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Getting ideas
Aug 14, 2006 by Nightfire

Hi, newbie to the soap shoes world! I used to blade alot and as there's not much around here that's good enough to skate, I'm looking at getting some soap shoes. Never had any before, so hoping your advice can help me here. I'm wanting the best ya can get really, not wanting a cheap pair to find the sole falls out or the plate snaps etc

Aug 14, 2006Mart

Go for one of the older styles, they can be found all over eBay. Built like fucking tanks

Aug 14, 2006SapAuthor

what shoe size are you? A hear ordnance are good, lot of the pros have em, the MB tanks (size 14) are on ebay right now, if you got the foot to fit it, those are literally tanks.

Aug 15, 2006Jard39

ordances are great! i love my ordances

Aug 15, 2006Nightfire

Cheers, will have a look at them. I'm a size 11(uk size)

Aug 15, 2006XSIVE7

Future cheeres (i just ordered some).

Aug 15, 2006SapAuthor

Uk, keep an eye out for some sold in hte UK, otherwise shipping will increase the price, but at the current rate, you can still get a good pair of soaps from the US and ship it iwthout paying much more than you would any normal decent shoe. Just a suggestion, research the shoe model on this site before you buy on ebay, the shoe listing has info on comfert, durability, etc.
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Mart hittin a Royale on one of the huge rails at Beaumont School, St Albans
Derek Brooks hittin a Frontside
Jim Devereux hitting a frontside during the recent UKFSW trip to Ipswich, England.
Strider Patton hittin a Frontside at Cornell
Timmy! (the Cornell security guard) hates Soap Shoes