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Wikipedia Page for Soap Shoes Now updated
Jun 5, 2013 by Relate2Videos


Let me know if you guys have anything else to add to it, I'd highly recommend including the pages about why Soap Died quoted by Renny Castilo, however I don't have a lot of time.

Peace out.

Jun 5, 2013kowalski

So, Sequential Brands Group only bought Heelys in the middle of December and they subsequently took down the old www.soapshoes.com site and now there is the default "under-development" message showing there.

This is very recent.

Does anyone have any clue as to Sequential Brands Group's intentions for Soap?

I googled them and found very little except this document where they acknowledge ownership of Soap and their right to manufacture both wheeled and non-wheeled shoes using the trademarks they own (including Soap).


Jun 5, 2013kowalski

I just sent them the following e-mail:

Jun 5, 2013kowalski


I read that you recently acquired the Heelys brand and with it the Soap Shoes brand. Soap Shoes have been out of manufacture for some time now. Currently only a few pairs remain available for sale, mostly at www.rawk.com/c98/soap-shoes/ in the UK and at http://www.bladeschool.com.au/soap.html

There are even some Soap Shoes currently for sale on eBay in America at $500! (http://www.ebay.com/itm/RARE-VINTAGE-SOAP-Black-suede-Mens-size-9-VERY-GOOD-CONDITION-/281116597302?pt=US_Men_s_Shoes&;)

There is a small but dedicated and dying community of Soapers mainly supported by the following forum - http://www.solidgrind.com/forum/

As a lover of Soap Shoes I am interested to know if you have intentions to restart the manufacture of Soap Shoes. Any information you can provide about the possible future for Soap Shoes will be greatly appreciated.



Jun 5, 2013Relate2Videos

truth be told bro I've been seeing some more activity on the site recently, so I would have included that in the email.

But it's said and done, I guess give them a call to follow up with them. We haven't heard back so as far as I'm concerned, they aren't going to do anything.

As quoted from Steve Deel, SOAP will probably not get any attention at all now.

Jun 5, 2013zelda

It'd be great to start another petition to show a lot of people still interested :/ I doubt they would count the activity on this site as a good reference regrettably. You should get a group together man hahah, a soap shoes picketing I say!

Jun 5, 2013gongon1037

I just called the Sequential Brands Group again and they finally answered my call, but when they passed me over to someone else they told me to leave a message. I gave them my name and phone number, so they have my info and now we play the waiting game. hopefully they get back to me I have so much to ask them

Jun 5, 2013Relate2Videos

If you haven't heard back after all this time, maybe give them another call back

Jun 5, 2013gongon1037

I will if they don't call me back in the next 3 hours. I'm not done with them yet ;)

Jun 5, 2013kowalski

I would give them 24 hours to return a call. That is pretty standard in business.



Jun 5, 2013Relate2Videos

a few people have been trying to contact them for a while

Feb 20, 2015Waffle

Call em!
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