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Jul 28, 2006 by Relsi

I wound up buying a pair off Steve at Go2Crew. Ok, now what's the best way to start? I used to skateboard and freeboard a little bit...is this comparable at all?

Jul 28, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea, it does...If you were well balanced at the sports, SOaping should be easier for you...

Jul 28, 2006SapAuthor

try getting a pvc pipe to start with. 10 bucks for a 3 inch diameter, 10 ft pipe. Start on ground, then try a slope by laying it on a hill, and if possible find a pit and jump out of it onto the pvc girnd, 3 ft is about the standard hight for hand rails, thats the target jump hight.

Jul 28, 2006IrrefuseD

I was practicing at my friend's house, and he had a bunch of 5-6' pipes of PVC and metal left outside, so we used those.

Despite being weathered, the PVC was much easier to go across than the metal, and I was wondering if it's always going to be like that.

Jul 29, 2006Go2Crew

IrrefuseD: nylon (the grind plate) on plastic (PVC) is just a naturally slick grind. Steel rail is also quick, but if your grinding on galvanized steel (like bicycle rack), the zinc (galvanizing) tends to slow you down some. Now back to Relsi's question ... getting a pair of Scab Navy's with SloBro plates, so we're talking some lock-in here. Let's give some good pointers, OK?

Jul 29, 2006SapAuthor

This is kind of a given, but start small and work your way up. It would be hard to SOAP at all if you"re busted up.

Jul 29, 2006Relsi

Okay, so what I've heard is you're supposed to keep most of your weight on the back foot, right? How are your feet supposed to be positioned? I have the balance but it feels way different than a skate/snow/freeboard.

Jul 29, 2006IrrefuseD

Thanks for the info, I'll go pick up some PVC and put something together later today.

And to my experience, your body isn't going to keep up with your shoes if your feet aren't spread out enough.
I've also noticed that I tend to put my leading foot down before the other, rather than simultaneously.

I dunno if that helps, but it's something.

Jul 29, 2006AnthoFlex

I think me and IrrefuseD both land front foot first....for sum reason, i cant land back foot first for SHIT!!...NOT AT ALL!! Probably cause i still sk8 and that was my original foot placment

Jul 29, 2006AnthoFlex

As for weight on the back foot, i dunt really know about that...I guess yeah if...IF you are either ahead or centered over it....if you're putting weight on it and you're trailing (back) foot "passes" you, ( i hope you know what i mean) then ur feet are gonna shoot out and ur gonna fall really dangerously

Jul 29, 2006AnthoFlex

that explanation sounds horrible....im sorry, imma give it another shot.....

When you frontside, royale, farf, etc. Do you notice how your leading foot is in front of you, and your trailing foot is behind you? Thats to keep you in the middle and keep your feet from shooting out....I guess its ok to put weight on your back foot as long as it isnt gonna go too much forward ahead of you...your feet will shoot out (like on a sk8board if you arent balanced properly) and you will fall very hard....Hope this helps

Jul 29, 2006Mart

If you put all your weight on your back foot you'll fall hard on your arse. Go to http://www.soapshoes.info">Soap Shoes Online and check out the 'tutorials' section, there's a lot of clear information on how to start Soaping there

Jul 29, 2006AnthoFlex


Jul 29, 2006Mart


Jul 29, 2006AnthoFlex

its the way it sounded...."you'll fall on your arse...lol" anywayz, this is an honest question: I know that if u put all of ur weight on ur back foot ur gonna fall but, how do you land back foot first then? I know you dont put ALL of your weight on it but still....for me its hard...i am forced to land front foot first...which in my opinion, isnt always a good thing... Any help there for me Mart?

Jul 30, 2006Mart

Think of it this way dude; you land front foot first, right? But when you land, your body isn't 100% over your left foot, is it? Your foot is ahead of you, and when you bring your back foot up it's behind you. The way you jump onto the rail means that your momentum keeps your front foot ahead of you

It's a similar principal when landing back foot first; it's all about the momentum. When you initially start to jump, the way you bring your back foot up puts it in a position where it's ahead of you. However, the forward momentum from your jump should be enough so that, when your planted your back foot, your forward motion is enough to bring your body, and your front foot, forward over your back foot and enable to you plant your front foot where it should be

I might work on a proper tutorial for this for http://www.soapshoes.info">Soap Shoes Online, thinking about it, since being able to jump both front and back foot first is important in being able to execute a wide variety of tricks. This point can't be explained more clearly in terms of one-foot grinds; someone who can't go back foot first will have no hope of being able to lace a decent backslide, and vice versa with back foot first people trying to land fastslides and torqueslides

Jul 30, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea, i doubt i'll ever get backslides...oh well...thanx for the info, i'll be sure to use it...What it says about the speed vs. control in the tutorial is pretty accurate

Jul 31, 2006Relsi

Thanks a lot guys. I'll give it a whirl and see how it goes.

Aug 4, 2006Kile

You can use 3inch square stock it slides mint....was trying it today at a friends house ,dont even have to wax it up.
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Maxwell hittin a Frontside
Aaron Taraboletti sliding a square kinked rail at Drake University
Chris Wren sliding in front of some nice Junipers
Strider Patton hittin a Fastslide
Derek Brooks hittin a Royale