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Oct 22, 2011 by Pepsiman98

Does anyone know why these huge waves of spam keep happening?

Oct 22, 2011gongon1037

i have not received any spam or junk mail in months. usually when i log in somewhere i log right out when im done with what i was doing, so maybe signing out of ur e-mail, or any other username when not in use will prevent u from receiving junk on ur email.

Oct 22, 2011Pepsiman98

I meant the huge gigantic wave of threads HERE that have nothing to with Soap or grinding.

Oct 22, 2011Pepsiman98

And not to mention how often this seems to happen here.

Oct 22, 2011gongon1037

o_o ur rite. i noticed it now. its to much junk in one day. i'll read them as long as it has more to do with soap shoes.

Oct 23, 2011Brad

if you ignore it and dont post in their threads they leave. this is fact

Oct 24, 2011ShadowDaHuman

That may be the case, but those waves are made by different "accounts" each time.

Who is so pathetic that he/she creates a new account(or a bot that creates new accounts) just to spam a bunch of crap?

Oct 25, 2011Brad

This is also fact. Nothing we can really do though, with or without mods.

Oct 25, 2011ShadowDaHuman

No....I won't believe that, THERE HAS TO BE SOMETHING!


But that's messed up. Stupid people with no lives

Nov 3, 2011Louis

it took a while, but i killed the more recent spam. My admin powers dont allow me to kill users, only the messages (and even then, i have to open EVERY SINGLE message and delete them individually). Sorry if it builds up again :S

Nov 4, 2011Pepsiman98

Wow, way to make a surprise comeback Louis. :D

Nov 4, 2011Brad

Thanks Louis :)

Nov 5, 2011RamenRadio

Louis: you are the fucking man and it is highly appreciated.

If you have a sec, is there any chance you can email Derek about these spam guys? it would mean a lot bro.
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