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May 2, 2006 by mgm

Does anyone have any idea when or if flywalk.co.uk will be shipping to the USA? Their prices are slightly cheaper than shiner.co.uk and they have all the different color grind plates. Will they be shipping to the USA sometime this year?

May 2, 2006Primal

Maybe. I'll call them up and ask. If not, I can ship for you.

May 2, 2006AnthoFlex

I hope so, oh by the way Primal...are the PLates at Flywalk UHF's or BBK's?

May 2, 2006Surfaced

I asked David Tuttlebee (FlyWalk owner) that exact question, and this is the response I got on March 26th:

We will be looking to retail soap shoes to the USA in future (next few months), at present we aren’t able to.

May 2, 2006Surfaced

I asked David that same question too, Primal. This was his response:

I am unsure to be honest with you David.

(Yes, my name is David also.)

May 3, 2006Primal

I rang on Sunday to ask about the BBK/UHF issue. David (apparently) said he'd get back to me 'some time on Tuesday'.

It's Wednesday now. I want my god-damned BBKs soon, so they'd better freaking well stock them.

May 3, 2006AnthoFlex

LMAO...fuking flywalks.....they dunno WTF they're selling

May 4, 2006Louis

Although i cant actually back this up with any proof, i'd be fairly sure that he's stocking BBKs, because as far as i can remember they were the only ones other companies were selling as replacements besides the maxwell...although shiner stocked the original plate about 5 years ago.

Also, ALL plates are made of UHF.....The plates are BBKs or Originals....just saying, incase it confuses the already apparently dopey mr tuttlebee

May 4, 2006Louis

maybe he needs it put simple...like...

"do the replacement grind plates have a hole in the middle of the plate?" or something along those lines...if he really doesnt know what he's selling (Seems a bit unlikely for a shop that only sells soaps/heelys)

May 4, 2006AnthoFlex

LMAO i agree....so wait...the UHF's DONT HAVE THE HOLES!?!?! YAY!!! SO that means that the ones i got ARE BBK's!!! but they UHF on it...oh well....WOOOHOO

May 5, 2006davetutt

Ok to explain to everybody!

David here at FlyWalk, Peter I have tried calling you but you didnt answer.

The quick and honest answer is FlyWalk mainly specialise in Heelys, but we do also sell Soap Shoes too (which I'm honestly going to say my customers usually know more about than myself).

Up until 2 weeks ago there had been no demand for Soap Shoe Grindplates even though we'd put them up on the website for nearly 2 years.

I too am 90% sure that the Grindplates mentioned on our website are BBK's but I wish to check with suppliers that this is correct before giving people the wrong advice.

In terms of retailing to the USA, we are looking at it as an aim to have up and running, but the problem is as a business we are not allowed to retail Heelys Shoes there, hence as a result we cannot put the option for USA shipping up on the website.

There are also much bigger issues like the speed of delivery (which would be v.slow) and also what if a customer needed to return (which would not be practical due to shipping costs involved).

I may look at in future retailing Soap Shoes through SoapShoes.co.uk website address that we own and specifically having that setup, the problem is there are now so few soap shoes even left in the UK.

Probably the best thing I can suggest for now is we will look into shipping costs for the USA, and if you're from the USA and are desperate for some Soap Shoes email (sales@flywalk.co.uk) us details and we'll get back to you when we have things setup.

May 5, 2006Primal

I know - I just called you back.

I'm happy either way this goes - it they're UHF Originals, I'm good. If they're BBKs, even better still. All's I'm really after are some replacement plates. But BBKs are the one's I'm really after because I've heard such good reports from them.

Meh. If they turn out to be Originals, I'll just nab those BBKs from my friend.

Cheers anyways.

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