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(new) old school soap movies
May 7, 2006 by mrman

I have all the DEOS movies, Free Life Style, Sloppy Seconds, and more.

PROBLEM: geocities.com only allows uploads of 5mb or smaller.

PROBLEM: yousendit.com only allows a maximum of 50mb, and many of these movies are over 50 megabytes.


DEOS 4 can be downloaded here:

The link becomes invalid after 10 downloads or 7 days, whatever comes first.

More small soap movies can be seen here:


Keep in mind these are the first soap videos, dating back to 1999 and 2000. BAck then, it was rare to have a digital camera, let alone digital videos, so they are quite advanced for their time.

NEEDED: If anyone has web hosting (about 200 megs) I can send a LOT of soap movies not currently online. Let me know

May 7, 2006mrman

MORE movies can be seen here:


You are all welcome.

May 7, 2006Surfaced


What is your name? I asked you here and via email,a dn you never answered. Infact, Istarted to get worried, seeing that your email adress was attached to the name "Chirs Morisan", but your PayPal and eBay were attached to "Greg Cumberford".

Excellent work. On behalf of everyone here, thank you.

SapAuthor can probably host your stuff.

May 7, 2006Surfaced

BTW, this may be of interest to Derek. He wants these videos up again. You should contact him.

May 7, 2006mrman

I have no idea why you are so interested, nor does it matter.

I have a bunch of DEOS and RSC videos. If someone can host them I will pass them along.

May 7, 2006Surfaced


Is Greg your brother? Here's why it matters:

A Greg Cumberford has a long history here. He moved, as you said, from Flint Michigan to California, and now resides elsewhere. He was very involved; he gave away a rail, he sold rare shoes, and he most definately owned Soap movies.

You know our names, and we would really like to know yours.

So email Derek (theres a contacts section at derek.broox.com), and tell him about these. Trevor may be interested too.

May 7, 2006mrman

it's chris

May 7, 2006mrman

btw, the geocities hosting SUCKS SUCKS SUCKS. It already went over the bandwidth quota. I deleted the files and will look for a better place to upload them.

May 7, 2006Surfaced

Okay. Chris. That's good to know.

I am trying to get some more Media uploaded to Solid Grind through Derek. You have a lot of video, so it would be good if you dealt with that, and Derek can have it put in the Video section. It would be awesome if we could double the size of each section. Solid Grind is a resource, so we should have it live up to that title.

May 7, 2006Sugarfree

Dude greg lives in canada now, Thats who i got my boltars from. I can try to contact him for some videos if you want unless mrman really is greg but just doesn't want to be bothered with this whole scene anymore. You guys gotta realize that most of these guys have jobs now and are living thier lives and don't really care about stuff that they did as kids but i'll see what i can come up with.

May 7, 2006Surfaced

Yeah. Dunk pretty much dismissed everyone else who was here in February. They are done. They had their times, and it's not fair for us to try to hold them back.

This is our scene now. We'll start over. For what can't be dug up, forget it. It's old, and it has been put to rest.

Don't contact Greg. Leave him be. He'd come back if he wanted to.

May 7, 2006Sugarfree

This is what he's doing now, need i say more

May 7, 2006Surfaced

Cool. Nice to know he's doing things with his life.

That article contradicts something I've read here... but that one is newer. It says he resides in Calgary Canada... mentioned California and Michigan too. Noth about Iowa though.

How did you come across that article, Sugarfree?

May 7, 2006Sugarfree

I'm just that good :)

May 8, 2006SapAuthor

Hey, i have my own web site, send them to me and i'll host em. The best way to transfer vids is on AIM, yahoo doesn't handle big stuff well. My screen name is Moondragoon221, send them and i'll upload them to my web site, i pay for it and the bandwidth limitations are pretty high so i don't think i will have to worry about it. I should be on most hte time, expecially in the evenings. I'll upload it to sonicandpals.com when i get the files nad post the place to download here.

May 8, 2006SapAuthor

on further review, 200 megs is a lot for video. I'll keep the originals, but i'm goign to do some video converting to get that file size smaller, and may only put up a couple at a time so this site doesn't trash my bandwith, even my web site has limits lol. But depending on how small i can get them, i should be able to put up most if not all, and release the rest later.

May 8, 2006Wesker

I am pretty sure that I have every Soap shoe video ever shown online, and I am pretty sure Derek has them too.

May 8, 2006AnthoFlex

If anyone cares....i think a good place that u can upload videos to stream whereever u want without having to click a link is:

www.vidilife.com .....i've uploaded a video and when i streamed it the quality was just as good as when i uploaded it

May 8, 2006Wesker

google video, and youtube?

May 8, 2006Wesker

Whoops, meant that you can search on google video and post on youtube.

I was planing on putting all the videos up for a new soap site but I just might put them all up on my server if people want them that bad.
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