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Skateboarding with Soaps
Nov 10, 2011 by gongon1037

I just recently started soaping and skatboarding, but it blows my mind that theres no pics or clips of people combining the two. Well im not waiting for someone to post it on the internet any more.
I have been practicing for a while and i got some cool new thicks done. Just a little more practice and I'll try to post them as soon as i can.

Give Me Your Opinion!

Nov 16, 2011Brad

I'll give soaping/longboarding a shot :P

Dec 28, 2011Lightninnova

I got a pair of size 12 cleans and I gave skating a shot with them on, it was so hard! I think its because the centre of my foot is where I get the most balance, but thats where the grind plate is so theres no grip.

Dec 29, 2011gongon1037

i had the same problem at first also. i eventually bought a wider skateboard and the results where even better. i took my shoes to the skatepark the other day and the people where very impressed(especially the kids) with both being used at the same time.

Dec 29, 2011gongon1037


Dec 29, 2011Lightninnova

so in what way do you combine the two?? you meen hippy jumping (jumping without skateboard over object) over like a rail then grinding it, and landing back on your board because to me that sounds pritty sweet... but anyway what kinda stuff have you managed to achieve?

Jan 4, 2012RamenRadio

sounds sick bro

Feb 16, 2012sk8erx34

ive done it before, unfortunitly a guy filming for his own skate video recorded it for me, and i hardly knew the guy, so if the video ever got uploaded, i have no idea where and i havent seen the guy in a long time either so i dont think i ever will, but flip tricks are hard with them, other than that its not to bad i guess lol

Feb 16, 2012RamenRadio

lol I remember a lot of people getting all worked up afraid they would grind off their skateboard xD
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James Hamon's Grandpa Bud sportin some Soaps
Loren Dallabetta hittin a Royale
Joe Wallace with a cowboy hat, shorts, and long underwear...
Aaron Taraboletti hittin a Frontside at Wash U
Ryan Dawes hittin a Frontside on a big ol kinked rail.