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New Soaper!
May 4, 2006 by SparkShooter

I am new to soap shoes, but am really intersted in it, I am wondering what are good shoes, and plates, and if anybody knows where I can get some it would be really helpful, cause damn FlyWalk doesnt ship to the U.S.

May 5, 2006Surfaced

thanks to Blake, we have located Funky SK8. They ship to the United States, and they carry the same stock.


May 5, 2006blakeashake

yea he already knew about funky sk8 tho i told him about it like 3 days ago

May 5, 2006SparkShooter

yea me n him r friends, we got eachother into this

May 5, 2006Surfaced

Ok... then he shouldn't have posted it today.

That's not odd at all. A lot of people come here with their friends. We hope you guys stay with us. We can always use more people.

May 5, 2006blakeashake

we are gonna try and get more ppl at school into soaps to but some kids say that soaping is just for ppl who can't skate

May 5, 2006Surfaced

Ahh, that ol' misconception.

God... that one has been around for years. If you've got any rails at your school, pull off a sick grind right infront of those idiots. That should show them (they prolly can't pull of a skate trick thats equal).

Make sure you've got some practice first though.

May 5, 2006SparkShooter

Yea there is one right in fornt of our school, its pretty gentle though, and we wish we could grind the stairwell handrails, but im mainly focused on just gettin good for now, not trying to kill my self doin stupid shit off the bat.

May 5, 2006blakeashake

me and him are planning on grinding the stair hand rails even if we arent good cuz it looks like fun and stupid shit is what we do.

May 5, 2006blakeashake

oops i fucked up nm bout that

May 5, 2006Sugarfree

Just do it! Then think about the consequences afterwards it's just pain, lol

May 5, 2006blakeashake

thats what i like to hear just go for screw the pain cuz it eventually goes away.i just need to get shoes first.
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