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May 19, 2006 by SapAuthor

This is a new idea. Let's start a challanges/mission. Meaning, someone posts some sort of doable stunt for someone to try and accomplish. Basic rules are nothing that you'll get arrested for or destroy public property, meaning no missions of "grind on a corvette" that would damage the car. This also will allow those who want to keep soaping fun and may be getting bored with the same old same old, to rekindle that adrenaline rush. here's the format:

Mission Number: 001
Mission Name (optional)
Difficulty: 1/10
Description: Grind along a 20 ft rail without bailing and landind it smoothly.

Now, when someone does this with proof, they would reply "Mission 001 accomplish, pic or vid shown here "

I can host vids, i plan on someday posting these missions on a page and include the succeeded mission vids for all to see and get hyped about.

What do you all think? What do you think needs to be done to make this better, or any imporvements?

May 19, 2006AnthoFlex

When i read the first two lines i was thinking "what an idiot..." after those two lines...imma have to take that back....thats a pretty fun idea....i feel like i'm in a video game.....can it be more than 20 ft.? i dunno any EXACT 20 foot rails...

May 19, 2006AnthoFlex

ok noone can put up new missions until this one is completed....agreed?

May 19, 2006Surfaced

Agreed. But is this a handrail? Otherwise people could cheat at this one.

May 19, 2006AnthoFlex

Hmmm....i think ledge or handrail....no grounders....(i meant like pipes on the floor)

May 19, 2006AnthoFlex

i think i have Just the rail for the job....a bike rack....i knwo what ur thinking....a 20 foot bike rack?....in that case, i dun think its a bike rack...you be the judge, imma try and do it 2morrow

May 20, 2006SapAuthor

lol the first mission was just a sample. But i guess this means you all are interested. Okay, let's raise some rules and vote on them to see what the rules will be. But no matter what, since this is my idea so to say, one rule that will stay is it must not involve destruction of property or anything illegal (like scratchign up someone's car, or puting SOAP stickers on security cams, stuff like that).

I'll put up the first rule/idea, when everyone is voted (or the first 11 votes) then the next idea will be presented until we have a set of rules to go on.

First Idea: Should we have a category for each difficulty, like difficulty 1-5, each has it's own forum that way the novice can go to his/her challange area, and won't get bored cuz he/she isn't practiced enough to take on the big stuff. Yay or Nay.

May 20, 2006Jard39


May 20, 2006Jard39

maybe the mission should be the same except instead of jumping up three feet of the ground for a 20ft grind then maybe only have it so u only have to grind 20ft. (Meaning the rail can lay on the ground.)

May 20, 2006SapAuthor

Hm, okay idea change. My idea of different difficulty missions, or idea of same mission but modified for each difficulty level. Vote!

May 20, 2006James

How would it be modified?

Like for 5 ft.,10 ft.,15ft.,20 ft?

May 20, 2006James

For each difficulty.?*

May 20, 2006SapAuthor

yah, like that. Or say the challange was to pull of a cheesegrater for 20 ft, a lower challange would be for 10 ft, and then maybe an easier trick for 20 ft and then for 10 feet, stepping down in difficulty. Some things, however, may not be able to be modified, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

May 20, 2006Jard39


May 20, 2006Mart

Handrail, no questions asked. There is almost no skill involved in grinding a 20ft pipe on the floor

Keep the first one basic. Frontside a 20ft handrail, that sounds fine to me. For all those who can't do handrails yet, this is good motivation to finally learn how to do so instead of sticking to curbs and benches, which aren't cool at all unless you go mad tech on them

May 20, 2006AnthoFlex

ok, sounds good.....rmemebr, NO NEW missions until this one is completed and can be proved

May 20, 2006SapAuthor

woh woh woh! Let's get this more organized before we start. I am going to make a seperate forum for this on my site, it will be hidden to the public until the time comes I tell my fans about soaps (right before they come out). I'll put the link here as soon as it's made and set up. I'll figure out some sort of way to keep track of all of this today if i have time, i'm working on it now but at 6 i have to go out. There's an extreme sports expo at the local christian cup of joy, and i'm goign to bring my SOAP shoes and banners and see if i can't get more people hyped. I already got like 10 and i've only visited the skate park 2 times. If you do get someone hyped, make sure to tell them to tell their local shoe store, so they will ask for them once they are made.

May 20, 2006AnthoFlex

Ok how about this.....we just put a new post up on Solidgrind were there are no sutpid waste of space with comments like this....only the Challenges...that way, there wont be any more senseless waste of space....

May 20, 2006SapAuthor

http://sonicandpals.com/soaps/index.php <- how about that. Sign up for it, this will be the location of the missions. I will need some moderators I can trust to help me run this. But remember, Solidgrind comes first. This forum just won't be able to adequately handle the Challanges. Tell me what you all think, or if there is anything that needs to be changed.

May 21, 2006AnthoFlex

Damn.....today i was doing a 24 ft bike rack for the challenge....i dunno wtf happened...i just couldnt get it....my legs hurt like a bitch.....I think i shoulda used my express's rather than the ordnance's....for some reason, i trust my express's more for rails than i do for my ordnance

May 21, 2006SapAuthor

Tell me what you all think, and read the post on "SOAP now has friends in "high" places" it lengthy but read it fully, ull like it.

May 21, 2006Mart

'it will be hidden to the public until the time comes I tell my fans about soaps' - Dude, what the fuck is with your ego? You have no media, you have no 'fans' and, as far as I can tell from the eBay shit that's been going on here, you've only just scored yourself a pair of Soaps. It's great that you're putting so much work into this, don't get me wrong, but cool it with the ego man, nobody cares

May 21, 2006SapAuthor

Mart. It's not ego, it's strategy. Why show my fans SOAPs when they aren't avialable yet? If i show them now, they will either forget about them or loose intrest come fall, or buy a pair from ebay and then SOAP will not have anyoen to market to. And yes, I do have fans, around 800 (although there is a portion from other countries other than US, which may exclude them due to shipping costs). I run a sonic web comic, about 750 visit each day, and they all love sonic (which there is a significant percentage of people who started SOAPing from Sonic, or just love Sonic the hedgehog anyways). Yes, i just got my first pair, and i've gone soaping every day and i'm even looking for some bigger rails to try some new stuff one.

I'm not trying to brag or have an ego, i'm trying ot keep everyone in the loop, maybe get others to try cuz from what i hear there are only a handful of people who are puting some major effort into getting this thing going, and i think everyone should be putting their best foot forward. Forgive me if it seems like bragging, i did not mean it to be, but i understand how it may seem like that (i've often told Wesker that if i seem like i'm boasting, just tell me cuz it's not what i'm trying to portray).

May 22, 2006Mart

Alright, but seriously dude, 'fans'? Come on, people may appreciate what you do but calling them 'my fans' is a bit big headed

May 22, 2006AnthoFlex

YEa dude i agree....ur making it sound like ur the best Soaper around here....not only that, its not kool...

May 22, 2006Louis

i used to be able to do this thing where i could pull a funny face and make my tounge into the shape of a clover, all my fans were in awe!

May 22, 2006Louis

........but i was like 8 years old, and then my fans got bored of me showing off about having fans so my fans became my ex-fans, but fortuantly i setup an ex-fan club for my ex-fans to join so i still have all my fans....its great man.

May 22, 2006Jard39

what the hell r u talking about

May 22, 2006Mart

He's UKFSW, he's better than you

May 22, 2006Louis

I'm better than you....because my fans say so!

May 22, 2006SapAuthor

no no, fans as in for my web comic (and yah, they are fans, they say "i'm your biggest fan!" and stuff like that, i have a whole folder full of fan mail). I know i suck at hte moment at soaping, i'm slowly working on being better but i'm not known for my soaping.

so, not fans of mine for soaping, fans of my comic strip. all cool with that?

May 22, 2006Mart

Not really, because you're applying it out of context. If we were talking about comics then yeah, you could call them your fans. But we're talking about Soaping, so no, no fans for you

May 23, 2006SapAuthor

i was talking about my comic fans. I am planning on using my web comic site to advertise for SOAP shoes, hence why i am waiting to show my fans all the soap stuff. Fans for comic, who i plan on using to boost sales for Soaps. Sorry for the contect confusion, never meant to say i have fans in soaping, i suck at soaping yet lol, i only got my pair 5 days ago. I've been makign comcis for over 3 years.

May 23, 2006Mart

That's all well and good dude but even still, have some dignity. People come to this site everyday but Derek doesn't consider them 'fans', does he?

Seriously, chill it with the fan thing, it's not cool

May 23, 2006AnthoFlex

I agree but at least you made it clear about these "FANS" being fans about the comics....i thought u were talking about you having like a fan club because u Soap...

1. I dunno who the hell has that
2. I dun think ur that Good in Soaping...i'm not saying that ur bad (cause i've nevr seen u grind but i dun think SOaping will get u a fan club no matter how good you are

P.S- i'm not saying ur bad a soaping.....cause i really dunt know

May 23, 2006SapAuthor

antho, i am a bad soaper, i just got my shoes 5 days ago lol. but sorry if it sounded braggy about the fans. They are fans of the comic though, that wasn't a lie. And please dont' take it as any bragging, but that's just how they classify themselves as (i've gotten lots of emails about how they are my biggest fan, or a fan of the comic, etc.) Anyways, let's just drop it cuz i think it's annoying mart out. I just want to know what happened to the challanges, i made a message board for it, did the interest in a mission/challange die already? I was looking forward to some good challanges.

May 23, 2006Mart

I'm not entirely sure why you're trying to get people to sign up to a different forum just to post links; the community is already here, I wouldn't try and divert the traffic away from this site because a hell of alot more people are going to come to this forum than they are to yours

As long as the threads for the challenges stay on topic, there should be no problem in posting content on this forum

May 23, 2006SapAuthor

okay, i was just worried about crowding, but if we want to do it here, then let it be so, i just want to get them moving. Maybe if it gets big enough Broox will throw a seperate challange section onto the web site here.

May 23, 2006meisbored

mabey a slant rail because i can even grind a rail 20 feet if its level or close to the ground

May 24, 2006SapAuthor

well, there's the challange i think. If you mean you can't because you dont' have enough momentum, i guess it could be on a slant, but still would need to be like 20 ft, if tha'ts feesable.

May 24, 2006Mart

Being at an angle and close to the ground is one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard, you'd just have to step on it and ride away, taking almost no talent whatsoever

The whole point of having these challenges is to give people something to work to. Where the hell is the challenge in steping on something eight inches off the ground? The challenge is a 20ft rail at handrail height. If you can't jump that high, learn how to do so. If you can't get the momentum, run a little bit faster each time until you clear the grind. Stop trying to make it easier because that defeats the whole fucking point

May 25, 2006Primal

True, true.

Look, we all know that some people here are beginners. Soaping isn't about being able to pull the sickest grind instantly - you have to cater for the people that don't know how. So perhaps a revision of the competition to allow beginners to get a look in wouldn't be such a bad idea: hence why I've come up with the following goals. They're just ideas, and don't flame them. I tried, OK?

1. 50-50 any 10ft rail (easy)
2. 50-50 any 20ft rail (harder)
3. Pull an advanced grind on any rail length(hardest in class)

1. Pull any grind on a handrail of any length
2. Pull an advanced grind on a handrail of any length
3. Pull any advanced grind on a handrail of any length and tweak the grind.

Being at the first stage of GROM myself, I can't suggest any higher challenges. But I've given my feedback, and I'd be happy to organise this into a real competition with prizes (stickers, badges) if there is enough feedback.

May 25, 2006SapAuthor

For anyone who read mart's comment:

he's right. Hand rails DO look kind of scary at first, and some of the higher hand rails are darn near impossible to hit (just height wise) but some of the medium to high and lower hand rails ARE possible. After only 3 days of soaping i was able to jump and grind a bike rack, it seemed impossible but is actually really easy (hard part is landing straight so you can grind instead of going a bit then falling off either side). Just know your limits, know how high you can jump, take a good run at it straight on (not from the sides) and jump. I'm going to work more on mine, but the hardest part of a hand rail is literrally just getting yourself to get over the notion they are hard and go for it.

At least that's my take on it.

May 25, 2006Mart

A very good tip I heard from Alexei Tajzler (DEOS) was if you can jump over the rail, you can sure as hell land on it and grind it. If something looks too daunting to grind, try and jump over it first. If you can do that, you should have no problem landing on it

Seriously, keep the first challenge on a rail. It's a big step for alot of you, I know, but once you've overcome the difficulties of grinding on rails you'll wonder why you didn't hit up sooner, and an enormous variety of tricks is opened up to you that are either pointless or simply aren't possible on ledges

May 25, 2006SapAuthor

Exactly. Although it wasn't a BIG rail, at the skatepark i tried my first real stair rail, it was onlya copule steps but still, when i jumped up and slid down it, it was pretty sweet. There's these 2 rails that are PERFECT at my school. They are Long (i'de say at least 15 ft if not more, maybe a 20 fter), and at a nice angle (like 20 degrees down). My principle is fine with me hitting them as long as he doesn't "see" me doing it (me and the principle are pals). At grad i'm going to hit them, but yah, i'm pumped and can't wait to try them ^.^
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Zack Ricky hittin a Frontside on a long, fat, kinked rail.
Jay Sers hittin a Stylish frontside as the sun sets
greg with a cess slide and sweet cast
Jordan Muck hittin a Backslide at Canton
Timmy! (the Cornell security guard) hates Soap Shoes