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Dummy question, but need answer plz
May 25, 2006 by SapAuthor

Can someone tell me what to look for in wax. Just tell me what wax to get for my shoes and for rails to make them uber slick. After someone answers, no one else post plz so this can just slowly sink to the bottom and be forgotten.

May 25, 2006Mart

Just get skate wax. And I think you should get the basics down before waxing your rails up to the max, because you are more than likely to fall flat on your arse

May 25, 2006Primal

Wax? Bad idea for a beginner. I tend to use water on my rail (yes, I went and bought a rail) as it doesn't leave residue and is a heck of a lot cheaper. The only problem is having to apply it every five minutes.

May 25, 2006AnthoFlex

Lightly applying Candle wax should do the trick.....make sure that when u go buy the candle, its not smooshy when u press into it..make sure that its pretty hard....thats what i used to do....i ALWAYS used to wax my rails as a beginner

May 25, 2006SapAuthor

Thanks, i saw wax is only like 5 bucks. I'll have to grab some. The reason why i want some is at the skatepark there's a larg semi-circle grind rail. Problem is, it's LARGE, so you have to go really fast in order for you to stick to the rail (otherwise gravity pulls you down to fast). I made it halfway around, i figure if i can speed it up i can make it all the way for a cool grind.

May 25, 2006Mart

Gravity pulling you down? Dude, that's because your balance isn't right, not because the rail isn't waxed

Primal, water is terrible. Since it's a fluid it'll run off the rail in some places and stay in others, meaning that the effects are inconsistent

Wax is going to be a 'bad idea' for anyone who isn't used to it. The best advice when using wax for the first time is to be very careful with it, build it up layer by layer until the rail/ledge is as slick as you want it. And don't try and bust a huge grind on it straight away, test it out first otherwise you could be in for a rather painful surprise

May 25, 2006SapAuthor

no no no, i'm saying the half circle rail is horizontal, and it's an edge so you can't go on top of it, so you have to grind the side. Meaning, you have to be at an angle to stay on, and if you go fast centripicle force pulls you to the edge instead of down (just like in those twirly rides when it goes fast enough you're pressed to the sides of the machine). So, in order to make the entire thing, you have to go fast enough that the pull down from gravity is countered by the pull over. Kind of see hwat i'm saying, or is everyone lost.

May 25, 2006Mart

You mean centrifugal force, and that pushes you against the rail you're talking about. But yeah, I didn't know the rail was a flatbar. Is it too wide to be able to lock your plates on top? Although that would be a pretty sketchy grind, especially on a curved rail

May 25, 2006Surfaced

Well... I started using wax from the very beginning, so it's always been normal to me. If there isn't wax on a rail, then I get a little annoyed because I love the smoothest possible grind.

May 25, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea, i'm with surfaced on that one....the first rail i ever grinded had to be waxed...lolz, as for you Sapauthor, dun ever pay 5 bucks for wax, unless its sk8 wax....the candles out here in NYC for me are a dollar and are kickass and a about 7in in length

May 26, 2006Curtinator


May 26, 2006SapAuthor

it was skate wax. i'll try some reg candles too, see if it works.

May 26, 2006Primal

Nah, water is fine - at least, it works fine for me as compared to wax. You'd be surprised - I have a movie lying around somewhere of my first 'real' Soap attempts on a rail, and it shows (even through cruddy quality) how water will lubricate your grind surface, even for a short time.

That aside, I live in Britain - it's always raining, and I find that grinding wet rails is just as fast and clean as grinding waxed ones. And like I said - it doesn't leave residue, which leaves the authorities happy.

May 27, 2006AnthoFlex

I have a dummy question too.....i know what a cheesgrater is, but what is an Alley-oop Cheesegrater?

May 27, 2006Mart

Water is inconsistent and is nowhere near as effective as wax

May 27, 2006AnthoFlex

I agree. with mart....i;'ve never tried water but i never would....*cough ordnance, *cough removable plates, *cough rusty.....damn i think i have a cold ^_^

May 27, 2006AnthoFlex

the screws i meant...i wouldnt want those things to get rusty

May 28, 2006Mart

They don't go rusty. How stupid would it be to design a shoe to be worn for everyday use and make the screws out of iron?

May 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Hey hey chill out, i just thought that.....this is my first pair of Soaps with removable plates. Damn MArt, u go all out on everyone here dunt you?

May 31, 2006SapAuthor

i tried candle wax, and it works well (cept the white residue but oh well). Only thing that sucked was when i went, it was 85 with around 80% humidity, very sunny, so after about 30 minutes I was to sweety and hot to have any desire to jump or move, lol. It's better now, but i need to find someone to soap with, i find it's really boring to soap alone.

May 31, 2006Mart

It came close to 100 on one UKFSW session nearly three years ago, and when you're with a ton of people having fun the heat doesn't phase you at all. Trust

Jun 1, 2006blakeashake

if my other friend with soaps dont come soaping with me i just get one of my skater friends to skate while i soap.

Jun 1, 2006AnthoFlex

all of my sk8r friends h8 Soaping...they've been ignoring me lately....i want everyone to answer this question:

Is it OK for someone to Sk8Board and SOap?

i think its just fine....in fact....u may even be able to combine tricks for more variations...i think

Jun 1, 2006Mart

Bad idea. Soap shoes are no way built to take the punishment that skate shoes have. There are no ollie wear strips or, like, quadruple-stitched seams, plus heavy or awkward landings could cause the grindplate to catch on the deck, which isn't really what you want if you've just landed badly

Jun 1, 2006AnthoFlex

Mart......you CLEARLY read it wrong......i meant isnt it ok for someone to do both? Not at the same time (unless you want to) but i meant like both being hobbies....both equally important to them......thats how Soaping and Sk8ing are for me......but noone accepts that.......why? What is the big fuking deal?

Jun 1, 2006Mart

Uuuh, don't be a dick. 'u may even be able to combine tricks for more variations' - how on earth would you 'combine tricks' if you weren't doing both at the same time? Soap tricks aren't translatable to skateboarding and vice versa, as they are both completely different sports, so you could only have meant doing both at the same time

Jun 1, 2006maddog

i think its fine one of my good friend skates and he also has heelys wit the soap part and hes likes to skate and soap.

its sooo much more fun wit more people too!!! i love it

Jun 1, 2006Mart

Also, I'm guessing that most skaters would see people with Soaps as posers, especially if they're kicking around in a skatepark (which is one of the gayest places to Soap). Plus, since Soap is so similar to inline that'd get the skaters' backs up too, since anyone who bitches about fruitbooting is clearly in denial of the fact that it's an infinitely more stylish sport

Jun 2, 2006maddog

doesnt a skatepark have goodrails tho? havent been to one in a few years but i would think its cool to soap there but idk

Jun 2, 2006SapAuthor

Mart, lay off, your always so condescending. Firstly, it's fine to both Soap and Sk8board, but the shoes aren't meant to take the abuse so It is right ot say that you may want to wear sk8board shoes while ur sk8boarding.

Secondly, skate parks can be hte best place to START soaping, becuase they have the rails to get better on, expecially in areas that dont have a lot of rails (like Wisconsin). BUT, sk8boarders tend to hate soapers, so you may want to go early or when not many people are there.

And it's not the heat that kills, i'ts humidity, it's 80 degress out here and BEAUTIFUL, but it was 80 with a 80% humidity, and I thought i was going to die.

Best thign to do is try to get a close friend to start too, that way you can both improve together. Once you get good, start moving to bigger better things.

Okay, one more question from me though, when your going up to grind on a hand rail, do you go at an angle or straight on? I see everyone going at an angle to hop on. I tried straight on but I end up bailing cuz my rubber hits the rail (i'm still learning). So at angle = better then straight on?

Jun 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Hey mart, dunt call me a dick ok, i was wrong i'll admit that ok? but DO NOT call me no fucking dick.....i dunt start shit with noone here so just chill....that is the SECOND time u've gone out on me....i didnt say anything bad to you....i was wrong, i apologize, keep it as that

Jun 2, 2006AnthoFlex

and i agree with Sapauthor....there are plenty of people who could Soap and skate at the same time....and believe me, if you know what the fuck you are doing, you WONT catch the grind plate on ur deck....i'll admit, that almost happened to me but i can sk8 good enough not to catch my plates....I both SKATEBOARD and SOAP.....independently and at the same time....so YES, it IS possible

Jun 2, 2006AnthoFlex

As for sk8parks.....those places are great to learn how to Soap....and yes, its true: some skaters dunt like Soapers....but let me tell you something....if i'm there with my friends sk8ing in a skatepark and some kid comes with Soaps.....he has my respect...if anyone tries to fuck with him, IMMA be the one to back him up......i just wont back a heely up...i'm sorry, i dun like Heely's

Jun 2, 2006Mart

When was the first time? All I said was that Soaps aren't built for skateboarding and you bitched out at me, despite the fact that you miscommunicated what you were trying to say. So if you're going to get all up in my face about that then I'll call you whatever the hell I like

Also, it doesn't matter if you know 'what the fuck you are doing' or not, the fact is that everyone makes mistakes in any sport, regardless of how good you are, and wearing Soaps whilst skating adds an unnecessary risk because of the grindplates. Shoes flex but plastic doesn't. A heavy landing will cause the shoes to flex and could expose the grindplate to the surface of the deck. I never said skating with Soaps was impossible, I said it was a bad idea. Learn to read what I write. Don't assume that I'm being a bitch because, believe me, you'll know about it if I am

I don't get why you wouldn't back up a Heely kid. I mean, it's bent the way skaters have all these rivalries in the first place, but just because you don't like what sport that kid is doing doesn't mean he deserves to take shit from some intolerant fuckwit. Rise above it bro

Jun 2, 2006Mart

Trevor, it depends what trick you're doing. But in general, running at an angle gives you more room to jump and get your foot on the rail. If you're running straight on (I assume you mean running almost parallel with the rail, yeah?), you've got to twist your body more as well as your feet; if you're close to the rail and you're having to twist your feet, you don't have much room to make that movement, resulting in your foot hitting the underside of the rail

Running parallel to the rail is easier when going front foot first or doing backside tricks than trying it back foot first. Cheesegraters are also easier when running more parallel to the rail

However, if you mean going straight on as in hitting the rail at 90degrees, that's only any good for alleyoop or 270backside tricks because otherwise your balance is all out; there's no forward momentum to carry you along the rail and help you correct any balance problems that would otherwise cause you to dismount

Jun 2, 2006AnthoFlex

ight MArt....its kool....lets start over, we used to be kool.......ight? i was just pissed...we kool?

Jun 3, 2006lighterkid

i have this rail that dosent even have any supports it just lies flat on the ground and i find that its easier to go strait on rather than at an angle

Jun 3, 2006AnthoFlex

dude.....learn angles....it'll teach you more balance.....put it on a cynder block and put something on the sides so that it doesnt roll off.....i started off on a floor, non-angle, square rail like you....except i dunno if ur rail is square...and you really dunt learn anything....

Jun 3, 2006AnthoFlex

but then again....a floor rail will teach you balance by teaching u not to lean too far to one side (feet touch floor, lose speed)

i think all my balance came form that stupid square rail i used to practice on...it wasnt round (obviously) so it wouldnt really lock into the plates.....i taught myself how to grind square rails first, then i was was more than ready for round ones....round ones lock in better....by the way, i started off with the express's, if that makes a difference

Jun 4, 2006lighterkid

i dunno... a lot of the cornell demos on this site show people gettin on straight.

Jun 4, 2006lighterkid

i guess its really best to develope ur own style

Jun 5, 2006AnthoFlex

thats the way lighterkid! i like ur style....i bet ur gonna be maaad good soon

Jun 6, 2006SapAuthor

I found the PERFECT rail...infront of a fire department, and next to my friend's house whose mom thinks i'm going to convince her to have sex with me and get her pregnent at 14 (we go to youth gropu together). But, still, it's a perfect rail, nice slope and it's at the right hight to pose a challange.

Now, if only her mom would listen to reason taht i'm a virgin, waiting till marraige, and in love with a girl in FL, not her daughter.

Jun 6, 2006SapAuthor

Oh, did i mention her step father is a giant trucker who is extremely mean and abusive? I dropped her off and waited for 5 min in case he tried to start somethig or hit her, i would be there to defend her. Poor girl :( she's cool, she deserves better.

Jun 6, 2006Mart

...since when did this site become jerryspringer.com?

Jun 6, 2006AnthoFlex

dude....you just went from telling us about a sick ass rail to talking about getting a girl pregnant....i was interested in the rail.... you got any pics of it?

Jun 7, 2006SapAuthor

sorry, i was kind of ticked of when i posted that at her mom and her abusive step father. She's a good friend and really fun, but you should see how depressed she gets when the step father comes home, ther'es no getting her to smile, i worry about her sometimes.

Anyways, i'll try at some point to nab a picture of it, and possible grind down it, just got to find a time to go when i know her mom won't be there.

Anyways, might as well ask this, if any of you are christians, can u pray for mmy friend? I'm also going to try to get her into soaping before i go, but she is really getting depressed a lot becasue of her mom, nad other things. Not to mention her mom has been preventing her father from talking with her for 4 years...i had to find hte phone number so she could finally talk with him.
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