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HSL operating assets acquired by Sequential Group
Jan 9, 2013 by Revengasaur

Apparently they're dissolving the old company. I wonder what happened to the soap brand and patents? Maybe Sequential will bring back soaps...

Jan 9, 2013extremesoaper12

That'd be sick if they brought back soap, i'd be ready for the rebrand.

Jan 10, 2013gongon1037

the rebirth of soap shoes... I cant wait.

Jan 11, 2013Revengasaur

It would most likely be inset plate models only, but I would be happy if they just released broadsides. Even one run of expresses in one colorway would make me happy. I'd even buy stock in the company.

Jan 31, 2013Revengasaur

Dude, what if they released A-sides... we should find out more about this somehow.

Jan 31, 2013Relate2Videos

Asides were only prototpyes, protos are only in a size 9. HSL was so lazy they didn't feel like making molds for the other sizes, so It's safer to try and pursue the broadsides to be honest. Asides would be awesome, but if HSL was that lazy to make molds for other sizes of their own shoe, it might look like an easier job for the new group to re-release an old shoe.

Just a thought, that's what the case was back in the day anyway.

Jan 31, 2013Revengasaur

Yeah, just idle dreaming. Broadsides would be great.

Feb 3, 2013jimshrimp

This is sweet, hopefully they'll do somthing up here in Michigan if there is anything.

Feb 4, 2013wyattpeterson

that company owns DVS so their might be a possiblility of at least continuing the plated soap models

Feb 5, 2013winglessavian

I sent them an email saying that was still a small group of people who would love to provide input, support, and help promote if they were going to bring back shoes with grind plates. No answer yet though.
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