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Im back, for a lil bit....
Mar 13, 2010 by Spano565

Alright this motherfucker spaminacan has spammed us for over a year now.
Spaminacan: Really kid, get a fucking grip your either some punk ass, obease, 16 year old who spend about two hours each day making stupid topics.

Seriously grow the fuck up, get some friends, go outside, and try to have somewhat of a life because your simply pathetic.

And OG members, (If there are any.) write back in this thread, and we can reminiss about the old days.

Pertaining to my current situation, I don't soap anymore because I grew out of my express a while back, and my old friend in my old town has my ords.

I used to dabble in skating for a couple years of my life, but now im into freestyle soccer, and footbag ( Its like freestyle soccer only with a footbag aka hacky sack.)

And if anyone has used or new grind shoes (Doesnt have to be soaps.) in size 11 reply to this thread.

And Broox obviously let this site die on purpose, because he knew that shit hit the fan a long time ago and that theres no real use for a soap shoes site, let alone grind shoes site.

Does anyone know what Renny's been up to?
I heard he has a SOAP forum/site.

Also weird my profile says i signed up in 07' , im an 06' just to clarify.
Discuss kids

Mar 13, 2010Spano565

Dario (Wesker), Trevor (Sylon Soaper), Trey, Jerimiah (XJerimiahX), Blake (Blakeshake or Blakeskate), Renny (Anthoflex), Megashadow, Jay(Spidersoaper).
You guys still around??

Mar 13, 2010Spano565

* Oh and Sam, and Alex I knew i was missing someone.

Mar 13, 2010Spano565

*And Aj, and Trevor is Ramenradio if im correct.
And stuart pickston, I think hes from the UK.

Mar 13, 2010Kooksoaper13

I'm still here, I guess

Mar 13, 2010Brad

Trav and Renny check back here a couple times a month. As for me, I'm relatively new but I'm on every day.

Mar 14, 2010SpiderSoaper

hai guys! I'm back, haha, it's been a while. I've been rollerlbading, then i started thinking about soaps, Downloaded oNe and tWo and the other vids, god i miss soaps now. I dont have my soaps anymore since they were big on me, and i had hella plates too! If any of you got size 8 soaps you might wanna sell me, let me know, right now this guy is gonna sell me his for $25. I'm also interested buying some from Rawk.com, but i heard they dont ship to the US, oh well. So whats been going on? Wheres Renny? he still soaping? where is everybody? and seriously who is this spam dude? he's just spaming a dead site, seriously it's just pathetic.

Mar 14, 2010Brad

You can still buy soaps off of this site, but it's hella expensive.
And nothing really been goin' on I guess, We;re slowly regaining members. Rennys kickin' around. Idk if he's still soaping, probably though. I have no idea where everyone went since I'm only a few months old here. And that spam dude is a total dick head.

Btw, you might wanna ask Renny if he has some soaps for you, he's been selling a lot lately.

Mar 14, 2010SpiderSoaper

Thanx Brad. Renny is selling Soaps? i didnt think he would sell any, at least that is what he said once.

Mar 14, 2010Brad

Yeah man, he even sold some Broadsides.

Mar 14, 2010SpiderSoaper

What!? he sold Broadsides? damn if he's got size 8 then i want some

Mar 14, 2010Kooksoaper13

they were 9s too

Mar 14, 2010SpiderSoaper

Darn. anybody know if he has size 8?

Mar 14, 2010Brad

I wouldn't know, sorry bud.

Mar 14, 2010SpiderSoaper

Oh well. if he ever comes back on, i'll ask

Mar 14, 2010sylonbroadsides

Spider, you forget that we're talking about RENNY... and I have size 9s and 10s to sell, in fact a bunch of soaps in many sizes.

Mar 14, 2010blakeashake

im still here dude. everythings just sow as hell

Mar 15, 2010SpiderSoaper

Haha, my bad Travis. Yea i know we're talkin bout Renny, that's why i was surprised to hear that he is selling them.

So Travis you wouldnt happen to have any size 8 soaps? or extra grindplates for size 8? the guy who is selling me his just sent me pics, and they turned out to be smoke scabs with original plates with no groove, i'm stoked haha. so yea i'm willing to buy any other non HSL soaps (not that they are bad), just let me know if you have any, and pics would be cool too

Mar 15, 2010Brad

Smoke Scabs = sexy.

Mar 15, 2010SpiderSoaper

yea they look cool, just gotta clean em a little(yea yea they'll get dirty again i know) and add new foot beds and i'm good. but i have always wanted Boltars or Sylons, they look amazing

Mar 15, 2010sylonbroadsides

size 10 sylons on ebay

Mar 15, 2010SpiderSoaper

Size 8 bra, 8! lol

Mar 15, 2010SpiderSoaper

Hey Sylon, what soaps do you have in size 9? i'm curious, i may buy.

Mar 15, 2010Brad

Not to go off topic or anything, but did the site go down there for a while? Or was it just me.

Mar 15, 2010sylonbroadsides

yes it did, and two or three pairs lying around.

Mar 15, 2010Brad


Mar 18, 2010Wesker

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Derek hittin a Cheese Grater at the Cedar Rapids demo
Dunk hittin a Royale on the Wolsey rail, Ipswich
Bryndon hittin a backslide at the Cedar Rapids Soap Demo
Derek Brooks hittin a Backside Farf
Ian Walsh hittin a Stylin Frontside