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New plates
Apr 4, 2010 by Tedd

Kay, so I'm getting some new shoes. Probably going to be some Boltars/Scabs. Unless I can fit into some Chaos Blacks. .... Nope. Size 9 is the largest they have and they're OOS. x.x

Problem is, I can't find any replacement plates. Looking for some size 11/12 BBK's, Curb Busters, and Slo Bro's. And maybe some UF originals to start with. I can't seem to find any though, any ideas where to get them?

Apr 4, 2010Kooksoaper13

steve deel

Apr 4, 2010SpiderSoaper

Does Steeve have plates for 7/8 shoes?

Apr 4, 2010Kooksoaper13

probly, I got some 13/14s a couple months ago

Apr 4, 2010Kooksoaper13

and they were slobros too

Apr 4, 2010SpiderSoaper

thanx Kook, i sent that seller a message but hasnt responded. i just hope no one buys them, i really need them

Apr 4, 2010Brad

Wait, he has 12/13 plates? 'Cause I've been sorta reluctant to put grooves into my plates without having some sort of back up.

Apr 5, 2010Kooksoaper13

he had 11/12 slo bros, and bbks, and 13/14 bbks and slo bros last time I checked, and Spider, if I can find them I actually have some white very slightly used 7/8 bbks that used to be on my lil bros shoes, but he never used them, so if Keemaz never responds I'll sell em to ya for a reasonable price

Apr 5, 2010SpiderSoaper

thanx kook. also what shoes are your bro's? if they're 8 i'll buy the shoes

Apr 5, 2010Brad

Rad, maybe I'll drop him a line.

Apr 5, 2010Kooksoaper13

nah, they're 7s, and if I remmember corrrectly steve's email is steevedeelglobal @ yahoo.com(i think)

Apr 5, 2010SpiderSoaper

Alright, just let me know dude. i would love white bbks

Apr 5, 2010Kooksoaper13

nevermind, It's stevedeel @ sbcglobal (dot) net

Apr 5, 2010Kooksoaper13

sure thing I'll just have to dig em out the closet, or in the attic somewhere

Apr 5, 2010SpiderSoaper

LOL. keemaz finally replied. haha, but still i'll buy yours if the price is right, kook.

Apr 5, 2010Kooksoaper13

nah go ahead and buy them, I just remmembered my brother let his friend borrow them, and I doubt I'll ever find them over there haha

Apr 5, 2010SpiderSoaper

darn! white bbks would be so cool, all ive seen in real life are black, grey, navy and charcoal colored plates.

oh well if you ever get them back, let me know

Apr 5, 2010Kooksoaper13

k, sure thing

Apr 5, 2010SpiderSoaper

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