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Found shoes, please dont bid (sugarfree expecially)
May 2, 2006 by SapAuthor

I finally found a pair of size 12 scabs, tan and white, on ebay. Im bidding under fayas1, please please PLEASE do not bid, i really need these shoes.

May 2, 2006mgm

Maybe you shouldn't have told anyone. SOmeone might outbid you just to piss you off. Then again they would have probably found out anyway.

May 2, 2006Surfaced

Word up. Let the guy have his shoes. Sugar... you should be good to go. You've got the same pair.

And that Tan is actually Moss green.

May 2, 2006Surfaced

Oh no... hes got a high bid. The odds of someone going THAT high as a joke is really playing the stakes....

May 3, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude....why do u post it?...lolz, u dun gotta worry bout me, i'm a 10...lolz...enjoy ur Scabs

May 3, 2006Sugarfree

Lol, surfaced is right i'm wearing the same exact pair right now so you don't have to worry about me outbidding you. Although i might just get them for the grind plates.... lol just kidding, good luck :)

May 6, 2006SapAuthor

someone's trying to outbid me lol. But i'm not letting go of this pair ;-> I want to start making vids and stuff and put them up here, i can be pretty insane, i have a natural lack of inhibitions :-D

May 6, 2006AnthoFlex

this is what happens when u post that there is a pair of Soaps on Ebay...lmao

May 6, 2006Surfaced

Antho, forget it, its not someone here. The guys name is Matt. There isn't a Matt here. Sure something like that could happen, but I think we don't have enough dicks here. Except Urdumb... but he just dropped by for a flaming-spree. I think he won't return.

May 6, 2006SapAuthor

true, a house devided amongst istelf cannnot stand.

May 7, 2006Sugarfree

Go SapAuthor i'm proud, that shits almost up to like 90 bucks and you're stickin with it good job. I have those shoes and they're pretty nice. By the way surfaced...my name is matt lmao but my ebay name is sugarfree also so it's not me. Anyways good luck Sap :)

May 7, 2006Surfaced

Oops. I'm sorry if I offended you. I am not ignoring your presence!

Yeah I read your profile about a week ago... I guess I forgot your name.

But still, no one is gonna do it.

May 7, 2006SapAuthor

thanks sugarfree, sorry for getting mad at you before about the size 11 shoes, they probably would'nt have worked well anymore. But yah, i'm sticking to my guns on this one, i'm tired of fighting for soaps without any soap experience myself lol. I want to get in on the action so i can have some more say in this ;-)

May 7, 2006mrman

I looked up the ebay account "fayas1" and found the auction you are talking about.

here is the link to those shoes:


Those are some very nice shoes, and that white grind plate is rare. I can see why you want them.

May 7, 2006SapAuthor

The grind plates are UHF though, which suck. I ordered in a pair of Grey BBKs for when I win. and you don't need to advertise it all around, unless you were doing that on purpose to try to get others to outbid me and be a jerk. I dunno, anyways i'm going to win this auction, i have to, i'm really itching to try soaping out, plus school is almost out and i want to get good before that.

May 9, 2006Primal

IF you win. Someone will always be sitting in the shadows, waiting to snipe you at the last minute.

Enjoy your shoes, in any case. Perhaps you shouldn't have advertised them, though.

May 9, 2006SapAuthor

may not, i tend to look at the world with somewhat rose colored glasses, thinking if you ask they will respect that. But anywho, i doubt someone will beat me, i'm going to stick to these shoes, i need a pair bad, so unless they are willing to pay more than me, they may want to just wait till the next pair go on sale or wait until that one UK store emails me back to see if they found some extra stock of the shoes for sale.

May 9, 2006SapAuthor

See, on the forums, some size 12 expresses are on sale, who wants to pay upwards of 100 bucks when they can get the other pair for less. Besides, Expresses are more rare, scabs are pretty commen.

May 9, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude.....express's are NOT rare....scabs are waaaaay more rare than express's

May 9, 2006Surfaced

Antho stfu lol

In size 12 and that color? Ya.

Scabs are fuggin everywhere.

May 9, 2006SapAuthor

well, looks like both pairs are spoken for. I'll do a private auction on this site if i ever get the pair of shoes from my frien'ds brother, see who needs em.

May 9, 2006AnthoFlex

dude....surfaced i didnt know you meant 12....lolz...be more specific....r u mad at me or something?

May 9, 2006Surfaced

lol no man, its cool

May 12, 2006SapAuthor

some punk bid up to 150 bucks, he cna have htem for htat amount...but htat sucks... i'm so depressed.

May 12, 2006mrman

Bid on these new size 12 blue cleans instead. They're a FAR nicer shoe and more rare than those scabs anyway:


May 12, 2006Sugarfree

just don't retract your bid tho cause they might retract thiers and then bam! the shoes are yours :)

May 13, 2006SapAuthor

i'm still waiting to see if cleans are harder on the soul, cuz my feet get severly uncomfertable unless the shoe has ample shock absorbing like those expresses
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