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Apr 15, 2010 by Brad


Apr 16, 2010Kooksoaper13

not much, did a bunch of parkour today

Apr 16, 2010SpiderSoaper

got my mutha effin plates today in the mail. still havent tried them

Apr 16, 2010Brad

sick. i still have yet to go parkouring, it's gonna be 20 celsius tomorrow without a friggin cloud in the sky so im hoping to do some then. then maybe i can influence the folks to get me some new plates :)

Apr 18, 2010grinn

hey, where can I still buy a pair of soaps?

Apr 18, 2010Kooksoaper13

wut size?

Apr 18, 2010SpiderSoaper

there is a pair of scabs and a pair of cleans on ebay right now. both size 10, and from the same seller

Apr 18, 2010grinn

thanks Spider, but my feet are 11.5 size. Is ebay the only place I can still find these?

Apr 18, 2010Brad

grinn, you and I are in the same shoes (forgive the play on words.) Btw, there are no half sizes in Soaps, just do what I do and aim for 12's/13's.

Apr 18, 2010Tedd

Yeah. I wear 11.5's or maybe 12's.. Yet I push my feet to the limit and wear 11's anyway. Those Broadsides are just worth the pain my feet go through. Even if I can't walk for a couple days later. Haha.

Unless you live in Europe or the UK area, or have a friend in the said area, then eBay is your only choice. Currently I'm trying to order shoes but my income isn't so great. So yeah. Things are going slowly but we'll see how it goes.

Apr 18, 2010Brad

I sure hope you can manage to order those shoes from Rawk =/

Apr 19, 2010Brad

Whee! I totally just got props from some random kid while I was soaping like 10 minutes ago ^.^

Apr 19, 2010Brad

But srsly, it was totally rad.

Apr 20, 2010grinn

Tedd, Brad: I have close family in Poland ... does that help? So I'm looking for a pair of size 12 soap shoes? I'm totally clueless hahaha

Apr 20, 2010Brad

I personally have no idea where Rawk ships to =\ I suppose you could email them and ask if they'd ship there.

Apr 21, 2010Brad


Apr 22, 2010HDCineman

Haha, I had no idea there was still a lil crew of soapers. I wonder if we can get it going again, Soap is about due for a relapse. Most kids in middle school and high school now haven't even heard of Soaps.

Apr 22, 2010Brad

I know. I wore my Sylons the other day and all my friends were like "What the hell are you wearing? Is that plasic on the bottom of your shoes?" I'm now known as the kid with "the sweet grind shoes."

Apr 22, 2010Brad

Also, we've tried to get soap shoes back, lmao. Many emails have been sent to HSL demanding them back, but they blatantly refuse. It's kinda depressing, but the battle rages on.

Apr 22, 2010sylonbroadsides

probably HSL doing all this spam stuff, it's freaking ridiculous. I'm glad that Bryndon is around now though.

Apr 22, 2010Kooksoaper13

yo bryndon thanks for friendin Dakook14 aka me, on youtubage

Apr 25, 2010Brad

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Zach hittin a makio at the Cedar Rapids demo
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Jordan Pushing Aaron off a hand rail. Soap team at it's finest!
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Drunk guy attracts a crowd of people.