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looking for shoes
Jul 18, 2006 by Attack1

i was wondering if anyone knew how to get any of these pairs and from who?
Ordnance (Black/White/Red)
Clean (black) or (white)
Express (White)
MB Tank (Brown)
Scab (White)
Squeaky Clean (White)

the only thing is i need them in U.S size 11 or 12

Jul 18, 2006Slidey

where do you live? UK or USA?

Jul 18, 2006Slidey

uk size 10 is U.S size 11

Jul 18, 2006Slidey

thats it in all the websites I know

Jul 18, 2006Surfaced


check out soapshoes.info (a website). They have a list of all the Soap shoes dealers around today. One word of caution though, I wouldn't order from katesskates... lately they haven't been filling some orders.

Jul 19, 2006Attack1

I am in the U.S hopeing to find any of these shoes in the U.S so that i dont need to buy shoes that are priced in pounds or euros because that will cost me more money. so i will look at soapshoes.info again at the retailers but i normally just look there at whats on ebay. but let me know if you know of any other american dealers.


Jul 19, 2006Mart

http://www.soapshoes.info">Soap Shoes Online has a list of US retailers, as well as the UK ones mentioned above, on the 'links' page. You can also see a list of active eBay auctions for Soap Shoes
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