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May 4, 2006 by blakeashake

im pretty new to soaps i've known about them for 2 years but never really checked them out. Im lookin for a pair of soaps but am not sure which kind are good to get and which ones arent. is there really a difference and what are some shoes i should get?

May 4, 2006AnthoFlex

Start off with the express's dude...they're light and durable with a nice plate. My AIM is AnthoFlex if u have any more questions...BTW, u shoulda gotten Soaps a long time ago...they're pretty rare now

May 4, 2006blakeashake

i was thinkin about gettin scabs size 12 do u no any good web sites to get them off of.

May 5, 2006Primal

Depends where you're coming from. kateskates.co.uk is good if you're in the UK. I'm not sure how you'd get them if you're in the USA, though. Best to look on the Internet and find a good deal - basic shoes with the Original plate retail at somewhere in the region of £52 ($US94) - your fixed-plate models can set you back anywhere in the region of £80 ($US144).

Personally, I'd reccommend a shoe with a removable plate to learn in - they're cheaper and you can replace the plate if you really bust it up. If you get good at it, you can move on to fixed-plate shoes that give you a more technical grind.

I wear a pair of Scab Greys myself, and I assure you that they're a good shoe (if a little hard to use on thin rails). As I said - kateskates.co.uk is a good UK site.

May 5, 2006blakeashake

all right those r the shoes i was plannin on gettin thanks for info.

May 6, 2006SapAuthor

there's some on ebay, but i'm bidding on them, and i'll keep on bidding cuz i need the pair. But, keep an eye out on ebay, ohter size 12 shoes will show up, they often do.

May 6, 2006blakeashake

May 6, 2006blakeashake

ok i wont bid even tho i could out bid u prolly.
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