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Shoe profiles
Jun 9, 2013 by kowalski

I am super-curious, what shoes are you all grinding in?

I have listed my grind shoes in my profile. I think it is the best place to list it because it is the only bit of the forum we can edit and update.

It'd be cool if you guys did it too.

Jun 9, 2013Relate2Videos

Besides something with a sole plate, my favorites were always the sylons with a pair of bbk grind plates with grooves in them.

If I wasn't using those, I would use the scorchers especially for rails. Scorchers are the lightest SOAPs and are made like running shoes.

Sexy, well designed, great shoes.

Jun 9, 2013Mike3266

Exact same as you Kowalski, haha. (Black/Grey Size 12 Scabs) I'm going to pick up some yellow laces for mine today if I can find them.

My dream pair of Soaps would be Bumblebee Scabs (In case you guys can't tell I like the color yellow :P) or Red Scorchers.

Jun 9, 2013zelda

the newest scabs with some bbks are actually amazing shoes no joke. so yeah bumblebee scabs with yellow bbks would be the shit, they're definitely one of the best looking shoes

Jun 9, 2013kowalski

I hope they get some in stock for you with the next order they make at rawk, Mike.

Jun 9, 2013Relate2Videos

you might want to send a request for those scabs. it's highly unlikely because the scabs haven't been made in years but its worth a shot.

Jun 9, 2013mindreader

im not sure because i havent tried soaping yet but some scabs broadsides or sylons sound great. oh yeah and scorchers lolz

Jun 9, 2013Mike3266

Any idea how soon they are planning on restocking? And hopefully they'll have some UK 11's for people like me with big feet :/

Jun 9, 2013manofmisery

not sure but id recommend emailing them wouldnt hurt it shows interest in the shoes

Jun 9, 2013Relate2Videos

Truth be told Mike you are better off emailing them, I'm not sure when they get their shipments. I didn't even know they were still getting shipments until someone posted it.

I'm psyched this is pretty good news haha

Jun 9, 2013kowalski

I replied to their mail yesterday asking them if they would drop a post on here when they restock because we would appreciate it and, more importantly for them, because it would be good for business.

Anyone showing any interest in any company that is doing anything with any grind shoes is beneficial to the cause though. So do email them.

Jun 9, 2013Mike3266

I'll get on it, got my fingers crossed haha.

Jun 9, 2013mindreader

yo lee send me an email haha

Jun 9, 2013mindreader

i have questions about soaping and stuff it lookslike your girlfriend is good at it im sure youre better

Jun 9, 2013Relate2Videos

Yeah give me a shout too all I'm doing is studying for this midterm -_-

Jun 9, 2013kowalski

I'm pretty new to it.

You can ask me anything you want but if you want tips on how to be awesome at Soaping, I don't know yet!

Jun 9, 2013Relate2Videos

ill give you a hand mindreader just post it on the forums. I know all the tricks the relate guys and inline skaters used to do you're in good hands bro.

Jun 9, 2013camaro126

Yeah the bumblebee scabs are awesome. Wish they had them in 12s. I have some Black/Grey and Smoke scabs also a pair of clean white soaps. I do most of my soaping in smokes with black bbks though.

Jun 10, 2013camaro126

Here's a pic of my Smokes. Got some custom checker laces. ^_^

Jun 10, 2013Relate2Videos


Jun 10, 2013Mike3266

Found some yellow laces today, and I decided to try double cross lacing them and they look great, plus still stay nice and tight!


Jun 10, 2013camaro126

That's awesome! I love the bumblebees I would pay a nice chunk of change for some in my size. I might have to get some yellow laces for my scabs.

Jun 10, 2013Mike3266

Thanks man, really like your Smokes and the checker laces you've got on 'em, they match the shoe quite nicely

Jun 10, 2013kowalski

The check laced really work on those Scabs, man. Totally styling.

Jun 10, 2013gongon1037

that's a nice look. I once put white laces on my black cleans for a few months. I wish I took a pic before I switched them again lol. It fun to modify your shoes

Jun 10, 2013Relate2Videos

nice work bro

Jun 10, 2013zelda


Jun 10, 2013mindreader

i want a pair lol

Jun 10, 2013camaro126

Oh yeah I have the opposite of that gongon. I have white cleans with black laces. Looks good!

Jun 10, 2013gongon1037

Thanks! I have white cleans also.

I actually thought of coloring them green or red, but I don't know how. I have a cousin that knows how to do all that, but I wont get to see him till the summer.

Jun 10, 2013gongon1037

its summer now actually :P

I wont see him till august

Jun 19, 2013camaro126

Decided to switch it back to the black scabs and just put on some nice grey laces. Looks better with custom laces. :)

Jun 19, 2013kowalski

How come you got BBKs on both pairs of Scabs?

The Scabs I have here came with Originals.

Jun 19, 2013extremesoaper12

Usually I wear my black cleans with slo bro plates. if i wanna grind ledges, i wear my grey t bones

Jun 19, 2013Relate2Videos

You might not want to grind ledges with t bones

Jun 19, 2013Revengasaur

I came up in expresses, rocked some flint ordinance with BBKs for a long time, then used whatever shoes I scored off of ebay for a while. Now that I have a deep library of soaps, I think I have found Squeaky Cleans to be one of my favorites (Sorry Travis, lol). Right in there with Cleans and Scabs. I usually just swap out the same set of well groved BBKs, but sometimes I'll use a pair of Slobros (for rails only) and if I'm grinding concrete ledges, UHF originals will do the trick.

Jun 19, 2013Revengasaur


My BBKs grew on a tree, haha.

Jun 19, 2013camaro126

My scabs came with originals but I just interchange them with the same pair of bbks.

Jun 19, 2013kowalski

I only have Originals. Hopefully, I'll have different plates soon.

Jun 19, 2013camaro126

Imo, from what I've done is that originals are better for concrete curbs and BBKs are much better for rails. I would like a pair of curb busters though..

Jun 25, 2013extremesoaper12

My dad helped me carve a groove in my uhf originals, and they have as much lock on as my slobros

Sep 20, 2013Revengasaur

Bump for cool plate talk.

Sep 21, 2013gongon1037

I'm always using my black cleans with white bbk plates. I use my chaos second, my scabs third, and my squeaky cleans when im with family, or just walking in a mall.

Sep 21, 2013VintageGMan

Always using my white sylon (BBK.) for Rail and ledge, my chaos for rails, just started wearing my slate daggits in (bbk) and my Mr Wilsons for when I just need to do soul tricks on rails (they are gettin very worn though).

Sep 21, 2013VintageGMan

Always using my white sylon (BBK.) for Rail and ledge, my chaos for rails, just started wearing my slate daggits in (bbk) and my Mr Wilsons for when I just need to do soul tricks on rails (they are gettin very worn though).
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