 2006mgm

203 singapore dollars + shiiping = a lot

You can use google to make price conversions.
Type: x British Pounds to x Singapore dollars or whatever you need.

May 13, 2006Jack

Hey David, did you get your turntables?
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