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Purchase Consultation
Jul 19, 2006 by Tatacker

Hm... Really thinking of what I should get, since no more Scorchers. >_<

Right now, I'm thinking of buying either:

MB Tank

I need a shoe that'll last long, and has replacable grindplates.

Hmm.. Which grindplate is best? I have no clue.

Jul 19, 2006Go2Crew

Clean,MB Tank, and older Scabs will have an original UHF plate ... a good, respectable starting base plate, but considered somewhat slow, once you get good at grinding.
Goa and Boltar will have BBK plates ... imho, a great choice in plates.
Newer Scabs will come with a Slo Bro plate ... also a great choice in plates.
... and it's open for discussion on personal preference for the debate between which is better, BBK or Slo Bro. Anyone else want to weigh-in on this?

Jul 19, 2006AnthoFlex

Without getting yelled at.....

I think BBKS are fast...Good lock-in, but not the best....unless you get a groove in there

I think that Slobros are fast WHEN you first buy them.....As Mart stated before, The slobros are fast as hell when you first get them....then they slow down as you use them. The Lock-on is INSANE though.....you will not have to worry much with the Slobros

Jul 19, 2006Mart

There is absolutely no point in UHF Original plates. There is no lock-in and the shape of the plates allows for no tweak. BBKs are nice and quick and have much better lock-in but, as Antho mentioned, you need to wear a groove in before the plates stay exactly where you want them. If you grind rails exclusively, it'll be a very long time before you get a decent groove worn in. Slo Bros are the best for control; the pre-cut grooves provide wicked control on rails but they mash up when you try and grind ledges. They slow up a little after a while, but if you're grinding huge-ass rails you probably won't want to be zipping along them anyway

Out of the shoes you listed, I'd go for the Boltars if you can find a colourscheme you like. The Goas are very stiff and the older styles are alot heavier, although it all boils down to personal preference at the end of the day; find a style you like, try out the plates and if you don't like them, experiment with others

There's one guy on eBay, Keemaz, who's always selling BBK and UHF Original plates, I've bought from him several times and he's very efficient. Steve (Go2Crew) also sells on eBay, but doesn't sell replacement plates unless you ask him, although he's cheaper than Keemaz. It'd be a wise idea to buy a couple of extra sets of screws, too

Jul 19, 2006Tatacker

Ah, cool cool.

I really want a fast, durable replacable plate. Adrenaline rush, ftw.

What do you mean by Lock-in and Groove? I have no idea on much of the vocabulary for soaping, lol.

How do I tell if Scabs are newer or older?

And, thanks guys. :D

Jul 19, 2006Slidey

lock-in and groove mean that when you grind you have the rail right in between the plate exactly where you want it to be without sliding around/off the rail. With the scabs, it should tell you in the description of them which plates they have

Jul 19, 2006Tatacker

Ah, I think I get it now.

There's no description for the plates. I'll just buy em if need be then just roll with it.

Jul 19, 2006Mart

If you're unsure, just ask whoever's selling them, they'll be happy to let you know; after all, they're trying to secure a sale ;)

Lock-in is where the grindplate kinda 'hugs' what you're grinding, so that there's no forward/backward movement in the grindplate, only sideways movement in the direction you're grinding. All plates except the Slo Bros will need some form of a groove to be worn in to achieve this lock-in, although BBKs have alot more lock-in to start off with than UHF Originals.

Jul 19, 2006Tatacker

Hm, I think I'll try Slo Bros. They seem to be nice for beginners. Less tripping? XD

Thanks, Mart.

Note: I really want more Soapers in NC, if any. I'm so lonely with all my hobbies. ;_;

Jul 21, 2006Tatacker

Hm. How well do Squeaky Cleans do? If I can find a pair that's cheap, I'll pounce it. Really loving the style of it.

And, a question for Steve/Go2Crew. Do you sell any pairs of Soaps that are size 10 or 11 in US?

Jul 21, 2006Mart

Squeaky Cleans come with BBK plates. If you're going to be taking them to ledges alot then they'll be absolutely fine; the problems I outlined above I've only found an issue when royaling, since I place pretty much all my weight on my back foot :\

Steve's selling some 10s at the moment. Check out his eBay ID, it's Go2Crew

Jul 21, 2006Tatacker

Ah, thanks again Mart. You guys really want this thing to be alive. ^^

Hm.. I may not do tricks when I first start out, but I'll keep that in mind.

Jul 22, 2006Go2Crew

Hey Tatacker,
I just listed the last pair of 11's and 12's I have remaining. Still holding some tens in Ordnance Flint and some of those are listed too. Sorting through what is left in size 11-12 plates next.

Jul 22, 2006Mart

A frontside is a trick, Tatacker, so if you say you won't do tricks then the shoes are pretty pointless ;)

Jul 22, 2006Tatacker

Gah! I guess I meant complicated ones then? ^^;

Jul 22, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude, one day ur just gonna wanna do tricks....I told myself that exact same thing..."i dun wanna do tricks" but then after a while, they just come out you know? And they arent really complicated if you're focused and know how it has to be done.

Jul 22, 2006Tatacker

@Steve: Ah. I really wish those Scabs were just a tad bit larger. ;_;

I'm gonna get a pair of Soaps at the end of the month. :D

Jul 23, 2006Tatacker

Hm... I'm wondering.

Are Squeaky Cleans heavy, or are they tolerable?

Are Cleans heavy, or are the tolerable?

Heh. I'm really getting in depth about this. XD

Jul 24, 2006Mart

The Cleans are one of the first models to be released and are quiet heavy. The Squeaks were released a few seasons after the Cleans; I've got a pair of and they're no weightier than other models from around the time they were released, although I haven't got a pair of Cleans to compare them with

Jul 24, 2006Tatacker

Hm.. Were the Scabs released around the time Squeaks were?

One week to go. :D

Jul 24, 2006Mart

Nope, they were also one of the first, if not the first shoe to be released by Soap

Jul 24, 2006AnthoFlex

So which was the first SOap Shoe then?....im curious

Jul 24, 2006AnthoFlex

whoopz....read that wrong....diregard that last comment of mine

Jul 24, 2006Tatacker

Ah, alright Mart.

Which do you think is worth I money? I'm really digging the following, with pricing.

Clean: 37.49 GBP
Squeaky Clean: 70 GBP
Scabs: 34.99 GBP

Jul 24, 2006Rick

I'd go with the Squeaks or Scabs, personally.

Jul 24, 2006Mart

If you've got the £$ for the Squeaks, I'd go for them too. They're the only model out of the three you've listed that come with BBK plates, the other two come with UHF Originals, or Slo Bros if you're lucky. What colourschemes are you looking at?

Jul 25, 2006AnthoFlex

I personally love the way ALL of the squeakys look but the blue and gray ones are sum sexy ass mofos ;p

Jul 25, 2006Mart

Got the grey ones, they're nice. I've always wanted a pair of Imperial Squeaks, they're easily one of the best-looking pairs of Soaps ever

Jul 25, 2006Tatacker

I'm going to ask Rawk.com and see if they can ship to the USA. I really want those Squeaks.

Jul 27, 2006Tatacker

MB Tanks.. How durable are they?

And does Rawk.com ship to the US? They're Boltars ship to the US. =/

Jul 27, 2006AnthoFlex

dude....mb TANKS....TANKS....of course they're durable ;p.....it says they are in the discription.....but them being "tanks" and all, they MIGHT be heavy, i dunno

Jul 27, 2006Tatacker


Haha, I'm kinda laughing at the fact that it has "MB", which is a nickname for my actual alias, Meteor Blue.

Does anyone know if Rawk ships to the US? I really want those Imperial Squeaks, man. They look so damn cool.

Jul 27, 2006Mart

Dude, e-mail them

Jul 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Imperial....mmmmmmm sexy SOaps...

Jul 28, 2006Tatacker

Weird. Rawk.com isn't responding to their Ebay, and it says their mail server is down?

Jul 28, 2006Curtinator

You should buy Scabs there good they slide nice and it has replacable grind plates.

Jul 29, 2006Tatacker

I don't think I'll go to Rawk.. Seriously, wtf at all these size 12's, man.

Sorry Steve, I have a slight chance at not buying those Ordinance's. They're kinda pricy at that bid. Yeah, dad's procrastinating at this.

Hm. I wonder how much bigger a 12 is than a 10..

Goas, Fader, Flow, or Ordinance? I'm digging the Goas, but I'm wanting to get Ordinance's, even if they are in grey. Any suggestions with a "tier" list of these items?

Jul 29, 2006AnthoFlex

Fader? Where?

Jul 29, 2006AnthoFlex

Nvm.............mmmmmm sexy Faders....oooooo la la

Jul 29, 2006Go2Crew

Say Tatacker, no worries! You need to buy a pair you are going to feel comfortable with.
BTW the Fader is a sweet pair of Soaps, and I really like the Flow, too!

Jul 29, 2006Tatacker

Thanks, Steve.

I may not even get Soaps, my dad just says it will only give me injury.

I'm not even going to do the high rails yet. >.<

Jul 29, 2006Mart

You'll only injure yourself if you try to take on too much to start off with, tell him you'll only grind on small stuff to begin with until you get more confident in your skills

Jul 29, 2006Tatacker

Hm. That's what I'm going to try to persuade him with. He personally went to Solid Grind last night, saw the pictures of some of you guys on high rails, and decided. There's not that many high ledges or rails in my area anyway, IMO.
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