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Anime & Soaps what bonds can we make
Aug 15, 2006 by XSIVE7

Well i was hopping to meet AnthoFlex here but all r wellcome that watch anime well anyway over about 3 years i ve been told i should make my own anime because ive been drawing all my life! ANYWAY again this is were myself or anyone could lie down some ideas 4 this thanx every one!

Aug 16, 2006Ryozox

Good idea, lol I've been writing a soap anime, its pretty ironic huh. maybe we could make an online manga, I've been drawing anime for 7 years!Yeah, comment me back dude, thx.

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Why did you wanna meet me? I aint so special

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

As for me, i've drawn a FEW SOap pictures, but i'd rather take real pics of The action....The drawing is fun, but getting up on that rail is way more fun

Aug 16, 2006SapAuthor

meh, the most i can do is comics and flash animated comics. Maybe one of these time's i'll have to use some sonic grind sprites to make a cool scene with them.

As for you, give it a shot man, any bit helps. I'll host it as long as it's PG rated (no swearing or bad stuff).

Aug 16, 2006Namlhof

Why don't you guys try working on some promotional art? Visual what your stuff would look like if it were on shirts, stickers, posters, etc.

Aug 16, 2006XSIVE7

Well i as thinking more so along the lines of a small character skech like hair, nose hight, eye out line just little stuff but badass overall look like that guy from BLEACH with the orange hair !

Aug 16, 2006XSIVE7

SapAuthor sorry there may be just a little bit of swearing (only undeer important curcumstances like deaths, ect.

Aug 16, 2006XSIVE7

SapAuthor sorry there may be just a little bit of swearing (only undeer important curcumstances like deaths, ect).

Aug 16, 2006XSIVE7


Aug 16, 2006XSIVE7

Sorry fogot to mention this wont JUST be about soaping, if u look at MOST popular animes now-n-dayz they have some sort of sci-fi twist in it one way or anther so its what i was sort of planing on having EX:go 2 youtube.com look up Bleach & Naruto 4 free, Tell me what u wold change or like too be done .Dont get me wrong soapshoes will play an prrety important roll about 1/8th. But the rest of the 7/8th is the darkside of me that i have bottled up inside for 16 years... .

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

YEa, me and TRev (SapAuthor) have one thing in common, if we ARE gonna make Soap pics, we normally use computer tech (like photoshop and Flash) As for me, i do it cause im a really crappy artist on paper

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Heres my first EVER Soap Pic

http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d29/AnthoFlex/SonicSoap.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

If anyone would like to take a whack at what trick that is, be my guest.....i dunt have the slightest clue....lol Enjoy

Aug 16, 2006Mart

If anything, it would be a backside

Aug 16, 2006AnthoFlex

Yea lol, more like Frontflip to Backside-frontflip out

Aug 17, 2006Tatacker

Eh. Drew an original design mech with grind "boosters". A mech's foot with boosters, but it grinds on the floor, instead of boosting upward.

Aug 17, 2006Ryozox

Well, basically, it is about Soaps, but they are sorta different in this manga. They hold different powers and stuff, they are used for tournaments and stuff in the manga, I'll just have to write the conflict, the characters, ect. then I'll make it. I already drew what the main character's Soaps look like, I'll upload if ya want.

Aug 17, 2006XSIVE7

It looks a lot like a ally-oop rough grind Oh & Ryozox PLASE!!!! upload them.Oh anther thing many of u may (or may not) be woundering how 2 pronounce my SN so just call me ......M0-MO!

Aug 17, 2006Ryozox

Umm, ok mo-mo? lol, well, I'll be uploading soon, I'm just gonna throw in a couple more scetches for the character and stuff. so ok! are we gonna be doin this together or is this just gonna be seperate ones? if we are workin together, think of a name. lol

Aug 17, 2006AnthoFlex

wait what?.......did i miss sumthing here? Grind boosters? Manga? Powers? Characters? what are you talking about? Its a GIF showing my respect to Soap....why does it need all of that? you guys are obsessed with Anime...woah, i need a Malta

Aug 17, 2006Mart

...Antho, did you read any of this topic before posting that picture? It was started to discuss Soap and anime

XSIVE7, you clearly have no idea what a rough grind is. A rough grind is grinding on the heel of the sole plate; there's no heel grinding going on here

Aug 17, 2006AnthoFlex

Dude i know that but then he was talking about drawing so i thought i'd post this in.

Aug 17, 2006Mart

Yeah... and then he carried on talking about drawing

Aug 17, 2006Ryozox

speaking of, here's that concept art I promised. This could be the character, but I'm still sketching. mind you this is a doodle, i can do better than this. I did it in a hotel in Sedona because I was bored.

Aug 18, 2006AnthoFlex

Ummmm......nice pic

Aug 18, 2006Ryozox

is there anything wrong with it??

Aug 18, 2006Ryozox

lol, i thought of a name but i dunno if it's dumb or not.
sekken (Soap)
dosoku (Shoes)
taikai (tournament)

Aug 18, 2006AnthoFlex

No, i like it....its just kinda random thats all

Aug 18, 2006Ryozox

oh, well he was asking for the pics. Ok, XSIVE7,
I changed the main character's look, he looks really good now. I also created the logo:

Aug 18, 2006Ryozox

oh yeah, and the words are japanese.

Aug 19, 2006Ryozox

Well, i've made up my mind. Here's the main character's head views (I'll make the body later...) His name is Katsuro, it means "Victorious son" in Japanese.


His shoes are a fantasy soap style called Inazuma. It means lightning in japanese.

Aug 19, 2006XSIVE7

Hey sorry i have not be in 4 a while ive been out but anaway Ryozox . . . i like it . . . .i like iit alot! I would post some of my stuff but 2 problems 1:got wrong SD card, 2: after a whlie ive ben gone my mom mite have figured it mite be junk oorrrr! i just lost it !: :(

Aug 19, 2006Ryozox

glad you like, I'mma make a site for it and this will be the banner.
lol and I have a bio on the shoes.

Aug 19, 2006XSIVE7

Ohh ONE VERYimportant thing . . . . sadly i have no internet conection at my house u may say 'how am i talking now' well i'm on my dads laptop & i mostly spend the summer w/ him only . I know this is wrong but i'll put my cell # on here & i live in Oakland (hope its not long distance)so its 1510-593-3816(this is only mint 4 Ryozox's important Q's so please no prank calls!.

Aug 19, 2006Mart

Well done child, now anybody in the world can call you

Please can we stop embedding image after image on this forum? You've uploaded them to Photobucket so just provide the links to the images, don't embed them

Aug 19, 2006Ryozox

Oh, okay mart, sorry 'bout that ^^; heh..

Umm, and Xsive 7, that wasn't a very good idea. no offense.

Aug 19, 2006Ryozox

here's probably the last things I'll be posting, I just renewed the two pics that were above.



Aug 20, 2006XSIVE7

Its o.k (i hpoe) I know, i know i dont think very much or at all but not many people know of this sight. . . right!? & what OTHER choice did i have !?
oh & Mark a rough grind goes 4 both grinding with the toe AND the heel I should know i'm trying 2 get sponcerd 4 inline skating

Aug 20, 2006Mart

a) It's Mart
b) His foot is fucking flat, so please tell me how this is a rough grind
c) You could have given him your e-mail address and he could have asked his 'important Q's' that way. You are a moron

Aug 20, 2006AnthoFlex

Before i comment on this, you guys are talking about my SOnic GIF right?

Aug 20, 2006Ryozox

C'mon guys, i don't think it's a trick atall. It's just a sprite made for a platforming game, so I'm sure they didn't get all technical with it.

Aug 21, 2006XSIVE7

Mart please dont be so quick 2 judge & no the foot is not flat . . . well it is some what arched up thats all . anther thing yes i could have given him my e-mail but one problem i forgot what it was!The truth is i. . . have shorterm memorey i forget everything from #'s 2 names u may say make a new one well i have so may open i dont know witch one i AM using .
Anway this is the last comment i will leave so good bye . . . everyone call me . . . some time :P
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