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soaps vs heelys
Jan 5, 2012 by Lightninnova

so what do you guys think? heelys with wheel and plate or soaps with there grind plates both have capabilities of grinding which is better in your opinion? alot of people think soaping is old and heelys are new agree? also alot of people think hellys are childish agree?

Jan 5, 2012gongon1037

i like the soap shoes with the removable grind plate. if soap came back then they should use the HSL models for the kids, and use the original models(with the removable plates) for the adults

Jan 6, 2012RamenRadio

soap shoes are much more diverse than heelys, with heelys you're stuck with the express plate. Not to say anything bad about the express plate, it's not the same as having a pair of broadsides though. P.S. SOAPS are sexy

Jan 7, 2012Lightninnova

true dat ramenradio ;) I agree with gongon the heelys with fixed plates are great for kids but the original sexy retro soaps should be aimed at soapers aged 16 - adult
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