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What do you all think of this?
May 31, 2006 by SapAuthor

It's come to my attention that one of the main reason everyone in the soap videos is having a blast is thus: they aren't alone. Yes, i've found that soaping alone, expecially when your not that good yet, can be very, very, boring...So, this is my idea (yes, another idea, one of these is bound to work). What do you all think of having a Soapers Gues book? A way that people can sign up, put down their general area, and email so someone from X location go on and look up and say "hey, this person is also from X location! And look, an email address! Briliant! Now i can email them and see if they want to meet up and go soaping together!" Good idea? Bad idea? Cuz i would LOVE to have someone to SOAP with, and there aren't any shoes around here for anyone to go out and get one so they can soap (plus, my friends at the moment are poor and wouldnt spend 100+ on shoes, they would pay the 80 but i have to wait till fall). Just an idea, it may be fun to meet up with others, would definitelly help to increase the hype, becuase sometimes a lone soaper people say "look at that moron" but instead they see two or more having fun and they want in.

Questions, comments, concerns, post em.

May 31, 2006AnthoFlex

NOt a bad idea dude.....and yes, i do find it boring as hell to Soap alone.......but as for people who say, look at that moron....FUK them! Dunt ever let what people say bother you...their thoughts aint gonna hurt you...dunt let it

May 31, 2006AnthoFlex

With that, allow me to be the first to sign this Book....

Name: Renny Castillo a.k.a AnthoFlex
Location: Corona, Queens NYC
AIM, Myspace, Yahoo, SolidGrind: AnthoFlex

May 31, 2006Louis

once upon a time there was a website called soapshoe.com where anyone could put up their details and it created an online international soapshoe register. I found a girl 2 blocks away from me with soapshoes through that site.....before it died.

Jun 1, 2006Curtinator

Well I live to far away from most of you and if I tried to meet up it would be to expensive. :P But I aint alone I soap with my brother.

Jun 1, 2006blakeashake

i dont think ne soapers except my one friend live around here.

Name:Blake Johnston
Location: Buffalo, Ney York

Jun 1, 2006SapAuthor

Name: Trevor Fayas
Location: Green Bay, WI. Tampa Fl after Aug 20 2006
AIM: Moondragoon221
Yahoo: Moondragoon321
Email: trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com

Jun 1, 2006Surfaced

Name: David Vileta
Location: Duluth, Minnesota

I've already got some friends to Soap with though

Jun 1, 2006SapAuthor

have them sign up, in fact, everyone sign up here plz

Jun 1, 2006SapAuthor

Ummm, it just occured to me, maybe we should put these all in a topic labeled "guestbook" instead of one labeled "what do you all think of this." The later doesn't really scream "sign in here", ya know? I'll quickly make a new topic and copy everything from this in there.

Jun 1, 2006Mart

Why not call it 'Soap Directory', or 'Looking for local Soapers? Click here!'? 'Guestbook' makes me think that it's a forum topic that is just where people would go to say 'Hi, I'm here', which is what a normal guestbook is all about

Jun 2, 2006Curtinator

Meh I will just tell my location and stuff.
Name: Curtis Fahlman
email:curtis_fahlman11@hotmail.com (also for msn adding)
and yeah thats my stuff :P

Jun 2, 2006James

Name:James Ross
Location:Duluth Minnesota

Jun 2, 2006SapAuthor

Everyone put theirs in the forum "guestbook"
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