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Soaps in Canada
Jul 28, 2006 by Curtinator

I think I made a thread about this LONG ago when I was new but I don't know for sure. But anyways why don't they sell soap shoes in canada.

Jul 28, 2006SapAuthor

are you saying at all, or at the moment, because they arent sellying any of the shoes as of yet, they are coming back out this fall.

Jul 28, 2006Curtinator

At All like before they use to be in stores they werent in canada when they did sell in stores before.

Jul 29, 2006SapAuthor

hmm...i dunno. Maybe they figure Canada doesnt have enough city with grind rails? maybe the weather would only permit SOAPing sometimes due to chillier? could be tons of reasons, but at least its not overseas so shipping shouldnt be a killer.

Jul 29, 2006Mart

...dude, Canada isn't the North Pole, the weather's fine over there. Plus there's big skate scenes all across that country

Jul 29, 2006Curtinator

Well I wish I knew why.

Jul 29, 2006Mart

Try e-mailing HSL about it
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