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Sonic Bears SOAPS once more!
Jul 2, 2006 by SapAuthor

I'm going through every single Sonic the hedgehog Cartoon in existance.

Sonic X Ep 58.
Sonic is getting trapped by out of control vines, when Chris shoots a shoe upgrade, SOAPS! Sonic uses them to grind along the vine and defeat Dr. Eggman and the meterex.

It's really awesome, i'll cut it and post a video on YouTube after i'm finished watching it and the next one.

Jul 2, 2006AnthoFlex

Congrats SapAuthor, u are the 2nd person to see that, first was me....lol.....they didnt look like Soaps (because of the color scheme) and im pretty sure they werent meant to be Soaps but it was the SA2 shoe nontheless and there WAS a grindplate.....So good for Sonic! Upgration for Soap shoes kids are gonna wanna do that

Jul 2, 2006SapAuthor


here it is, it should be up and running, only 2.2 mb, i'ts pretty sweet.

Jul 2, 2006SapAuthor

oh, and sorry for not being around here very much lately, been kind of busy -.- I'm finishing up on watching allt he sonic cartoons and osme of the games so i can make my new sectin to my web site (the other one besides the new soap one, which is my next project).

Jul 3, 2006Surfaced


They've got balls to go and do that. HSL had to be hatin' and keep everything Soap to themselves, so Soap shoes couldn't even be mentioned.

You own this episode, Trevor, correct? Is there anything in the credits? How old is ep. 58?

Jul 3, 2006Mart

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the Soap deal exclusive to the videogame only?

Jul 3, 2006AnthoFlex

Honestly, i watch SONIC X EVERY saturday.....i've never took the time to check the credits though....hmmmm i'll brb as i look at one of the credits.....

Jul 3, 2006AnthoFlex

ok ok ok.....no wonder i never look at them....The screen gets split as they show whats coming up next on FOX......the names are waaaaaay to small to read.....i think i'll just Downlaod an episode.....as for HSL......Those ARE the exact ones used in SA2.....hmmmm i got to look more into this...this is a coool subject

Jul 4, 2006Go2Crew

Mart, you are right again. The original 2000-2001 contract with Sega was a product appearance, cross-promotion for Sonic Adventure 2, featuring an artist-colored rendition of the Scorchers. I know Renny, you are right...! In fact I'm sitting here looking at the SA2 hangtag we developed which featured the real Red/Grey/White Scorcher, the Navy Flow, and the Navy Dash (prototype that you have Mart!). I guess HSL widened the agreement which would be a smart idea since they aren't advertising much, or maybe they don't know. BTW, if anyone cares, the other cross-promo deal was with Midway for Arctic Thunder.

Jul 4, 2006SapAuthor

I own the episode, but it was recorded with a video card and edited the commercials and credits out. It's not that old, the season 3 was hte last Sonic X series and that was about mid way. I would think that they would need to ask HSL for use...maybe HSL needs to contact them and get them to put some SOAP banners in Sonic 15th anniversary or something, or allow HSL to use Sonic in it's promos.

Jul 4, 2006AnthoFlex

I didnt like the ending to season 3.....anywayz, i think i saw that episode a little after i got my 2nd pair of SOaps....i was going crazy when i saw that.....but through the Meterex saga, Sonic had like 4 different pairs of SHoes....i was like wtf....my favorite was definetly the SOaps

Jul 4, 2006AnthoFlex

im apologize if my last message doesnt make sense or if theres anything mispelled....i'm laughing my ass off here and i dunno wtf im typing

Jul 4, 2006Surfaced

Midway's Arctic Thunder??!

I own all of Midways' Thunder Sports games... Hydro Thunder was the best.

But what happened in Arctic Thunder? I dont remember anything.

Jul 5, 2006SapAuthor

I'm playing Sonic Riders right now, and there is a shoe that enables grinding, it probably wn't look like a soap, but it would be cool if they did.

Jul 6, 2006AnthoFlex

Damn dude.....ur a bigger Sonic freak than me! lol

Jul 8, 2006SapAuthor

trying, i watched all 210 episodes, i'm working on a new section on my site for all the sonic cartoons and games, and then after i got to work on the SOAP section of the site. But i'm collecting every single game, and beating them all 100%. Long goal -.-

Jul 8, 2006Surfaced

good luck getting all As in Sonic Adventure 2... but if you do, you get to play the retro GreenHill Zone from the original Sonic game for the Genesis, entirely revamped in 3D.

Jul 8, 2006AnthoFlex

i always wanted to play that dude! omfg, i dunt own the game but all of my friends that do own it dunt even know about it!!

Jul 8, 2006AnthoFlex

*the green hill zone i meant

Jul 9, 2006SapAuthor

Oh, i alreayd got all As, even on the green hill zone. SA2B and SADX are 100% complete, i'm working on Sonic Riders nad Sonic Hereos right now, heroes may take a while cuz once you beat everything with all As, you gotta do it over with hard mode on -.- I'm recording everything on my laptop and putting it on youtube for my web site's new area. But yah, even though it takes forever to raise a chao that can beat the hero and dark races (i raised an SSSSS chao), playing the retro level is worth it.

Jul 9, 2006AnthoFlex

Hey SapAuthor, can u send me pix of HArd mode in Sonic Heroes when u get em? i never could get it ^_^
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