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New Grind Shoes
Nov 9, 2010 by lonewolf1221

I have just emailed Heelys wondering if they have any intentions on bringing back soap shoes. They said they have no intentions of bring back soap shoes, but that there is a new heelys grind shoe in the works. If they can get these selling they'll probably start making more of these shoes.

Nov 9, 2010Brad

That's...amazing to hear. Last time I emailed them about it they pretty much just told me to f off there'd be no more grind shoes ever.

I hope there's gonna be a new plate :)

Nov 9, 2010Brad

Can you take a pic of the email by any chance? I gotta see this.

Nov 9, 2010Brad


After doing three minutes of research, I found this thing. I hope to christ that's not it.

Nov 9, 2010lonewolf1221


Hi Anthony,

We are working on this! There are no plans to bring back the Soap shoes,
but a new Heelys grind shoe is in the works. If you'd like, I can save
this email and let you know once they are available.

Joe Edison

Sorry i stared out the E-Mails didn't want spammers to email anybody! :)

Nov 9, 2010lonewolf1221

Cut off top of email

Nov 9, 2010lonewolf1221

sorry wont let me copy and paste i will send a pic of the email sent to me it only shows the response when i copy and paste

Nov 10, 2010sylonbroadsides

they might already be available, i saw a pair on ebay.

Nov 10, 2010sylonbroadsides

also keep in mind you don't have that huge piece of nylon on both shoes, it's just on one like a skateboard... check the video:


Nov 10, 2010Leifio

WHY do they always put wheels on them now? Ever heard of free running?

Nov 10, 2010Brad

Yeah. I don't know if any of you new guys have seen this, but a whole lotta people look at Soaps and say "just get some aggressives" Aggressive inlines and Soaps are pretty different, but as far as that thing goes... you are probably actually better off with some inlines =\

Nov 10, 2010Brad

Though come to think of it, that thing only works for grinding if you have a pair of shoes with plates...maybe they'll get some re-releases going. Even if it's only Heelys brand, grind shoes will be back on the scene.

Nov 10, 2010lonewolf1221

Heelys did come out with a few grind shoes that had the wheel in the heel, but when they started making the newer models of heelys they stoped making the grind shoes.Heelys 5-O rollers and grind n' roll are two examples.

Nov 10, 2010Brad

...Was what I was referring to when I said re-releases :P

Nov 10, 2010lonewolf1221

I was referring to sylonbroadsides's comment when he said they might already be available. I was basically saying they were available once before.

Nov 10, 2010lonewolf1221

Joe Edison

Nov 10, 2010lonewolf1221

(Sorry Updated Response)
Hi Ant,

No worries, I completely understand where you are coming from. I was just
told by someone here at the office who knows more then I do that the new
grind shoe will actually run up to a size 13! However, we do have some
time...the shoe is scheduled to be part of our fall/winter 2011 line, so
around July 2011 it should hit stores and the Heelys Shop. If you'd like,
I can save your email and let you know once they are available.

Joe Edison

Nov 11, 2010Brad

Well fuckin' eh. Grind shoes are back :)

Nov 11, 2010lonewolf1221

Yeah to bad we still have to wait till July of next year but still great news

Nov 11, 2010Leifio

Wait-- So will they put those crappy wheels on these or not?

Nov 12, 2010Brad

Well...Heelys is making them. So we can only assume.

Nov 12, 2010lonewolf1221

You can always take the wheels out and just use them like normal shoes though so its not that bad ... besides i would mind rolling and jumping onto a rail every now and then.

Nov 14, 2010Brad

Yeah. I've never actually Heelyed so I guess it'd be fun to try out. I just hope that the Heelys logo isn't going to be all in-your-face all over the shoe. Just some nice styling so everyone's not all like "lolz heeles r 4 fages"

Nov 16, 2010blakeashake

Ill spend $1000 on a pair of soaps before I buy a pair of Heelys any day. Owning a pair of soaps just brings back so many childhood memories. Heelys with plates just aren't the same.

Nov 17, 2010Brad

That's true, though I'm still going to be picking up the new grind shoe next year. Assuming it has new plates, that is.

Nov 17, 2010Leifio

if it has no wheels(or removeable ones) ill def buy em...

Nov 19, 2010blakeashake

eh I just stick with my trusty smoke scabs with bbks and my cleans with slowbrows and occasionally ill use my expresses but its rare for me to bust them out.

Nov 19, 2010blakeashake

if shoes don't say soap, fox racing or timerland pro series on them I don't wear them lol

Nov 30, 2010Brad


Nov 30, 2010Leifio

Might end up getting these... My friends will too, though, I personally do not like that skateboard shoe thing in the video in the above post. One heely and one rollerskate thing....

Dec 2, 2010Brad


Dec 3, 2010DirtyAdville

soaps for the win fuck heelys were can i get a size 11 soaps now adays
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