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Aug 13, 2006 by Mart

Just had a look at the picture submissions and nobody has submitted anything since August 3rd. Come on guys, it's almost the end of summer, let's get out there and get some new photos for the site!

Aug 13, 2006Surfaced

I submitted one Earlier this year like in June or May. If you guys didn't get it, I could send it again, but Derek adressed this kind of thing earlier in an announcement, so I don't know if I should.

Aug 14, 2006Ryozox

I'm gettin pretty sad that I got my soaps too late in the summer.. but, I can grind up Dysart high this year! YES!

Aug 14, 2006Mart

David, do you mean the one of your friend in his Broadsides? You're right, it is pretty old; let's get some fresh stuff from this summer guys

Aug 14, 2006SapAuthor

i'm not good enough yet to pull off anything that would look half way decent in a picture -.-
plus my camera has a slow shutter so it tends to blur moving things. no shutter priority setting. i'll try to get some though soon,i was going to go to skateside but problems with the gf so not really feeling to up to anything but moping.
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