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Grindplates SIZE 11?
Apr 7, 2010 by SonicDaMan

Hi just bought myself some size 11 Scabs, and they didn't include any grindplates =( I won't be able to get a refund, so I need to find some plates ASAP. I don't care about what kind of grindplate, any model will be great!

Thanks a bunch!

Apr 7, 2010Brad

I too, have been looking for some grind plates, unfortunately, I cannot find any either. Rumor has it that some dude on eBay has some, but I don't know about that. Btw, mind id I ask where you got your shoes?

Apr 7, 2010SonicDaMan

I got my shoes off eBay, here's the link http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&;item=120543046456&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:US:1123

*sigh* it's impossible to find size 11 grindplates

Apr 7, 2010SonicDaMan

Sorry, links don't work well here. Paste this item number into eBay search instead :120543046456

Apr 7, 2010Brad

Oh, well if it's off eBay, then it's nothing special. I thought (hoped) you found some super secret soap shoes shop haha. And yeah, it sucks there's no replacement plates anywhere.

Apr 7, 2010SonicDaMan

Would these Curb Buster grind plates from these size 12 Forllift shoes fit on my size 11 Scabs?


Apr 7, 2010Kooksoaper13

yes, the plate size would be 11/12

Apr 7, 2010Brad

Darn, Kook beat me to it. :P

Apr 7, 2010SonicDaMan

Ok, well he won't sell to me anyways (because he doesn't ship to Canada) =(

So I'm still looking around, new or used, im getting desperate XD

Apr 7, 2010Brad

Whereabouts in Canada do you live?

Apr 7, 2010SonicDaMan

Im in Ottawa, Ontario

Apr 7, 2010Brad

Darn. I live in BC and desperately need a soaping buddy :|

Apr 7, 2010Andrew

we almost live by each other i live in alberta

Apr 8, 2010Brad

Rad. Most of my family lives there.

Apr 8, 2010Andrew

you should come visit ab sometime

Apr 8, 2010Brad

Maybe. I might be going up there during summer. Where in Alberta? 'Cause most of my family lives pretty much as south as you can get.

Apr 8, 2010Andrew

i live in calgary

Apr 9, 2010Brad

Yeah, I sorta figured you might. I think I got some grand parents that live not too far from the airport.

Apr 9, 2010Kooksoaper13

I emailed Steve Deel, and he said he had some size 11/12 plates, and 7/8, and 13/14 plates, if anyone is interested his email is stevedeel (at) sbcglobal (dot) net

Apr 9, 2010Kooksoaper13

slo bros, and bbks

Apr 9, 2010Brad

Does he deliver to Canada? How much do they cost? Does he have any of those key things to take out the screws? Does he have extra screws?


Apr 9, 2010SonicDaMan

I already made a shipping quote with him yesterday. Im just waiting for the paypal invoice. I got black BBKs with the screws and tools. It came to $18 with shipping. The guy I bought the Scabs from gave me a $10 partial refund, so I'm only spending $8 more. =)

Apr 9, 2010Brad

Damn, only 18$? CAD, right? I may or may not have to buy some Slo Bros from this guy :)

Apr 10, 2010Tedd

Haha. I'd have to get me a pair of both from him. Too bad he doesn't have curb busters.

Apr 10, 2010SonicDaMan

$18 USD, i just sent my payment, it's gonna get shipped tomorrow =)

Apr 10, 2010Brad

Rad, well I'll have to see if I can find 20$ kickin' around and get me some Slo Bros :)
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