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Hit my first handrail in a LOOOOOONG time.
Jun 25, 2012 by Relate2Videos

...and it felt good :)

What have you guys been grinding on these days?

Jun 25, 2012gongon1037

Im still grinding curbs and ledges, and my backyard flag pole. I haven't done any hand rails in sooo long. I was also hoping to show some soap pics when i was out of town, but couldn't find any spots.

Jun 25, 2012wyattpeterson

i havent soaped since last couple winter clips but i am going to get a few new clips soon lets hope : P
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Bart Johnson hittin a Frontside at John Deere Pavilion
Derek hittin a Cheese Grater at the Cedar Rapids demo
Aaron MacDonald hittin a (freestyle) backslide torque slide on a ledge
Derek Brooks hittin a Alley-opp Mizuo on the new Broadsides
Loren dalla betta hittin a UFO on handrail