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SOAP now has friends in "high" places (READ!!!)
May 21, 2006 by SapAuthor

THis is no way bragging or anything, but this is just to show you all that you can make a difference, read this all, its lengthy but its worth it.

Ooooh you guys are going to love this. The largest Christian Extreme Sports team wants to help out with soaps, at least a couple of the members. Wheelz North (who works with nitro life films http://www.nitrolifefilms.com/) did a show in town, i went to check it out and to be a voice for SOAPs. There I talked with Jim Bedore, he actually owns a pair and LOVES them, and is enthused to hear they are still around. He wants to help spread the word that they are coming back out, cuz he wears his all the time. Not only that, but another guy who boards with him wants a pair, and would gladly tell everyone where he got them and what they are if he got a pair. These guys travel ALL around, compete in many extreme sports, and gather a HUGE crowd of people, skaters, goths, adrenaline junkies, you name it. Not only that, but they are christian, meaning good PR. The email for Jim is *********** and the other guy (Jason Farington) can be reached at ************ <- he's the one that doesn't have a pair but wants some. Not only that but they want to do an advertising exchange with my web site, which means their addren junkies will come to my site, and see the soap shoes also! Pretty sweet, aye? Email them, talk with them, they are the ones who do this stuff and the ones who extreme teens and youth look up to, and they do it with a positive message. Tell me how this goes, I know this could spell major sales for SOAPs and get things moving!

At a local level, i made another trip to Skateside, a christian skate park. I got another group of kids to try the shoes, they love em and want a pair. I handed out stickers and the owner agreed to put up the SOAP banner you gave me. I also told the kids to go to JOURNEYS shoe store in our mall, they used to carry them, and tell them they want the soaps that are coming out this fall. I went there myself to deliver the news and to hand them a SOAP duck and some stickers and a banner. The manager will forward the stuff and the news up the chain of command. I'll be heading to skateside more and more, it's lower cost this month so i can afford it.

Also, this is just a personal request, if at all possible, Skateside is trying to move out of their rented warehouse and into a bought building so they can make it truly their own and gather a big crowd. BUT, they are short on funds. Maybe you could help out a little in exchange for some major add placing and sponsorships, you would be showcasing SOAPs in a area especially designed for skaters and once again, a positive place with good PR for the community.

Sorry for the fast typing, i'm really pumped, at this rate SOAPs are going to skyrocket out of the retail stores. If your interested in the skateside thing, or need more info, just ask me and i'll get you in contact with the owner.

That's pretty much it, like i said before if you have more banners and stuff, i'm giving them away to potential customers like wild fire, and soon will be out of stock. Please email me back on any feedback about your thoughts on these things. I hope this is helping you all out, and not falling on deaf ears. Anyway, email me back please to tell me what you think.

Trevor Fayas of Sonicandpals.com - The Comic!

PS: Check out the latest idea for SOAPs -> www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/index.php

May 21, 2006Surfaced

I think it's awesome. You are doing an awesome job, Trevor. Keep it up. It's great that you interested those hoked-up guys.

My friends and I are hitting downtown next weekend... let's see what happens!

May 21, 2006SapAuthor

There we go, surfaced! Let's all tell of efforts, maybe if others who aren't doing anything see the impact a little hard work can do, we can get them to also help out.

May 21, 2006Wesker

Awesome work Trev. A little hard work can go a long way as we've seen from the recent reproduction of Soap shoes, keep it up!

May 21, 2006SapAuthor

Let's use this to brainstorm some more. Put up an idea to advertise for SOAPs, we'll all analyze it and see if it would potentially cost more than it would bring in. THe good ones will get sent to SOAP, does that sound cool?

May 22, 2006Mart

I don't think that's a feasable idea; none of us have any actual marketing experience, so things like cost projection, estimated market response etc would be completely innacurate. I think once HSL sees Soap's popularity continue to increase they'll be more likely to up their marketing budget, but at the moment I think it would be best to simply generate sales through word of mouth/hyping etc, exactly what you're doing at the moment Trevor

May 22, 2006dunk

100% agree with Mart. Infact, we've already had this discussion http://www.solidgrind.com/forum/4053/">here.
Nice work recruiting more people.

May 24, 2006Primal

I think Soap is doing fine with the underground market it has now. I'll admit - it would be nice to have Soaps bust out into the public eye, but for now, I think the sport is pretty much centred around baggy-jeaned enthusiasts.

Saying that, I'm responsible for bringing the Soaper to Chesterfield, and it's taken off, so perhaps there isn't so much of a problem after all...

May 24, 2006SapAuthor

Excellent work, Primal. We all must represent SOAP wherever we go. Who else has any success stories?

May 24, 2006AnthoFlex

Success stories?....i dunno about this being a success but these are a list of poeple in CORONA queens New York....(corona is pretty small)

Lawrence Reyes
Jonathan and Christopher Rosero
Jerry Gomez
Lita Lane
Steven Sanchez
Ramel Peters

These are all my friends to let you know....i consider this a success cause these guys did not know WTF Soap Shoes were until i got a pair....they all wanted to try mine out and when they did....they loved it....i told them as well to spread the word....and so they did

May 24, 2006Mart

How many of them are looking to get their own pairs of Soaps?

May 24, 2006AnthoFlex

All of them.....why? OH S*** sorry, i made it seem like they WANTED them, not actually look for them....no but seriously, i'm helping them look.

May 25, 2006SapAuthor

if they have small feet, then it shouldn't be hard. Unless they want to wait the couple months till they come out. That's kind of what i'm scared about, people wanting to get htem so badly they won't wait till SOAP releases them, and when they are released everyone will already have a pair and SOAP will be ticked and go under again.

May 25, 2006Mart

Uuuh, how does that work? Whether they buy them now or in September makes no difference as long as they buy them from an authorised retailer

Another thing is that, if these people that you and Anthoflex have introduced to Soap get their shoes now, they'll show other people the shoes and get more people interested. So if anything, getting shoes now will allow these people to show others what the shoes are like, generating more hype

May 25, 2006SapAuthor

that is true. just i knew as soon as i found out i looked on ebay and got a pair right away.

May 25, 2006dunk

Primal... are you English? I used to go to college in a place called Chesterfield.

May 26, 2006Curtinator

Awsome job SapAthor. Ive been spreading the word and some people wanna get some soaps.

May 26, 2006Curtinator

Sap active my account so I can log on to your boards.

May 26, 2006SapAuthor

um, i don't think i need to, i think i'ts alreayd done...but just to tell you my email screwed up and no emails got through. Curtinator, just stay on this board, no one else is going to my offiste message board, the challanges will be done here. THanks though.

May 27, 2006Curtinator

Ok but didn't you also have a site?
ANyways do you have aim or anyone else?
if so mines Shammy749

May 27, 2006SapAuthor

Yes, i have a site, www.sonicandpals.com. It's a comic strip. Yes, I have AIM or Yahoo, Moondragoon221 or Moondragoon321.
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