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just got soaps
Jun 1, 2006 by lighterkid

omg i just got soaps they are so sik!!!!!! i suk at them but they are still awesome!!!!!

Jun 1, 2006Mart

Nice one dude, stick at it! Practice up for a few weeks and you'll be sticking out some solid frontsides and will have set down the building blocks to progress as far as you like

Jun 1, 2006Wesker

Yeah just keep at it and you'll be pulling some awesome grinds in no time.

Jun 1, 2006Wesker

(Damn no edit button)- Which Model did you get?

Jun 1, 2006AnthoFlex

YEA! there you go man! Thats the way to go! keep at it.....u'll be good in no time!

Jun 2, 2006Curtinator


Jun 2, 2006SapAuthor

Hey, where are you located around, maybe there's a fellow soaper in the area.

Jun 2, 2006AnthoFlex

If ur in NYC, its doubtful....lmfao....only me and Dario are Soapers that i'm aware of in my area

Jun 3, 2006lighterkid

i live in swarthmore pa. its around philly

Jun 3, 2006lighterkid

i got the express model, and my friend gave me this nice rail to practice on

Jun 3, 2006AnthoFlex

NIce...the express's were the ones that i started out with.....keep up the good work man...

Jul 26, 2006Ryozox

Heh, I have yet to find some fellow soapers in Phoenix, AZ.. I'm like, the only one.. lol

Jul 26, 2006SapAuthor

Like ive said, there are 2 ways to get others to soap with you. First look in hte area for other soapers, or make your own. AKA get some of your friends to get SOAPs so you can learn together.

Jul 27, 2006Ryozox

I've been persuading one of my best friends to purchase some from Ebay, they have some his size..

Jul 27, 2006SapAuthor

way to go Ryozox, if everyone just got one person to get a pair, it would really help. I got one of my friend's to get a pair, and i'm trying others. You can all do it!

Aug 1, 2006Ryozox

Well, I finnaly got my new pair just yesterday! They are very fun, but I'm feeling the pain now XD (I fell like, 5 times..) Yeah thats so true SapAuthor, once I get my stickers, they're going everywhere.. I'll slap tons on the mailbox and local billboards, lol

Aug 1, 2006AnthoFlex

just be careful dude....the cops will definetly fuck around with you if they see you doing that

Aug 1, 2006SapAuthor

true, slapping them on mailboxes wont do any good, who checks the mail? adults, and when they see people vandelizing their property, you thinkt hey will allow their kids to get soaps? Use the stickers for your stuff, and skatepark rails and stuff. that way people who would actually get them can see them and soaps wont be outlawed like they did in hte middle schools here back a couple years ago

Aug 1, 2006Mart

Eh, stick them where you want, just not on residential property. As long as you're discreet about it you should be able to sticker anywhere, just don't be an idiot and plaster people's private property with stickers. Doing that would entirely defeat the purpose of using stickers as a promotional tool, as no one except the people living at that place would see the sticker

Aug 2, 2006Ryozox

I have a different type of mailbox that you guys are thinking of, its a mailbox that everyone has a key and opens up their box. Everyone posts lost dog posters and advertises things on it, so I'll put a Soap Sticker up, I'm not dumb enough to put them on other people's crap, duh XD

Aug 2, 2006Ryozox

It's big and everyone goes there.

Aug 2, 2006Ryozox

.. edit button please? Ok, everyone in my huge neighborhood goes there..
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Bryndon with a frontside (about to jump from rail 1 to rail 2).
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