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May 18, 2006 by Jard39

Can anyone tell me the difference between UHF and BBK plates?

May 18, 2006AnthoFlex

UHF is the company that makes ALL of the removable plates....ur thinking about the UHF originals....now those...compared to the BBKs

UHF ORIGINAL: I've never had em but from what they look like...almost completely flat, you have to grind in some grooves....they look ok but people are always complaining about them.....others say that its a good beginners plate cause it forces you to learn inder somewhat bad conditions so when u switch to better plates....ur good to go
BBK: Very good lock-on tweakable, durable Awesome on rails......colors....umm anyone else help me out here

May 19, 2006Louis

actually UHF was a tradename owned by the Soapshoe brand for the plastic/grindplates, as far as i know. Im not sure it was a company as such.

Anyway, in my experience;

UHF Original; These were the first plates i had, and i learnt to frontside, UFO, and farfenugen on them without too many problems. However, as Antho said, the plates had no moulding as such and were just arch shaped plastic. The lack of any shaping on the outer edges of the plates meant that if you were doing anything like a royale or farfenugen or ufo etc, which requires you to grind on the edges, there was virtually no natural lock on. Fortunatly (and unfortunatly) the plastic wasnt very durable so grooves formed pretty quickly and solved the problem, but at the same time meant that the plates wore away very quickly and needed replacing (especially if they were used on anything other than metal handrails)

BBKs; These solved most of the issues associated with the UHF originals. There's good lock on for the basic frontsides as well as tricks where you grind on the edges, because of the new moulding. Also, the plastic was far more durable so grooves that could ruin the already good shape of the plate wouldnt form easily, and the plates didnt need replacing as often.

May 19, 2006Louis

both types of plates came in quite a variety of colours

May 19, 2006AnthoFlex

Cool......i want yellow BBKs.... :)

May 19, 2006Jard39

neat i should get some BBKs

I should probably get shoes first though?

May 19, 2006AnthoFlex

.....honestly....get a few spare BBKS if ur gonna get replacable plate shoes first....that way u wont have to worry about destroying a pair of plates with the fear of "OMG I DUN HAVE ANY SPARES" By the way, they're not that exprensive

May 19, 2006Jard39

know anywhere to get them... and some shoes im having a relly tough time

May 19, 2006AnthoFlex

what size are you?.....my AIM is AnthoFlex if you wanna talk more

May 21, 2006Mart

You aren't going to go through a set of BBKs quickly. Fordy had his in for about two and half years AT LEAST before they gave up, the royale groove he'd worn into those was hot

May 21, 2006AnthoFlex

I know but a few colors wouldnt kill you....not to mention id ur gonna do concrete ledges, that crap will kill ur plates faster

May 21, 2006Mart

There's a simple answer to that; grind rails instead. Looks better, feels better, you can do more tricks, you can grind for longer, and to top it all off your plates last longer. If you're frontsiding ledges all day you may as well try and find some Curb Busters

May 21, 2006AnthoFlex

True... but where get curb busters?

May 22, 2006chip

bbk's have a squar cut in them
utf orignal are flat

May 22, 2006chip

uhf sorry
bout that

May 22, 2006Mart

Dude, if you're going to correct one mistake, correct them all
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