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New Soaper Alert - UTampa
Sep 9, 2006 by SapAuthor

That guy on my floor decided to buy my pair of ordnance flint, i'm going to get a larger pair off ebay. Me and him are going to hit the skateparks and try to get good. I alos got to try on the Ordnance, the BBK plates REALLY make doing tricks like the Royale and otehr things easier, I put on my expresses and couldn't pull anything off. Hopefully when i get my size 13 ordnance i will work on perfecting the royale. But i told him to check this and soapshoes.info out, we should be seeing him on the forums here shortly.

Sep 10, 2006Draker

lool a future welcome to your friend

Sep 10, 2006Mart

If you can royale on BBKs but not Expresses, you're using your ankles for torque and thus doing the royale wrong. Bend your knees

Sep 10, 2006AnthoFlex

You would think that Royaling on the Express are easier......i mean....the side of the plate that touches the rail while royaling has the same shape as the slobros
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