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Jul 25, 2006 by AnthoFlex

Hey guys, i was on ebay and i found a pair of Bizo shoes....they're a size 12 and come with a lot of stickers.....if anyone is interested (i am but im a size 10)in them, heres the link


Enjoy.....By the way, MArt, when you put in links into these "here" words, you use an html code right? I dunt wanna try it and then have to follow up with the actual link....Once again, enjoy

Jul 25, 2006AnthoFlex

By the way, 2 things:\

1. Heres a good oppourtunity to add a pic to the correct shoe in the Shoes section

2. I think the Quickdraws may have followed the same, if not a similar plate design....

L8r, im out

Jul 25, 2006SapAuthor

dude, 20 bucks for a size 12? if i didn't have a pair of SOAPs and trying to buy every sonic game, i would jump on them. And yah, get a pic of them. They dont' look half bad. Only thing i worry about is that plate...removable means it could remove itself when ur grinding, possibly?

Jul 25, 2006Surfaced

OMG... That is fucking beautiful. Decals for shoes if you want the grinding but also the trendy brand.

That would be the second time that guy has listed Bizos However.

Jul 25, 2006Mart

Antho, the code for link stuff is:
<a href="http://url here">text you want to appear</a>

The Quickdraws did have a similar quick-release plate system. Whether they slid in and out, though, I'm not sure. Maybe Steve or Derek can clarify on this

Jul 25, 2006AnthoFlex

Whoo thanx....i knew it was an html code but i didnt want to put it and then have it not work, just to have to repost the actual link

Jul 25, 2006James

Just so everyone knows...they are mine.

Jul 25, 2006AnthoFlex

So buy them

Jul 25, 2006AnthoFlex

Nobody is stopping you

Jul 27, 2006Ryozox

God, those things look extremely dangerous.. sweet!

Aug 17, 2006AnthoFlex

And once again, the very rare, lovely Bizos are on Ebay....this time they're a size 9, so i suggest you get them now lol Want em? ok fine, http://cgi.ebay.com/NEW-EXTREME-SKATE-skateboard-GRIND-Grinding-Shoes-SZ-9_W0QQitemZ220016312850QQihZ012QQcategoryZ63850QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem">here you go

Aug 18, 2006Namlhof

Already bought the size 11.5 before you posted :)

Aug 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Good for you, how are they? Do they slide good?

OH, before i forget, I wanna raise the old question on this post that (like Mart said) maybe Steve or Derek can help us out with, Were the quickdraws like these Bizos? I mean, the way the plate comes out? i wonder what the Quickdraws and Quickdraw plates looked like

Aug 18, 2006Namlhof

Haven't received them yet. I'll look into that when they arrive.

Aug 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude, you havent recieved them yet? Holy shit, its almost been a month! well, i guess maybe its where you live....otherwise, maybe you should contact the seller

Aug 19, 2006Namlhof

A month? I ordered them like last week.

Aug 19, 2006AnthoFlex

huh? wait really? OH!! AHAHA! i thought you were talking about the ones that i originally posted up haha

Aug 19, 2006Go2Crew

Hey, happy to help.
I guess the best way to visualize the Quickdraw plate is picture a Speedster plate off of the Scorchers (they shared the same basic plate mold) with a screw hole molded (the prototypes were actually drilled) in the normal back screw position of a removable plate. The sole frame was engineered with a hardware piece molded (attached) on the shoe side of the plate in this configuration: front of shoe> | °
Bizos have a front and back channel tab system and also front and back centered spring releases, plus the plate has to slide in right to left to be mounted. That mounting configuration spreads the stress out across the top and bottom channels. The engineering drawing that Dollardecal has out on their eBay listing of Bizos system is really a good, simple design that seems to work.

Aug 19, 2006Go2Crew

Sorry about the double post but it cut half of the comment off, here goes again:

I guess the best way to visualize the Quickdraw plate is picture a Speedster plate off of the Scorchers (they shared the same basic plate mold) with a screw hole molded (the prototypes were actually drilled) in the normal back screw position of a removable plate. The sole frame was engineered with a hardware piece molded (attached) on the shoe side of the plate in this configuration -- front of shoe: | ° :back of shoe with the bar being a metal tab to mate in the front channel and the ° being the oversize quick twist screw that locked the plate in place. The problem with the design was during a grind, to keep the plate attached, all of the stress was on the one screw. Since it was a quick-change screw, it had treading kind of like a plastic bottle cap, big threads but few of them so that one or two full turns and it’s removed. The design might have worked if it had been engineered with a standard Soap plate screw, but then it would not have been quick change. The plate was pretty sweet if it didn’t bust off the shoe when the locking set-up broke apart. Say Derek, didn’t you crash test this style --- want to weigh-in here?

Bizos have a front and back channel tab system and also front and back centered spring releases, plus the plate has to slide in right to left to be mounted. That mounting configuration spreads the stress out across the top and bottom channels. The engineering drawing that Dollardecal has out on their eBay listing of Bizos system is really a good, simple design that seems to work.

Aug 19, 2006Mart

Oh wow, so they were essentially replacable Speedster plates? Was there a special Quickdraw key for the screw or just the standard Torx head socket?

Aug 19, 2006AnthoFlex

DAmn.....replaceable speedsters....nice
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