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Question on Screw Key
Aug 13, 2006 by SapAuthor

I just got the pair of ordnances from southernbell, did the shoes come with the screw key in the box? Or do you have to buy it seperate. I have a pair of BBK replacement plates i'm going to switch out, but i'm worried i may not be able to.

If there is no key, is there any way to remove the plates without the key, like rig something up with a screwdriver or philips or something? I'm just wondering what type of fitting the screws take.

Aug 13, 2006Mart

The key should be attatched with the tag on one of the shoes. http://site.palleyd.com/jack/soap-ordnance12.jpg">Look at the picture - You see that blue tag? Jutting out on the bottom right hand side of it is the key; it's kinda dark but it's there. Look for the tag on the shoes and the key will be on the same loop of plastic wire

Aug 13, 2006Surfaced

If you didn't get a key with your shoes, do not fret.

You could just buy an allen wrench that fits the screws (bring your shoes with you to the hardware store so you get the right size), or you could buy a star wrench, which is exactly what the screws are molded for.

Steve also sells extras just incase.

Aug 13, 2006dunk

An allen wrench won't fit, you'll just mess up your screw heads, you need a torx (star) wrench, like Surfaced said available pretty much anywhere.

Aug 14, 2006SapAuthor

okay, thanks for pointing it out ^.^ I can't wait for them to get in, i hear ordnance are popular.

Aug 16, 2006Go2Crew

Hey Trev,
As Mart said, the key is part of the deal on the old stock, removable plate shoes. I have a couple extra of the standard and also the rocket ship keys, just in case. And yes, it is a Torx (star), not an Allen (hex-head) screwdriver, which you can get at Sears, Walmart, etc. But just one other thing ... You aren't the shiznit unless you have a for real Soap key hanging from your rear-view, like Pizza Boy in Shag This!! Da-duh-duh-duh-duh dum. Da-duh-duh-duh-duh dum....

Aug 16, 2006SapAuthor

Great idea, i think iw ill hand my soap key in my car, now if only i could find a way to get my soap stickers to actually stick on the vynal stearing wheel...

Aug 16, 2006XSIVE7

Your answer a TORX bit from a screwdriver set should do the trick!
(if not there is always the comfort of knowing your screwed)

Aug 16, 2006XSIVE7

OH Sorry just now reading Dunks repllies

Aug 16, 2006Surfaced


The right size of an allen wrench will work. I know this from personal experience. Before I got a torx wrench, I used an allen (I have a ring with about 25 of them, so I shuffled through the different sizes to find one that would fit).

The reason it will work is because the Soap grindplate screws are made to be used with a torx, yet a smaller-sized allen will do.

Just imagine removing those tips. What are you left with?

A hexagon.

Aug 16, 2006Surfaced


yeah... that image isn't going to be working.

Well it's the picture of a Torx head, as is clearly revealed.

Aug 16, 2006Mart

Yes, and why do you think those 'tips' are there for? Just because you've managed to do it in the past doesn't mean it won't fuck your screws up

Aug 17, 2006Jard39

that wasn't the point the point was it works

Aug 17, 2006Mart

And won't work for very long because it'll destroy the screws

David, it's all well and good using that picture for comparison, but the pressure applied when using an allen key will be concentrated on very small areas of the screw; the whole point of using the Torx head bit is that it spreads the pressure evenly across the entire screw, and not concentrating it on small areas, which will eventually yeild to the strain. Then you won't be able to get the screw out at all

Aug 17, 2006AnthoFlex

Without starting a pointless fight, Jard39, why in the hell do you insist on disagreeing or keep on with ur current opinion even when u know you are wrong...Yes, you are entitled to ur opinion, but when ur wrong, dunt try to play it off by being a smart-ass. Just like on our AIM convo

Aug 17, 2006Jard39

ok i'll try to stop if im being a smart ass just tell me.

Feb 7, 2007cherryman696966

when i tried to unscrew my plates the metal part of the key started bending the rubber. what si the correct way to change plates?

Feb 8, 2007SonicSoaper

Did you go righty tighty, lefty loosey?

Feb 8, 2007cherryman696966

yea lol

Feb 8, 2007Kile

well im an automotive technician its really called a T20 torx socket

Feb 8, 2007matrix8967

the 1st time you take them out it's hard. they have a blue adheasive in them. (the bores for the screws) so breaking the seal is hard.


Feb 8, 2007cherryman696966

my right show broke easy but the left one is the problem shoe, my key even started to break from it so i have no idea what to do, tomorrow i'm ganna go n buy a trox or w/e the thing is called which is the same as the key. i'm also getting a new key i think when i get my new slo bros n bbks

Feb 9, 2007cherryman696966

ok, i went ot target n got a ratcheting screwdriver set which came w/ 3 torx bit sizes so i finally got my left one off. i acually broke my soap key, the plastic is pretty much split and about to fall apart. good thing i order a key from steve w/ my plates.
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