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SOAPs for purchase (Details inside)
Mar 24, 2010 by Tedd

Okay, like on the Scabs page, I'm willing to purchase for anyone on here SOAPS from Rawk, as long as they're in stock. Here's the deal: email me at sonny dot canasa gmail with your model, color and size, and I'll take down your order. There is no set price yet, but I estimate 40-50 bucks a pair. However, I expect the price to go up due to shipping.

Here's the main problem: I don't know how much it's going to cost to ship from the UK to the US. I estimate 15 pairs of shoes at most, so we can try and figure it out by that. My friend is hopefully looking into the pricing, but if there had to be a weight, I'd say maybe 100 pounds? Give or take 20 pounds. Then I gotta figure shipping from Rawk to my friend's. And then shipping US to US I'll cover for you guys. Unless you feel noble and feel like paying full price for US shipping and shoes. It's not a requirement, I'd just prefer it. I'm planning to pay 10-15% more than what it would be because I'm cutting all my friends and you guys a deal. Now remember, these are from Rawk. Whatever they have is all I can get you.

Here's what I'll do for you guys: I trust all of you enough with this. I know some people can't afford to pay 50 dollars for shoes, or don't have it at that moment. So I'm going to give you all some leeway. I will allow you to take a bit more time to pay me for the shoes. You can choose to pay me when you collect the full sum, or little by little, just as long as it all gets paid. I will ship the shoes as soon as I get them or the next day. Again, I trust you all so please don't screw this up for everyone else.

When you make your order, I need to know your shoe size, the model and color, and your address. I expect a single pair of shoes per person, and I may allow for a second pair. But do try to keep it under control. Don't order like 5 Goa's, that messes everything up because I may not have all the money needed.

Your order will include a box of your desired SOAP shoes, along with a personal note included to confirm your model, size, and condition. I will be inspecting them to make sure that they were that way when I got them, and I will try to take pictures/make videos for you so you can see them when I got them.

I make no promises or guarantees that I can get your shoes for you. I only try my best, and I can't expect to have everyone's shoes in an exact amount of time. If I can't get you your shoes, I will let you know, but when I can, you will be one of the first to know. My order of precedence goes simply like this: myself, my friends here, and you guys on SG. So if shoes will be cut, you guys are unfortunately the first on the block. I apologize, but this is just a fair warning. I will try my best to keep you all updated on the details, but again I make no promises. I also make no promises on the condition as well, as I will be buying them from Rawk in the UK and shipping them constantly. Any damage done to them I cannot predict, so therefore I cannot take responsibility for. If you want to exchange them, send the note back with the shoes and I'll see what I can do about it. You will be paying shipping to me however. If nothing can be done, I'll refund you your shipping and ship them back free of charge.

With that said (and I think everything else out of the way), LET THE ORDERING SOAPS COMMENCE!

Mar 24, 2010Brad

Are you doing this all at once, or can I get a pair later? I just bought some Flows, so I'm a little outta cash.

Mar 25, 2010Kooksoaper13

sign me up for some cobalt boltars, but let me see if I can wrangle up the cash

Mar 25, 2010Kooksoaper13

oh, size UK 12 too

Mar 25, 2010sylonbroadsides

cobalt boltars and baby blue cleans UK 12

Mar 25, 2010SpiderSoaper

Boltars,UK 7(US 8),White

Mar 25, 2010SpiderSoaper

boltars are like $52.11. how much more has to be paid?

Mar 25, 2010Revengasaur

Hey, got your email. Sounds good, I'll rub my pennies together.

Mar 25, 2010SpiderSoaper


Mar 26, 2010Tedd

Okay, I don't know when I'm ordering, or how much they'll cost, because of shipping and everyone needs a chance to place orders. I'm assuming my orders for you guys are going out in May/June. That gives you guys time to get some cash and others to make orders. Like Wesker who has yet to place one if he should want to. I too need to come up with money for you guys as well, since this is not going to be cheap.

So far the list goes as follows:
~Revengasaur: Clean - Baby Blue x2 size 11 US
~Kooksoaper13: Boltar - Cobalt size 13 US
~sylonbroadsides: Boltar - Cobalt size 13 US, Clean - Baby Blue size 13 US
~SpiderSoaper: Boltar - White size 8 US

Again, the prices may vary so start saving up now. It's worth the wait to get some brand new SOAPs. I'm surprised they still sell them in the UK and not all sold out. Must not be too popular there.

Mar 26, 2010Wesker

Are you from the UK Tedd? Americans have supposedly been burned by Rawk in the past so be careful.

Mar 26, 2010sylonbroadsides

dude no!!! I need a size 11 or 12 us!!!!!

I'm sorry, I don't know the sizes for the UK

Mar 26, 2010SpiderSoaper

check the tongues of your soaps, it will say the UK size of your shoes.

Mar 26, 2010Kooksoaper13

US size is just one size bigger than UK

Mar 27, 2010Brad


Mar 27, 2010blakeashake

uk size 9/us size 10, navy scabs

Mar 30, 2010Tedd

Hm. Thanks for the heads up Wesker, but they don't know that I'm American. Last I checked, they don't ship to the US anyway. Oh, and no. I live in the US. I just have connections in the UK. xD Though I am curious. How exactly were they burned? I wish to know, because I plan on double and triple checking EVERYTHING when I get the package(s). Hell, I'll have it checked out in the UK as well maybe. That way if something goes wrong, charges can be pressed and lots of lulz here in the US will go down. But I will be reading their ToS carefully though, just to make sure there's no funny business.

Okay, fixed list.. There. Here's the new list.
~Revengasaur: Clean - Baby Blue x2 size 11 US
~Kooksoaper13: Boltar - Cobalt size 13 US
~sylonbroadsides: Boltar - Cobalt size 11/12 US, Clean - Baby Blue size 11/12 US
~SpiderSoaper: Boltar - White size 8 US
~blakeashake: Scabs - Navy size 10 US

Mar 30, 2010SpiderSoaper

So when is the deadline for this again? And do you know how much we each pay in total?

I just hope this can all work out, I'll be happy as shit if i got some new Boltars

Mar 31, 2010Kooksoaper13

Tedd, I'm almost sure I wont be able to pay for mine, so take me off of the list until further notice, thanks

Apr 1, 2010Brad

bump...i think.

Apr 2, 2010Tedd

Well, like I said.. I don't know when or how much. I'm giving you guys time to gather your money. I plan on going and doing it sometime in July or August now. Sorry if it's a long wait, but they're not cheap and I have to have the initial money somehow.

In any case, I AM able to get the shoes. My connections are all confirmed, so it's definitely still possible. Just money is an issue.

Apr 2, 2010Brad

July or August, eh? While that may be a piss off for some, that's perfect for me. My birthday's in June :)

Apr 4, 2010Tedd

Awesome. Sorry if you guys don't want to wait that long, but when that day rolls around in July/August I'll remember what you said. And most likely have a copy of it. Heh.

Yeah, my job at McDonald's doesn't pay too well, so I'm not getting much bank. Tch. Not only that, I need to save up my money for a whole bunch of stuff. It totals out to be like 70k for everything I think. Lol.

Apr 4, 2010Brad

At least you have a job ._. lmao

Apr 5, 2010SpiderSoaper


Apr 6, 2010Tedd

Again. Looks like our spammer truly has no life as there's at least 4 pages of spam in the forum from one day. Haha.

.. There's a red hair in my keyboard. Weird. I don't have red hair. Lol.

So yeah. Anyone still interested in these? I need to update my log here.

Apr 6, 2010Brad

If you place the order after June, then yes, I'm still interested since I'll have the money then.

Apr 6, 2010SpiderSoaper

ay captain

Apr 7, 2010Brad

I doubt anyone here would have second thoughts on getting more soaps ^^

May 1, 2010Tedd

Sorry for the lack of posting. I realize that my approximated date may be later due to the car that I'm buying keeps going up in price. So getting the shoes for my friends first will be a challenge along with saving for you guys. I'll remake a thread when I know I'm able to help you guys out. Sorry for the letdown. I'll update you all when I can on this, but I'm thinking later July/August is when I'll be able top. Hopefully.

May 1, 2010Brad

No worries, If you got shit to do it's understandable.

May 2, 2010Kooksoaper13

sweet, that's around when my b-day iz

May 3, 2010SpiderSoaper

I just really know if rawk is legit though.

May 3, 2010Brad

Yeah. It's all good with the whole Rawk shipping to US, right Tedd?

May 4, 2010bighitryda

I have been emailing rawk the last couple days and they do not want to ship to the US at all. Tedd if you have a way to get them i would love the cleans in black US 13.
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