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Mar 18, 2010 by Brad

For the sake of having somewhere to post 'cause I can't find any other thread.

Mar 18, 2010CheElmo

This spam is really pissin' me off!!

Y'know, I still haven't had the time to go out soapin' yet. The weather just won't let me.

One of my friends has bought himself a pair o' soaps, but at the moment we're too busy to meet up (I work 4 evenings a week, and have college 3 days a week. leaving me with 1 day to relax, but my friend usually works on that very day), and my other friend keeps delaying his purchasing of soaps. I found Ringwood's old train track (not much is left) so I'm gonna practice 'n' stuff on that, but i dare'nt go alone.

If I didn't have college, and my procrastinateing friend would just join me, then I'd be grinding everything in site every freakin' day.....

So hows you guys doin'?^^

Mar 19, 2010Tedd

Hey guys, remember when I said I'd pay 500 for Broadsides? I'm doing it. Right now. On Ebay. Don't even try, my friends are going to kill for those shoes and like I said before.. I'd do anything (reasonable) for them. Just thought I'd give you a friendly deterrent message so you don't waste your time. :)

Mar 19, 2010Tedd

Oh, and by the way.. The 26th is the planned SOAPing date. I'll try to have videos posted for you, and I pray to God that it doesn't rain or isn't flooded still. I'll have to go check it out tomorrow to see if the water receded any.

I got a bit of practice on Friday, so I can kinda grind a bench, but rails are COMPLETELY different. I thought I was grinding nice and smoothly on the bench, but on the rail it's like sliding on oil. There's barely any friction (with my Expresses anyway) and one of my friends hurt his ankle pretty badly while practicing.

So I guess you may want to wear a helmet doing rails, as those are very dangerous compared to something that has a lot of friction on it.

Mar 19, 2010Brad

Good luck on getting the Broadsides Tedd, hopefully I can find some in my size some day...

And yeah, I found out about rails the hard way. When I first got my soaps, I was a bit cocky (as I'm sure a lot of us were)and slid a rail that looked a lot like this one http://www.solidgrind.com/photos/soap-shoes/245/ but it was red and didn't have that little drop at the kink. I was ok at first but then found out they go way faster than they look.

Mar 19, 2010AnthoFlex

if you were serious about the $500, i'll close the auction right now. Of course, I would have to see $500.00 in my paypal first. just letme know. I might throw in some other swag.... a hell of a lotta other swag

Mar 19, 2010sylonbroadsides

I'm still selling shoes in sizes 9-12

Mar 19, 2010Brad

You still got those 13 cleans?

Mar 19, 2010sylonbroadsides

yes sir, and your shoes are in the mail. Sorry about the wait.

Mar 19, 2010Brad

No worries, I'm just stoked on a second pair of soaps ^^

But I doubt I'll get those shoes for a while, but you think you could hold on to 'em for me? :D

Mar 19, 2010sylonbroadsides

expect the shipping to be faster next time

Mar 19, 2010Brad

Whys that?

Btw, you got any idea how long the Flows will take? I'm all jazzed on trying out the impact plates :D

Mar 19, 2010sylonbroadsides

post office said 4-5 days. Next time I send stuff out I'll make sure to send them out the day you pay though, I wasn't able to avoid some stuff that came up.

Mar 19, 2010Brad

Yeah man, it's all good.

Btw just outta curiosity, I don't wanna bug you or anything but how many days ago did you send 'em?

Mar 19, 2010Timuukun

I'm back, everyone. Spring break finally happened, and not a moment too soon.

@Ted: I've gotta caution you, and anyone else thinking about buying Broadsides from Renny. In a word, DON'T GO NEAR HIM. The ones he sold me were total pieces of shit; completely unwearable pieces of junk, and he never gave any inkling of the fact that they had CRACKED PLATES and DRY-ROTTED SOLES in his eBay description. I had to go through hell to get him to even SHIP the damn things (he MADE me give him positive feedback before he would even ship), and now he's refusing to exchange them or refund me, even though it's clear misrepresentation on his part and he KNEW that they weren't wearable or useable.

He screwed me over good, and there's no reason he won't do the same to you. We all want Broadsides (MYSELF TOTALLY INCLUDED), but he knows this and is trying to manipulate us by taking our money for shoes that are total pieces of shit. Mine LITERALLY FELL APART the first time I wore them, and there's no reason to expect anything else he sells to be any better quality, no matter what he might say in the description.


Mar 19, 2010sylonbroadsides

check your email Tim

Mar 23, 2010Wesker

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