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Soaping Blader
May 19, 2013 by kowalski

Hola de Cordoba!

I've been rolling RB Twisters for the last six months and want to get into aggressive skating.

I bought size 11 Scabs from www.rawk.com due to be delivered to Manchester in a few days time.

Gonna use them to practice jumping on rails and whatnot until I get to Barcelona and buy some Valo BS1.

Hyper-buzzed to get my new Soaps. Can't wait.

I'm surprised all bladers don't want a pair!



May 19, 2013Relate2Videos

Bladers used to use these all the time, heelys kind of messed up soaps groove. Nonetheless welcome to the site bro.

May 19, 2013kowalski

I read a lot about that on this site over the last few days. Interesting story.

Possibly not the end of the story though.

Quick newbie question: Is it realistic to grind in random situations? Like just walking about and hit a rail or the back of a bench. Or do you need to put a stack of wax down first?



May 19, 2013kowalski

And, thanks for the welcome.

May 19, 2013camaro126

You can grind random situations but it depends on the surface. Painted curbs work great, unpainted ones not so much. I've found that wood benches are great for sliding with no wax but so are concrete benches, just depends. Rails shouldn't be grindable with no wax but again it depends on the rail. If it's painted it should be fine.

May 20, 2013Relate2Videos

Thats up to you bro, but im not going to lie wax helps a lot. Ive found the best waxes to be parafin wax, beeswax, a combination of the two (I think thats technically ledge butter), just not surfer wax or sticky waxes.

Also a pvc pipe makes a perfect practice rail, I also remember it being really cheap. Bend it on one end so it doesnt roll around in the dirt.

Just a few tips.

May 20, 2013zelda

Yup soap has a sad story :/ hopefully it will have a happy ending tho

May 20, 2013camaro126

I just bought a candle from the dollar store. Idk what kinda wax that is but it works. If you know someone who can weld, welding some pipe together is also a cheap way of doing it. PVC works great too.

My favorite things to grind are painted curbs with a bit of wax. You can really get going good on those and they're easy for beginners like me.

May 20, 2013kowalski

Thanks for the tips.

You guys don't blade? It is hella fun ... plus, you already know how to balance and grind.



May 20, 2013Relate2Videos

If cash is a problem, the wax at the dollar store works, I'm just sayimg the waxes I listed definitely work best. If you ever have a summer job or whatnot, I would seriously consider buying some.

May 21, 2013kowalski

Exciting times! I just got confirmation of delivery from the courier.

My Soap Scabs are in Manchester, England.
I am in Cartagena, Spain.
I arrive on Thursday at 1am UK time.

Between now and then beer and tapas!



May 23, 2013kowalski

Arrived a couple of hours ago. Got my Soaps. Been wearing them ever since.

They seem really comfy and hold my foot well. I've been practicing on the marble steps in the front of my flat.

Took me a bit to land right because I am used to landing on my my heels or on the balls of my feet. It is pretty unusual to land on the arch of your foot.

Finally got the plates onto the curb a couple of times and now it is sleep o'clock.

More Soaping tomorrow.



May 23, 2013camaro126

Yeah it took me a while to be able to land it right. Once you get that down then it's all about balance.

May 29, 2013kowalski

Ha ha!

I bought another pair of black/grey Scabs. They are so cheap and there are so few left in my size. I'm enjoying this shit, so why not.

They will be delivered today.

I'm leaving Manchester today and they will arrive after I leave, but as they are identical to my current pair, I don't really need them until I have worn these down.


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