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Journeys Is So Stupid Omfg
Jul 18, 2006 by AnthoFlex

Hey everyone, i E-mailed Journeys yesterday asking them Why dont they carry SOap Shoes. I know some do but most...and i mean MOST really don't. Here is the actual E-mail i sent them...

Hello, I noticed that your store sells Heely's Brand shoes...I didnt see any SOAP SHOES. Its a different brand also by the company that supplies you with Heely's - Heeling Sports Limited or HSL Correct? I think that its in you best interest to know that not all of us seek Heely's... We enjoy the SOAP brand as well which is in very similar in design to Heely's except theres no wheels... ALL SOAP Shoes come with grindplates that only a FEW Heely's have... Those like me Seeking SOAP Shoes have a very difficult time finding them. On behalf of all of the people who agree with me, i would like to ask: Since you are already doing buisiness with HSL, why not carry a stock of SOAP SHOES as well?


Jul 18, 2006AnthoFlex

They Replied with this:

Hello again. I lust wanted to let you know that Heelys purchased the
Soap brand and they have incorporated the grind plate into their shoe.
You can remove the wheel on the Heely shoe and replace it with a plug
that is included with the shoe itself. You then have the grindplate on
the sole like the old Soap shoes without the wheel.

Jul 18, 2006AnthoFlex

1. Noticed how they spelled "Just" wrong (first line)

2. Some of us don't want Heely's! we don't want to put a plug where the wheel is supposed to be.

3. Some of us....well most... Enjoy SOap Shoes a lot better than Heely's....

My thought is this folks... If we all E-mail Journeys, and any other SOap Shoe retailer, Requesting that Soap Shoes be put back on the shelves....If they get enough E-mails they may think about contacting HSL! We could do HSL a big favor and keep SOap alive...I know that production will continue in the fall but lets make sure that it stays that way. Does anyone agree?

Jul 18, 2006broox

That is a great idea.

Also, you know that huge "fender" in the heel where the wheel goes? Yeah, that makes them slightly less comfortable than soaps when coming off a handrail. Not unbearable... But i prefer the comfort of Soaps for big grinds.

Jul 18, 2006Mart

Don't be a dick. Using phrases like 'I think its in your best interests' and 'on behalf of the people that agree with me' make you soumd like you're 12. If you had any understanding of business practice then you'd have realised that your e-mail was enormously pathetic before you sent it.

How do you know 'most of us' enjoy Soap Shoes more? I'm sure that if 'most of us' didn't like Heelys then the market for them would collapse. You also don't mention who 'most of us' are; 'most of us' could be your friends at school, your family or the entire global population, couldn't it? You also bring up the fact that they said you could plug the hole where the wheel goes, but you made no mention of this feature in the e-mail, so how would they know that you either don't like that or don't know about it?

Whilst you went to great pains to point out a single spelling mistake, here are a few of yours that you missed somehow:
'Heely's' - The shoes are called 'Heelys'. Not 'Heely's'. If the shoes were just called 'Heely', the plural of this would be 'Heelies', not 'Heely's'.
'Its' - This is an abbreviation of 'it is', thus there is the need for an apostrophe between 'it' and 's'(you should be familiar with these as you frequently typed 'Heely's')
'which is in very similar in design' - too many 'in's. What were you thinking?
'except theres no wheels' - 'wheels' is plural. Overlooking the fact that you missed out the apostrophe in 'theres', 'there is no wheels' is wholly incorrect. You mean 'there are no wheels'; 'theres no wheels' is, at best, a colloquialism borne out of laziness and therefore has no place in a professional e-mail to a respected retail outlet.
'... like to ask: Since you ...' - You have used a colon in completely the wrong grammatcical context. Please learn how to use such punctuation marks before wildly sticking them into sentences because they look fun.
'buisiness' - I believe the word you're looking for is 'business'. That may well have been an innocent typo but, since you picked up on 'lust', which is as much a typo as 'buisiness', I felt you should know.

You also have made several capitalisation errors. Examples of this include:
'Those like me Seeking SOAP Shoes';
'Heely's Brand shoes';
'i would like to'.

In conclusion, learn to proof read what you type. Maybe then people will start to take you seriously.

Jul 18, 2006Slidey

yeah a shop called totally phat was supposed to contact HSL and ask them to buy soap shoes... unfortunately they didn't get back to me and the shop is far away from where I live. I might e-mail them about it since I think that Journeys is a shop in America and not in the UK

Jul 18, 2006Slidey

wow Mart, have you got a GCSE in english at A* level or something?

Jul 18, 2006Surfaced

So this is the crap they have stuck in their heads.

I guess they see it as "Why carry two brands owned by the same company when one of the two can do what the other can, plus something extra?"

Jul 18, 2006Surfaced

And from the corporate view, I suppose it is not "crap". If I weren't so close to Soap shoes, I'd probably do the same thing (given I had the power to make such a decision or participate in doing so).

Jul 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo Mart Fuck you ok? I did not say anything to you for you to come out with that shit. Notice how you are the only fucker on SolidGrind that has to start shit with everyone! If you disagree, DISAGREE! Dunt fucking write an essay stating how much of an ass you are and saying that my attempt to keep my favorite shoe alive is bad. FUCK YOU man....FUCK YOU! ok? Cause i dun give a fuck what you say or any other dick like you, but i want Soap to stay alive. You start shit with everyone when they are entitled to their opinions and thoughts. YOU don't be a DICK ok?

Jul 18, 2006AnthoFlex

By the way, Are you in Honors of English class or sumthing? You pointed out every fucking mistake on my letter....So what?! I bet even you make mistakes to you fucktard. But i'll give you props....You would make a good English teacher

Jul 18, 2006AnthoFlex

By the way, thanx for everyone else who agreed with me

Jul 18, 2006AnthoFlex

I think even though SOME people don't agree with me, I AM entitled to my opinions and trying to help out in SOap...I am not on the Team, but i will damn sure do my best to spread the fucking word of Soap and keep it alive

Jul 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo everyone, Screw this Clown......LEave him in his little corner....if you agree with me, E-mail Journeys and any other Retailer of SOap Shoes and tell them what you think....Be cool in ur E-mails.....OH! and proof-read it! you wouldnt want Big&Bad Mart to correct you.....Out

Jul 18, 2006Mart

'i dun give a fuck what you say'

I'm entirely certain that your five posts of whiney teenage angst prove that you do 'give a fuck'.

And no, I don't have an A* or an Honours in English. Since when does somebody have to be a genius to have a very basic understanding of the English language?

Jul 18, 2006Slidey

yeah mart, calm it down a little. I've seen you start it wiv a few people. Just coz ur 20 doesn't mean you know everything or are better than everyone else. Since your so smart and everything you obvouisly know that you don't know everything. So why do you give the impression to most people that you're better than them?

Jul 18, 2006Tatacker

I agree with the others on cooling down a tad. *is moderator on some other forums*

Hm.. I say, go for it man. I sure as hell want to get some Soaps easy without paying for shipping. Journey's is like, an hour drive or less. It's not that bad.

Jul 18, 2006AnthoFlex

2nd chance dude....We forget this whole stupid shit happened. You stop starting shit with me, and i'll proof-read my posts from now on. Agreed? We cool or what?

And dunt say "I dunt get mad at people on forums Antho" Becuase im not saying ur mad. We start over....cool....like we both noobs on Solidgrind looking for sum fellow Soapers. Agreed?

Jul 19, 2006SapAuthor


Jul 19, 2006AnthoFlex

Its just the way things are here dude....you have to "Watch" everything you say here otherwise the hate-team is gonna come after you......as for me and Mart, our little pointless fighting all started when i thought the screws on SOaps could rust.....then we never stopped going at it i guess

Jul 19, 2006Mart

Seriously though dude, if you want to put forward a serious proposition like that, you're going to have to be a bit more persuasive and show the retailer why you don't want Heelys; for all he knows, you could be one of a number of kids who hold a 'soapz are kool, heely's r GAY LOLZORZ' point of view.

So yeah, if you want to make a serious difference to the expansion of the Soap brand, put a bit more time and effort into it, yeah? And for the record this is the only time I've 'bitched out' at you; told you you'd know about it if I did ;)

Jul 19, 2006AnthoFlex

Well.....i guess ur right about a more persuasive letter......but still, lashing out at me isnt the best way to get ur point across to me

Jul 20, 2006Wesker

Mart's right in that you should definately proofread emails to companys or to people that you're trying to persuade, however he shouldn't have blown up on you like that.

Jul 20, 2006AnthoFlex

I guess we were both wrong....we both fight for stupid shit that in the end, who looks dumb? Us.....the dumbass' taking up space to fight for pointless shit. Its just that, Mart, you sound like you dun care what happens to SOap.....you clearly love the sport, but it seems like you think its pointless to help SOap.....Hey, maybe you're right, maybe it'll be pointless in the end but you gotta try dude. Come on, we all doing our part here.....why not support? Dont lash out. If your gonna disagree, and have a good point- Great...You correct my mistakes, but dude, dunt try to make me feel like im nothing...come on

Jul 20, 2006Mart

Of course I see the point in helping the brand, it's just that almost all of the suggestions made so far have been worthless

Jul 20, 2006AnthoFlex

Hmm....What what do you think we should do?

Jul 20, 2006Mart

I... think I've already mentioned that somewhere in this post :|

Jul 20, 2006AnthoFlex

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