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The sickest soaping you have ever seen.
May 22, 2006 by SapAuthor

this needs to be put on the vid here, the guy soaped a 666ft rail.


May 22, 2006SapAuthor

okay nm, it was skates not soaps, looked like soaps. But still, DANG. I wish i knew where that rail was, that would be like hte mac dog of missions.

May 22, 2006AnthoFlex

I'm on school right now and i cant put in the link but i think i know which one ur talking about....that was insane but with blades on....not Soaps

May 22, 2006SapAuthor

anyone else care to comment on this? It's a really sick video, no cutting out, just a constant grind of a HUGE rail that weaves and stuff, takes like a minute for the guy to make it all hte way down. Imagine balancing for a minute on a weaving rail, and one side there's a huge drop XP

May 22, 2006Mart

I'm actually amazed that you thought Haffey and RobG, two huge names in rolling, would be sporting Soaps

Nice vid though, nonetheless

May 24, 2006SapAuthor

i'm still new on the extreme sports scene, so pardon my stupidity hehe.

May 24, 2006AnthoFlex

stupidity excused.....lolz, just kidding dude, ur not stupid....dunt degrade urself, that aint healthy

May 25, 2006SapAuthor

it's not degrading when ur not really botherd by it. Lol. It's being truthful ;-). I have a high self esteem about most of me, life's to short to be depressed, and the happy ones make the best soldiers of christ (cuz no one wants to join something that is 'depressing')

May 25, 2006Mart

That's a lie; why do you think kiddies become 'goths'?

I use the term 'goth' very loosely there, as very few kids that age, if any, know what being a goth actually is

May 25, 2006onthegrindduude

that would suck to fall

May 25, 2006stlremz

Haffey's amazing
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