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May 12, 2006Surfaced

I sent you mail through eBay, but I'd like to say again, those pictures for the Cleans and MB Tanks looks great.

May 12, 2006mrman

The pictures are good, but those are also great shoes.

It's one thing to bid on some expresses and recent shoes that soap made (and are easily bought). It's another thing to have some old school cleans or MB tanks, especially in those sizes.

May 12, 2006Surfaced

Yeah... I know what you mean. I'm looking for some Moss Scabs... Sugarfree beat me the first time, and now some lunatic has bid $150 on Sap's.

May 12, 2006mrman

bid on the cleans instead. They're a lot nicer looking..

May 12, 2006mrman

Seriously. Those blue cleans, the black cleans, perhaps the turntables and the scorchers are the nicest shoes Soap ever made.

May 12, 2006Sugarfree

cleans are ugly tho, and the original plates are horrible for actually grinding anything besides a rail.

May 12, 2006mrman

You have to be joking. The baby blue cleans were one of the most stylish shoes ever.

Also, the original grind plate are by no means horrible. Ryan J, Brnydon S. and a number of other people did some amazing tricks on them. The trick is to get a good groove in the plate, just like any grind plate. In fact, one could argue that original grind plates last even longer because there is more material to them than the already thin bbk plate.

Think what you want, but I'd rather have cleans than ugly scabs any day of the week.

May 13, 2006Sugarfree

Ok first of all, the original plates may have more material on them but you don't use all of the plate when you grind, just take a look at them after using them for a few weeks. The reason the bbk plate has less is because from "experience" the manufacturer of soap realized that certain parts of the plate weren't being used so they could obviously save weight, money, and have a more attractive plate. The material on the bbk is also a harder plastic so therefore it is much more suitable for grinding things such as curbs. As for looks, i also think my scabs are an ugly shoe compared to my septums and boltars. You've just got to realize that just like cleans, most people don't like converse's chuck taylor all stars anymore. It's just not a good looking shoe despite popularity with stupid emo kids. Times change and what was once appealing may not be so anymore. Seacrest.....Out

May 13, 2006SapAuthor

i still need a pair, but the blue cleans, are cleans comfertable, meaning impact wize? My feet are really flattening, the only shoes i can wear are the nike air ones because they have good bounce and don't slam my feet. The souls look kind of small on this one, hwat's it for impact?

May 13, 2006Louis

Although i'd agree that the original plates weren't all that bad, i'd also point out that i ground straight through them within a few months, whereas the BBKs i replaced them with have never failed me (that said, i'd also moved onto much more handrail stuff which isn't as destructive as ledges and curbs). Also, the plates on my scorchers are fantastic, i only use them for rails so they dont get worn down much.

As for shoes, I had a pair of the sand cleans and the dark bluey-turquoise ones, and tI'd say they are very nice shoes, got that kinda basic skateshoe look to them, but they were also really clunky and heavy shoes. Still, i really liked the understated look to them. Alot of shoeshoes just look nothing like anything else on the market and therefore draw attention to themselves, but the cleans were truely covert.

May 13, 2006Louis

hehe, "alot of shoeshoes" ....i think you can guess what i meant to type there.

May 13, 2006mrman

"Still, i really liked the understated look to them. Alot of shoeshoes just look nothing like anything else on the market and therefore draw attention to themselves, but the cleans were truely covert."



You obvious "get" it, why they're one of the nicest shoes Soap ever made.

May 13, 2006mrman

Sap -- you're worrying too much. The reality of the matter is that, for the most part, soap shoes are soap shoes. By looking at a digital picture, trying to asertain how thick the soles of the shoe are is impossible. These shozes will let you slide, and they're thicker and more durable than non-soaps.

May 13, 2006SapAuthor

no, i worry enough. My feet serious take a beating, i need shoes that have a good impact on them becuase if the shoe isn't comfertable, i can't wear it cuz it starts to phsyically hurt. I want to get a pair i can wear all the time, cuz i don'tw ant to only soap when i go to skate parks, i want to be soaping at every possible moment.

May 13, 2006Louis

yeah i know what you mean sap. As a long time wearer of skate shoes and converses, as well as doing alot of sports, my feet have started to flatten as well, and as a result wearing shoes without anough padding or support can be very painful indeed. However, unfortunatly there isnt much of a solution with soapshoes. Pretty much all the models arent good everyday shoes even for those with healthy feet. I'd say this is particularly true of the older soapshoes models which tend to be heavy and tiring to wear. I havent any personal experience of the lighter HSL shoes, but the scorchers i own are pretty light and are the most comfortable soapshoe ive had the chance to wear, but even then i wouldnt like to wear them "all the time". You're only real solution would be to either get a decent footbed insert, made out of a hard mouled plastic with arch support as well as gel heel/ball, for example those used for hiking and trekking.

May 13, 2006Louis

*moulded plastic

btw, go into a good campin/hiking store and they should be able to help you out

May 13, 2006Mart

The heels on all my pairs of Soaps have worn right down, I really don't think they were designed as everyday shoes cause if they were, the rubber would be alot more durable

May 13, 2006mrman

Louis: I have a pair of scorchers (bought them for $12 on ebay) and they do not have very much padding in the heel. Certainly no more than any of the other soaps I've owned. My take on the shoes is that there are no significant differences between the models, other than their appearance.

May 14, 2006Louis

I never claimed the have any decent padding in them. Infact what i said was theyre more comfortable in my personal experience, but if you're looking for padding/support you'll have to turn to replacement footbeds.
i'd agree however differences between soap models is alot to do with appearance, but theres no denying (well...in my opinion) that the lighter weight models, like scorchers, have an advantage over the much heavier models. Their reduced weight makes them more bearable to wear for extended periods of time.
Also i found my feet didnt heat up quite as badly in the scorchers while just walking around as they did in cleans and sylons, because of the mesh material, although during actual soaping or physical activity theres not much difference between soaps in terms of keeping your feet cool.
I would still never choose to wear soaps all day, regardless of what model, but i still say the lighter the better for long periods of wear.

May 14, 2006mrman

No problem.

I'm just saying what my experience has been with soaps. There will be minor differences between models but, to me, they're generally all the same other than their appearance.

May 14, 2006mrman

You guys put too much thought into these shoes :-)

At the end of the day, they're just shoes.

May 14, 2006Louis


May 14, 2006Mart

Eh, I've worn mine every day for the past five years now and my feet are fine

May 14, 2006Surfaced

My Turntables are just a little less comfy than my DCs. The tongues on my Turntables are huge, or in other words, stuffed more than any other tongue I've felt (but then again, they are prototypes). The T'Tables are, of course, heavier.

The hump put in the liner actually feels like the biggest I've ever felt; I don't see how they could be unhealthy.

May 15, 2006Curtinator

My bro bought from the guy selling 9 size scabs.

May 15, 2006mrman

ummm... seriously.

You're talking about your shoes tongue, and contrasting it against other shoes' tongues. Have you weighed how many grams your turn tables are, and measured the sole's thickness yet?

Dude.. seriously. At the end of the day, they're just shoes.

May 15, 2006Mart

Uuuh, don't be a cockbite. Tounge thickness is a very basic observation

Those Scabs up there are used. As far as I'm aware the Smoke scab always came with grey plates, plus the soles look worn and the slobros haven't a scuff on them

May 15, 2006mrman

Everyone sure seems to be able to asertain a great deal from simple photos. No sense in arguing, but the seller says they're new, so they're new.

May 16, 2006mrman

Only 4 more hours on the baby blue size 12 cleans:


The last few size 12 soaps sold for over $130. At $80 they're a bargain.

May 17, 2006SapAuthor

yah no kidding, if SOAP would start an online store like we are trying to get htem to do, even at 90 bucks a pop they would be making a killing.
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