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Need some ppl to tell me what you think.
Jul 25, 2006 by SapAuthor

Okay, i haven't released the place to the fans, but i uploaded the files of my SOAP section to my site so you all can tell me what you think, if i need to remove or add anything, or just comments, etc.


Please take the time and tell me if you think it will be effective to gaining hype about SOAPs

Jul 25, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude, again with the fans....wow

Jul 25, 2006SapAuthor

Just shut up about the fans, alright? What do you want me to put instead of fans? Daily site visitors? Just tell me what you think about the SOAP area, sheesh.

Jul 25, 2006Mart

'Just shut up about the fans, alright?' - Your words Trev, not ours

Just because this 'official dealer' in Tampa, or wherever it is, isn't set up doesn't mean there aren't other places your vistors could be sent to in order to buy Soaps. There are plenty of other online retailers selling the shoes, as well as eBay. Trying to hype up Soaps to your visitors without letting them know of the many existing online retailers is pointless cause they'll lose the hype by the time September comes round. I know you want people to hold out until Fall for the new run of Expresses to be released, but what's the point? Holding business back from Soap is doing nobody any favours, and sending your vistors to existing online retailers (a list of which is on http://www.soapshoes.info">Soap Shoes Online will enable them to buy the shoes now and will still push up sales figures. And who knows, maybe they'll show their friends after a few weeks and convince them to buy a pair. And guess what? That'll be in time for the new run of shoes. Everyone's a winner, just think a little

In your 'how do I get started?' section, you'd do well to link to the tutorials page at http://www.soapshoes.info">Soap Shoes Online; we've almost finished working on our first set of video tutorials, so they should be up within a week or two. Each video will feature audio commentary and a step-by-step (literally) breakdown of the featured grind, perfect for beginners and those wanting to advance their trick vocabulary

Also, I would seriously reconsider your use of buzznet to host videos. That shit just froze my browser for about 10 minutes before I ended up forcing it to close. Youtube is a whole lot more popular, reliable and accessible, plus whenever anyone searches for Soap Shoes they'll see your videos as well as everyone else's

Jul 26, 2006SapAuthor

I have ot stay with buzznet, it works on all the computers i've done, and it doesn't double compress, meaning you won't get that extreme squaring if there is a lot of movement.

I'll go ahead nad link to the video tutorial section on the "How do I get started" section, good idea.

As for the existing online one, I guess i may have to, those sites don't have larger sized shoes and I was looking for a place to have all the shoe sizes. But, I guess this will have to do. I'll still look around for someone to be an official dealer...

Anyone else want to comment about the new section, or yell at me for using hte word fan?

Jul 26, 2006Rick

One thing I need to point out.

The Scorcher didn't go for that much because it was featured in Sonic. It went for that much because it's easily one of the best shoes to have. A very light shoe with a stylish and breathable upper. The plate is obviously its biggest asset, being fast with great lock on and a good tweak angle.

Jul 26, 2006SapAuthor

I'll add that in there, although i still think it being Sonic's shoe still had a little to do with it ;)

Jul 26, 2006AnthoFlex

Yo trev, wasnt it you who said you luv me as a bro right? So why would you lash out at me.....im just trying to stop you so that you dunt have to hear any more bad feedback from anyone

Jul 26, 2006SapAuthor

sorry, i'm just tired of being yelled at for saying fans. The definition is "An ardent devotee; an enthusiast" Some of the emails I got where:
"dude i love ur comic it rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "
"This comic ROXORS"
"Just letting you knwo tha I am a big fan of your comic. I love the way that you have Sonic being extremely stupid. You can quote me saying Your site rocks!

"I like your comix very much. Its funny. I would like to ask: In what program are you making comics?

Again, continue with your comix!"

And that's just a couple, can we at least just establish this so i can say fans without being yelled at? Please? I worked hard enough on the site, put in time and effort, can i at least have that title of having fans?

Sorry...i've had a long day. Does anyone think the site is good? I've heard tips on improving, but is it good?

Jul 26, 2006Wesker

It's ok for him to say fans. Does it really bother you guys that much to not be able to overlook a single word? I mean cmon really.

As for the site, good stuff.

Jul 26, 2006Mart

Maybe it's Firefox then, I don't know. But still, youtube would reach out to a wider audience, plus even if it does double-compress, at least the files are small and still look fine. Plus it works on Firfox ;)

I doubt very highly that those Scorchers would have gone for so much just for Cosplaying. I e-mailed the guy a couple of times telling him that the plates were actually there (hence the enormous announcment the seller made once he found out they could be used for grinding), and I can't imagine that they'd go for $215 just because they're linked to Sonic; if that were the case, I would think that revenue the Sonic franchise would have kept Sega in the hardware business

We've been over this fan thing how many times now? I have no problem with people liking your comic so much. But this is a Soap Shoe forum. Your 'fans' and your relationship with them is completely devoid of anything Soap-related, so calling them fans here is pointless, it just makes you look bigheaded

Jul 26, 2006AnthoFlex

The word fans is ok for me, its just that i dunt like seeing him taking shit for it

Jul 26, 2006SapAuthor

fine mart, what would you rather me say in reference to the people who view my comic daily? So you won't get offended by the word "fan"

And no, i'm not saying it to be big headed, otherwise i would be saying "my fans that love and adore me, too bad you don't have any *pulls down eyelid and sticks out tounge*" I say fans because that is what they are, and an easy 3 letter word that refers to them, isntead of daily viewers or other such things.

Jul 26, 2006Mart

Did I say you were big headed? No, I said it makes you look big headed. 'visitors' would suffice where you have to use 'fans' but, to be honest, most of the time when you address them it's not need. Like when you posted this topic; 'i haven't released the place to the fans'. Is it exclusive to your 'fans'? No, it's being released on the internet, so 'to the fans' is wholly redundant and backs up the 'big headed' argument. Plus, 'the fans' ties it in with the Soaping element, which they aren't fans of; they're 'fans' of your comic, after all

Jul 26, 2006SapAuthor

fine, ill use "visitors" but you all need to relax, i dont thing visitors will think im big headed for saying fans, its more when people make big deals about it that everyone gets annoyed of the fuss being mad.
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