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A Warning:
Mar 19, 2010 by Timuukun

Hey, guys. Somber note here.

First, though...wow, about the spam. Someone's got no life. And I don't like that they've been using my name. Insult the shoes if you must, but leave the people out of it.

My main point, though, is far more serious. I want to caution anyone thinking about buying those tantalizing Broadsides that Renny is offering on eBay. Renny has proved himself dishonest--the Broadsides he sold me were completely misrepresented. Those shoes weren't worth $5, much less the $60 starting price, and he neglected to mention that the plates were CRACKED, and the soles DRY-ROTTED to the point of being dangerous. Literally the FIRST time I ever tried to wear them, they FELL APART! Not an exaggeration: the sole came separate from the shoe and I nearly tripped and killed myself. Renny had reason to know about this defect, and yet chose instead to dishonestly take my money. He had no business selling those shoes to a member of the general public, much-less a fellow Soaper.

Moreover, I had to fight with him extensively before he would even SHIP the shoes. In the end, I had to give him positive feedback BEFORE I received the product in order for him to agree to even SHIP the shoes--thereby screwing me out of any possibility for disputation or a refund. When I contacted him after finding out the true quality of the shoes, I suggested that I return my regrettable pair and that he send me a WEARABLE, USEABLE pair (which he obviously has, as we can see by his latest eBay listing). His basic response can be boiled down to "F**k you."

So...to all of you thinking about blowing your life's savings of $500+ on a pair of Renny's Broadsides, please hear me when I say that he will SCAM YOU WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT! It's truly regrettable, but I'm living proof of the dishonesty, and I want to make sure nobody has to go through the same pain that I did. So please consider your actions before you go eBaying for some Renny Castillo products in the near future. He is not to be trusted.

Mar 20, 2010jackswhack

YEAH THAT GUY SUCKS!! dude look at the fucked up soaps he put up on ebay


they look so messed up like they were mixed in with tar jeez looks so disgustin

Mar 20, 2010Timuukun

I should post pictures of the Broadsides he sold me for $115...they're truly a horror-story. Don't be as naïve as me...avoid this guy if you value your money and a decent pair of Soaps.

Mar 20, 2010jackswhack

create a photobucket account an upload the pictures cuz i wanna see what this dumbass renny is doin 2 people

Mar 20, 2010Brad

That's rough. Let's see a pic of 'em.

Mar 20, 2010sylonbroadsides

did u guys know that this "anthojackass" robbed me of a pair of cobalt turntables on ebay? fucker snipped me!! renny anthopieceofshit costillo has no honor

Mar 20, 2010sylonbroadsides

my friend tyler wanted those so badly, and he just had to go down there and snipe them. he claims that we are "not honorable enough for these shoes". My friend thought those shoes were great, and Renny just had to have his way.

Renny, at one time I thought of you like a brother, hell I looked up to you man. But I don't understand why you did this to Tim and everything. I was always hoping that we could hang out all the time and stuff, but you've changed. We never soap or hang out anymore.

I don't know why or what is going on in your life anymore, but I'm sorry and I hope you can find peace with yourself one day.

Best of luck to you Renny

Mar 20, 2010Timuukun

Give me a minute to find my good camera...I'll take some nice, demonstrative photos.

Mar 20, 2010Timuukun


There you are. I couldn't find my Nikon D40, so I had to use the BlackBerry, but I think that it shows enough.

One thing to note: these are taken AFTER I took them to a shoemaker who smoothed out the plates considerably. In their original form, they would've torn up shag carpet like no tomorrow.

Mar 20, 2010Kooksoaper13

wow man that's brutal, I'm sorry, and Renny wow man I'm lost for words I used to look up to you too for believing in something no one else did, but well is this is what it has come to, then I guess soaps really are dead

Mar 20, 2010SpiderSoaper

they have been since 03

Mar 20, 2010Kooksoaper13

yeah, but I mean like the community and everything aswell

Mar 20, 2010SpiderSoaper

yea. i guess, atleast when i first got on here 3 years ago, there were like at least 25 people.

Mar 20, 2010Kooksoaper13

now it's down like to what 4

Mar 20, 2010AnthoFlex

So i guess because im a little older now, need to sell my old shoes to make a little to help get through, that makes me a bad person right?

I'm supposed to just hand over what I have right?

Travis, you one sneeky little dude...On some serious shit, you don't know half the crap thats been going on in my life. I try to stay in contact with you and AJ as best as i can, but with no phone its a little hard. You busy as shit with school too dude.

AJ aint got it much easier, you need to be cutting him some slack and stop giving him so much shit.

As for the rest of you, fuck all of you if you seriously gonna start hating me for selling my soaps.

I look after my own boys Travis and AJ, fuck ya'll who dont know me personally.

Mar 20, 2010Kooksoaper13

we don't hate you for selling your soaps, It's the condition that you were selling them in, I mean look at those broadsides,even you wouldn't pay $100+ for ones in those condition when they are $120 new 10 years ago come on man, but on another note you guys have no idea what this guy has tried to do for this whole thing we have goin on now, I mean he poured his heart and soul in to soap,and Renny I'm sorry if shit hasn't been goin your way, and I personally am glad that you are sellin your soaps, maybe itll bring someone new into this small community, but yall can think what you wanna think, thats just my 2 cents.

Mar 20, 2010SpiderSoaper


Mar 20, 2010Kooksoaper13


Mar 20, 2010AnthoFlex

you motherfuckers seriously think after all the time, effort, and money into soaps as much as i did that imma just quit and flip the coin on you?

I think all that spam has gotten to all of your heads. Not once was i ever the bad guy, but when a little dick un-thoughtfully bidded over a $100 without asking ANY questions about the shoes, suddenly im bad.

Be honest, you jumped at it because they were "BROADSIDES" and you just couldnt keep your little finger off that button.

Anyone who knows me here knows well that I am an experienced soaper. My shoes are NOT in the best condition.

As for those pictures...What in the fuck did you do to that sole? It's like you went a ripped the front backwards! I most certainly did not sell you that shit like that. I once had to shoe-goo the front of the lateral plate because they're old shoes, and the glue holding the plate wears off on the corners. What did you do? see the shoe-goo strand and start pulling at the shoe? Get the fuck outta here, no one here is that stupid.

The only thing about that shoe i knew about was the front cracked sole plate....but if you know ANYTHING about the slipknot plates, THEY'RE GLUED INTO PLACE! That crack down the piece of that small plate isn't going to move anywhere when you grind. And i know for a fact that THAT sole plate area is glued down GOOD.

I also noticed how you didnt say shit until the 2nd and 3rd pair of broadsides went up. If you would've notified me beforehand we could've worked shit out, but when you try to 1-up me, you little opportunist...You won't win, thats why i didnt respond to you little threat on ebay.

you wanna be a little shit and start talking crap when i have every single email, and i have all the shipping dates, everything. What? You think i don't log all this shit bro? I KNOW how long you had those shoes for.

As for Travis, dude, you're like a bro to me, that's why i still give a shit and im still trying to fix this, otherwise i'd fucking drop you like a bad habit. You're just pissed at me cause i listed those shoes after you relisted your sylons....Dude, i waited all week to put those broads up, i didnt mean to catch you when you relisted, but i couldn't do shit till i finished reformatting my computer. I didnt even look to see if you relisted cause i assumed someone bought em....fuck, i would've if i had $. Also, stop hassling AJ, we gonna hang, we gonna soap....SOON. The weathers getting nicer, you seriously think i aint headed over on the NNGS train?

Seriously you fucking dudes gotta cut me some slack, shit hasnt been easy on me or my family lately, and all of you should know that I am the absolute LAST fucking person who would wanna go out and fuck someone.

I've been good for too long to go bad ;)

(i dont have the triforce tattooed on my fucking hand for no reason)

Mar 20, 2010AnthoFlex

i wanted to add this to one of the paragraphs:

As for Travis, dude, you're like a bro to me, that's why i still give a shit and im still trying to fix this, otherwise i'd fucking drop you like a bad habit. You're just pissed at me cause i listed those shoes after you relisted your sylons....Dude, i waited all week to put those broads up, i didnt mean to catch you when you relisted, but i couldn't do shit till i finished reformatting my computer. I didnt even look to see if you relisted cause i assumed someone bought em....fuck, i would've if i had $. Also, stop hassling AJ, we gonna hang, we gonna soap....SOON., we gonna party.... soon.... we gonna fuck bitches.... soon...The weathers getting nicer, you seriously think i aint headed over on the NNGS train?

Mar 20, 2010SpiderSoaper

Hero of time has spoken

Mar 20, 2010AnthoFlex

also, jackiswhack should REALLY shut the fuck up before he catches a cybersmack.

Those size 9 cleans on ebay do look disgusting...They were barely used baby blue cleans that looked gay on my buddy vic....so we airbrushed it black...noone ever used it afterwards so i used it as a size 9 demo shoe after our size 9 express GOT ROBBED (you fucker, whoever you are, lol)

4 days after that demo, i got my first job painting, hence the white paint on the shoe. Haven't used the shoes since.

I know they were ugly, but they were so new that I wanted someone who was a size 9 to have them. Soaps aren't fucking meant to be glamorous, you grind in them. Why do you guys think i added extra plates, 6 BRAND NEW screws (which it doesnt need), BRAND NEW SOAP KEY, and stickers?

I was only gonna sell the shoes for like $15, but if you get everything together, you get a small deal, and you have extra hardware for later.


............stay off the crack........

..................before you catch a smack.........

....by me....

Mar 20, 2010AnthoFlex

in addition to the comment above:


Mar 20, 2010Altman

God fuck damn. Soap shoes is serious business, man.

Mar 20, 2010Brad

You got the Triforce on your hand Renny? That's fucking rad.

Mar 20, 2010Altman

Also, you bending back those Broadsides in an attempt to prove a point aren't doing the shoes any good. You can still Soap in them. I've seen a pair of Broads that were ten times worse off than those and they were still usable. Bitch ass nigga.

Mar 20, 2010Timuukun

Ah, so now I've become the bad guy? Funny how that seems to work. Well, allow me to defend myself, and then you all can draw your own conclusions.

@Renny: some of what you said is true, but unfortunately it proves a basis for distrusting you. It's true that I wanted those shoes and wanted them bad; bad enough so that I made some bad bidding decisions and naïve choices in dealing with you. However, the problem in this case is, as ever, the misrepresentation involved. Those shoes (I have now found out) were PROTOTYPES, never meant for sale or even very much more than a proof of concept. Add that to the fact that you had used them extensively, and it would be painfully obvious to a reasonable seller that they weren't simply "used," they were, in fact, "trash.". Yet despite ALL this, you chose to list them with a flattering description, a nice-looking, low-res photo that showed none of their defects, and counted on the fact that some dope from SolidGrind would come along, drool and scream "BROADSIDES" and provide you with a nice chunk of illegitimate change. That's not right, Renny. You've said it yourself: you're older now, so you, of ALL people here ought to be the most responsible.

As for that comment that you didn't know about the soles, and that I had tampered with evidence, that's bullshit and you know it. If you had worn those shoes even ONCE, or not even worn, but just tested for wear AT ALL, the same thing would've happened to you. Believe me: I was raised by a lawyer: I do NOT tamper with evidence just to prove a point. However, I might draw your attention back to the fact that you knew that the shoes had to be glued once already, and that the plates were developing fissures. Regardless of whether they were cemented on or not, that is the MOST telltale sign of wear in ANY Soap shoe...and yet you STILL chose to conceal this fact. You are, of course, entitled to enter any description you want, but willful misrepresentation of a product to a customer that you knew was hooked is fraudulent.

As for the hard-luck stories, I am truly sorry for you. But go make your money off of the plenty of gullible idiots roaming the streets of NYC. Leave the damn Soap community alone. I know you were dedicated to the community in the past, but the essence of belonging to a community is in supporting its members. You have failed to do that on many counts.

One last comment: stop threatening us. Much as you may like to think otherwise, there is no pressure that you can bring to bear, through "cyberslaps" or otherwise, that is ever going to ultimately influence anyone's behavior. As I understand it, this is a free and democratic community, and threatening of that sort is not acceptable.

You may wield a piece of the Triforce, but it's definitely the ill-gotten Triforce of Power. I hope you have what it takes to someday undertake the quest to find the pieces of the Triforce of Courage that exists in your heart. Until then, I will continue to fight, like Link against Ganon, until a resolution is reached.

@Altman: please check your facts. The shoes are not in wearable condition, much less Soapable. It would be dangerous to use them as intended. But, if all fails in negociations and I'm stuck with them, you can have them and go hurt yourself using them to your heart's content.

Mar 20, 2010Kooksoaper13

Antho, you gotta triforce... nice

Mar 20, 2010Kooksoaper13

and Tim that second to last paragraph was extremely geeky, just to let you know

Mar 20, 2010Timuukun

I love how this went from a serious issue to Renny having a Triforce. And I know that 2nd-to-last paragraph was geeky...but Renny ain't the only Zelda fanatic out there.

Anyway, I'm done. Buy from Renny if you want, but I would strongly suggest against it. I'd lock the thread at this point, though, if there was a lock button.

Mar 20, 2010Kooksoaper13

I'm sorry, I get off topic very easily

Mar 20, 2010jackswhack

FUCK U RENNY U STUPID PIECE OF SHIT !! U KNOW UR RIPPING OFF PEOPLE AND U LOVE IT i hate morons like u. ps ur comment was soooooo hurtful

Mar 21, 2010AnthoFlex

you were bagging on my shit, so I bagged on you right back.

No need to be a little girl about it, just don't do it again

Mar 21, 2010Brad

Hey Renny, I stumbled upon your website while I was looking for soap vids, and saw your dvd intro that never got finished, you still down for making that video?

Mar 21, 2010Kooksoaper13

and did the "Lords of Soaptown" ever get made?

Mar 21, 2010Brad

Also I've noticed in older posts, you've mentioned some video called "Clinic in a Can" is that still kickin' around?

Mar 22, 2010Brad


Mar 23, 2010matrix8967

Ah good ol' solidgrind. :/

Mar 24, 2010Tedd

Woah, chill Antho. I haven't had a problem with the SOAPs he sold me. Everything I got is in good condition, and the Broads have no soles, but that's fixable. They have custom grooves in them, so that should be an adventure for me. Everything else works perfectly though. I'll send you guys a link of a picture (or a few) of the Broads I have to see if you think they're good. I think they are.

Mar 24, 2010Revengasaur

This seems like a sticky situation, and I don't know if I should even open my mouth, but here's my two cents. Tim, you've been had. Buyer beware dude. I would have NEVER dropped feedback without the goods in my hands. But I understand that you're bummed, one way or another those broadsides are busted.
Antho, you probably shoulda told this kid what he was getting into with these shoes man. Some close-up pictures would have avoided this whole thing.

Mar 24, 2010Revengasaur

Just for the record, I have also bought soaps from Renny and the interaction was 100% legit and professional.

Mar 24, 2010Tedd

For the record, I'm not taking sides if it ever comes down to that. I'm just posting what I have had and such. I did find out that my Broads separate from the plates in the front a tiny bit, but that's to be expected from old shoes. I also detect some cementing on them as well, but so long as they stay on and work properly, I have no issue.

Now that I rack my brain a little, I waited a couple of weeks or so for the size 9's Expresses, and I had hoped they'd be home within a week like the last order I made from him. Luckily I'm a patient person. Other than that, I see no real issue with what _I_ got.

I don't see Renny as a bad person, nor do I see Tim as a liar or anything. However, I do like to see a good negotiation go down with both people as winners. If you can't get a pair of replacement shoes Tim, I'll let you take mine (a little reluctantly of course) so that you get your deserved pair. As for me.. I, of course, would love to have my refund back. If it's not possible to refund me, then I'd like two or three pairs of other shoes sent to me instead to cover the cost. I would request a list of shoes to choose from and we'll go from there.

Of course, that's if there is no resolution to your guys' negotiating and such.

Mar 25, 2010sylonbroadsides

Revengasaur did you get my message.

Mar 25, 2010Revengasaur

@sylonbroadsides: Yes, I got the message, Had to check on some things first.

@Tedd: I agree with you dude. Not looking to start static or take sides, just looking for peaceful resolution.

Sep 19, 2011jklamm

Hey guys, RE: "Lords of Soaptown," I'm the director of that film. It's on the verge of completion right now, but it does, in fact, exist.
- Jason

Sep 23, 2011zelda

This might have to do with why some of the people don't post here anymore.

Sep 23, 2011y2ksoap

wow, no wonder no one posts here anymore.

that Jason guy, I'd love to see your video!

Sep 26, 2011jklamm

Trailer is on this page:


Spread the word, guys!

- Jason

Sep 26, 2011RamenRadio


Thanks for posting that link, I like your trailer. Are you working with Renny on this?

Sep 29, 2011jklamm

Glad you like it!

We did, indeed, interview Renny for it. He's all over the trailer. We plan to revisit him at some point, too, if we can get the funds.

Oct 5, 2011Brad

There seriously needs to be a new soap vid. like on the scale of oNe or tWo.

Oct 5, 2011Pepsiman98

^If anyone's up for it,that sounds like a great idea.

Oct 5, 2011RamenRadio

hey Jason, if you have a facebook please post a link or something. I'll add you so I can keep updated with this!

Oct 12, 2011jklamm

Facebook for Lords of Soaptown is here: www.facebook.com/lordsofsoaptown

We've got 26 days to raise the remainder of the $20,000 needed to finish the film - anything helps! http://kck.st/odWFPR

Oct 14, 2011Brad

woah, when were these interviews taken? Like, is renny still part of this project? Also, will the film be made regardless of the money raised? Cause I'm down to donate, but quite frankly im not ready to drop like 18 grand :P

Oct 14, 2011Brad

also i dunno how deep you are into this thing, but you should see about getting some of the relate guys in there

Oct 14, 2011Brad

also if at all possible you should add paypal as a donation method :)

Oct 15, 2011RamenRadio


the relate guys are on facebook, paul i'm friends with. i don't think ryan or brandon or any of them have soaped in years but they were number one.

Oct 15, 2011zelda

plz release the video..

Nov 8, 2011RamenRadio

I wonder what happened with the video...
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